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I Have Poly-Cystic-Ovarian-Syndrome (PCOS)

Updated on April 29, 2018

The Effects of PCOS

In medical terms PCOS also known as Poly-cystic-Ovarian-Syndrome {is a hormonal imbalance of a woman's body in which she has too much of the hormone Androgen.} PCOS is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting female reproductive health today, at least one out of every ten women have PCOS. This disorder is very devastating, it puts a woman's hormones at war with her own body.

PCOS causes your body to become insulin resistant, because of this your body does not recognize carbohydrates as energy that it needs to burn, it just turns to fat and you pack on extra pounds because of it. A woman with PCOS can easily find herself weighing 300 pounds by eating exactly what her friends eat, maybe even less. Because of this it can also cause Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Strokes, Cancer, High Cholesterol, even Miscarriages in the event you actually manage to finally get pregnant with PCOS, not to mention the constant pain it can cause, due to the cysts that are growing on your ovaries, depression and those are just a couple of things going on inside the body.

There are also many things your body goes through on the outside as well. One of the most embarrassing especially since you are a woman would have to be the facial hair, and in some women even hair loss. It also causes acne on your body as well as your face, and skin tags which are little pieces of flesh colored skin. There is no cure for PCOS, the only thing you can do is try to manage it. By eating a diet low in carbs and excess sugar like a diabetic, getting plenty of exercise, or by taking different medicines, personally I like the diet and exercise better.


PCOS Sucks!!!!!!!

I am not just a person writing a report I have PCOS.I was diagnosed with this disorder when I was 18. When I first found out I did not know what to think.One of the first things that came out my Doctor's mouth was the fact that I may not be able to have children and even if I got pregnant I have a higher chance of having a miscarriage. This was one of the most devastating things for me to hear. Then he starts explaining some of the other things PCOS can cause to me. Half of them I was already experiencing like the weight gain hair on my chin and acne.

He put me on spironolactone which caused some side effects of its own, like constant dry mouth, dry, scaly skin and sun sensitivity. Plus my stomach was upset and grumbling all the time. I started to lose a little weight but I still had extremely bad cramps during my periods, due to my PCOS. He tried switching the doses around several times but it never seemed to be quite right, he suggested a medicine used for diabetics, but once I heard some of the side effects, I decided to try an alternative method so I searched online.

The diet for a person with PCOS is basically the same diet as a diabetic. Low carbs, low in sugar, plenty of vegetables and fruits. The exercise is walking, jogging or normal aerobic activity. At first I thought it would not work but shortly after realized it works at least at helping me losing weight. I started losing weight within the first month not a whole lot but at least it was not gaining. I still have a little ways to go but have lost an excessive amount of weight since I first started. It has not been easy but then again it is hard for people without PCOS to lose weight as well.

I still have the facial hair somewhat, well whiskers on my chin which I pull out with tweezers. How embarrassing is that? I make sure I am always whisker free around my husband he calls me his beauty. He told me he cannot even tell I have any hair on my chin, but as much as he insists that, I know it is there. I have a couple of skin tags under my armpit which I can live with, no big deal compared to all the other things going on inside me because of PCOS.

I have been trying to get pregnant for over three years with no luck. I have taken at least 20 pregnancy tests and every single time nothing; except for the one time the line bled so it looked like two lines, talk about depressing I cried for days. I keep hoping if I keep up with my diet and everything I will finally get pregnant, I hope one day I will. I know some people will read this and wonder why I put something so personal up here and the reason is to get awareness out there and to let other people with PCOS know they are not alone.


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