The Biggest Loser 2011: Week One of Missy Versus Jordan
Welcome Back to Biggest Loser 2011: Missy Versus Jordan!
Thanks for joining us for week one of our Biggest Loser weight loss contest. We're glad you're here.
In this hub, you'll find out who's winning our personal Biggest Loser weight loss challenge, the obstacles we faced, and what we plan on changing for the following weeks.
All in all, the first week of our weight loss contest went rather well; Jordan and I are each off to a great start (at least I think we are; Jordan's a little harder on himself than I am). Are you ready to know who the leader is for the Biggest Loser 2011: Missy Versus Jordan so far? The results may surprise you.
A Brief Recap of Who We Are and Why We Started Our Own Personal Biggest Loser Weight Loss Contest
If you missed the introductory hub for our Biggest Loser weight loss contest, you can find a link at the end of this article.
My name is Missy Nolan, and Jordan Bucher is my boyfriend. We have similar weight loss goals, but needed an incentive to achieve them. We're both competitive people, so we're having our own Biggest Loser weight loss challenge. Here is our height, current weight, and goal weight:
- Jordan is 6'1'' and weighs 270.6lbs. His goal weight is 220lbs.
- I am 5'3'' and weigh 180.2lbs. My goal weight is 135lbs.
That means Jordan wants to lose 50.6lbs, and I want to lose 45.2lbs.
The Challenges Missy Faced
I'm happy with the results of our Biggest Loser weight loss challenge so far, but there were a few obstacles and issues I encountered over the last week:
- Emotional eating
I was upset about some stuff I found on Facebook, and ended up eating half a carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream one night. And some Fritos. Okay, and maybe some Nutella straight from the jar.
- Gym shoes that don't fit
After spending most of my pregnancy in flip flops, slippers, and ballet flats, I was shocked to discover that my Pumas and Nikes were both too small. I learned this the hard way, after my heels started bleeding during a workout.
Unfortunately, I can't afford new shoes for about 2 more weeks, so I'm just wearing double socks and Band-aids til then. Not the best plan, I know; however, I'm not sure what else to do until then. I can't borrow shoes, because none of my friends wear a 9.5 wide.
- Workout restrictions
I just had a baby 7 weeks ago, so I can't really exercise hardcore yet. I had a c-section, and my doctor said I could probably resume regular workout activities after 8 weeks. Until then, you'll find me on the treadmill, walking slowly.
The Challenges Jordan Faced
Jordan did rather well in the Biggest Loser weight loss challenge over the last week, but he still faced a few obstacles:
- Overeating
Jordan hasn't completely mastered portion control yet, although he did measure out his cereal and milk for a couple of days to get an idea of what a proper serving size was.
- Eating when bored
I'm an emotional eater, and Jordan is a bored eater. I was gone for a few hours one night, and came home to find an empty ice cream container and a half-eaten bag of chips.
- Getting enough time at the gym
When you have 2 jobs, 2 kids at home, and a girlfriend, life can get hectic.
Things Missy Will Change
- Get rid of temptations
I think I'm going to have to get rid of all of the junk food in our house. As I said in my last hub, I'm usually a healthy eater; however, when I get stressed or depressed, I crave carbs, chocolate, and salt.
- Find a workout buddy
Whenever I go to the gym alone, I get bored and don't work as hard. I also leave sooner, because I have nobody to hold me accountable for my actions.
- Buy shoes that fit
I'm broke for now, so I'm going to try and trade in some clothes at Plato's Closet for tennis shoes. I'll buy better ones when I get paid.
Things Jordan Will Change
Jordan has several goals for the rest of our weight loss challenge:
- More gym time
He went 3 times last week, but would prefer to do 4-5 workout sessions per week.
- More water
Currently, Jordan drinks 80 ounces of water each day. His goal is 120 ounces.
- Less Dinner
Overeating at breakfast and lunch time isn't usually an issue, but Jordan feels like he eats too much at dinner time. He'd like to start eating from the smaller plates in our cabinets to help control how much he eats.
Who is Winning the Biggest Loser 2011: Missy Versus Jordan?
Are you ready for the results of our first weekly weigh-in? Here they are:
- Jordan weighed in at 266.4lbs, which means he lost 4.2lbs and 1.55% of his body weight.
- I weighed in at 177.4lbs, which means I lost 2.8lbs and 1.55% of my body weight.
Yep, you read that correctly; Jordan and I are currently tied in our Biggest Loser weight loss contest. We were pretty surprised to see that we had both lost the exact same percentage of body weight.
That's okay, though. I love when things are tied. It makes the competition more fun.
Are you surprised by the current results of our Biggest Loser weight loss contest?
When Can I Read the Next Biggest Loser 2011: Missy Versus Jordan Hub?
Jordan and I weigh in every Thursday evening, so I'll post the results on Thursday night or Friday morning each week.
Who will win the Biggest Loser weight loss challenge: Missy or Jordan?
Need to Read or Review Our First Biggest Loser Hub?
- The Biggest Loser 2011: Missy Versus Jordan
Like many people, my boyfriend and I love The Biggest Loser. But before I start rambling on about The Biggest Loser, perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Missy Nolan, and Jordan Bucher is my...