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How To Lose Weight for Good

Updated on April 8, 2020
Anita Hasch profile image

Anita has been writing for hub pages for a number of years. She is interested in many different genres.


Diet Successfully

How to Diet Successfully

To stick to a diet can be difficult. But if you want to lose that weight you need to be motivated. You also need all the help you can get. Achieving your ideal weight you need to make a few life changes. If you don’t you will soon gain what you have lost.

What Motivates You Too Start a Diet

  • To look more attractive.
  • To be a size smaller for an important event.
  • To look attractive this summer in your new swim suit.
  • Health concerns.
  • Pressured by friends or family.


Keep That Weight Off

How to Keep That Weight Off

  • Taking off weight need not be a temporary thing.
  • It should become a way of life.
  • Eating right and exercising habits that eventually become second nature to you.

Lose a Few Kilograms

  • Cut out one slice of bread every day and off go nearly three kilograms.
  • Eat two rashers of bacon less once a week and cut 700 grams.
  • Cut your sugar intake by two teaspoons a day and weigh one and a half kilograms less.
  • One piece of cake a week less and lose more than two kilograms.
  • Exchange grilled chicken (half a chicken, 1070 kilojoules) for fried chicken (half a chicken, 1 940 kilojoules.)
  • Substitute a poached or boiled egg for a fried egg and save 140 kilojoules.
  • Consider the amount of weight you could lose within a year.

Cooking Methods Count

  • Have your foods grilled, baked, steamed or boiled, and with fat trimmed away before cooking.
  • You can enhance the flavor of foods cooked without fat by adding herbs.

Exercise for Weight Control

  • You can jog, run on the spot or cycle at 20 kilometers an hour, and you will lose 25 to 35 kilojoules a minute.
  • If you do this for 20 minutes a day, burning up as many as 700 kilojoules, in a year you will lose the equivalent of eight kilograms.


Consider Smaller Portions

Consider Smaller Portions

  • If you love a particular high kilojoules dish, just have a smaller serving.
  • Eat smaller pieces of meat.
  • Eat more vegetables and salad.

Develop a Specific Plan.

  • To lose even half a kilogram you need to decrease food intake and increase physical activity by
  • 2 000 kilojoules a day.

Tips That Will Enable You to Eat Less

  • Drink more water. Having a glass or two of water before each meal can and make it easier to eat less.
  • It also helps the kidneys and aids digestion.
  • It can take 20 minutes from the start of a meal for the stomach to begin to signal satiety feelings to the brain.
  • You can get that satisfied feeling with a light meal instead of a heavy one if you eat slowly.
  • Dietary fiber, in wholegrain breads, vegetables and fruits, takes more chewing than refined foods.

Realize What Mindset Causes You To Break Your Diet.

Knowledge is power.

  • You’re celebrating a happy occasion.
  • You feel angry after an argument.
  • Boredom
  • You’re preparing food for a party

What Do You Do In The Following Situations

Give yourself a treat.

  • Your clothes start to feel too big and you’ve gone down a size.
  • You go to a party and everyone tells you how great you look
  • You weigh yourself and see a good weight loss.


This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2017 Anita Hasch


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