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The Old-fashion Vs the Modern Life
The Old-fashion Vs the Modern Life
Growing up with modern values allowed for a different lifestyle. I didn't know of any other kind of life and had adapted to living an interesting, and respectful way of life.
Apart from certain traditional values life is great!
I learned more about the modern lifestyle. It is just about how I was raised and taught to grow in a new world. This is from my parents as it is from your parents.
You learn about your family traits and I learned from that. Often, one of the two parents would be the old-fashioned one while the other is the modern type.
Do you believe in a modern lifestyle, or are you the old-fashioned type and won't look further than that?
Do you prefer old-fashioned values to modern values?
Is society lacking old-fashion values, thus the reason for so much corruption in parenting?
I was raised to learn about respect and to be disciplined. To speak properly with a calm voice and to treat others with respect, and care, also, to respect the elders, to show good habits and to be me.
I learned to be appreciative and to always have manners, and I know the values of my tradition and was raised without being restricted.
There were no boundaries or taking away any of my pleasures.
In other words. I didn't have to face up to any consequences.
I knew what I should do and didn't go beyond that. Helping around the house was a normal day-to-day routine, so I didn't ignore that part of my life.
Off-course, I respect our traditional values but don't practice the old-fashioned values. In my life, I focused on modern lifestyles and grew used to that way of life.
Old-fashioned values are worth it, but I didn't practice that when raised my son. Life is different and I chose to live it that way.
I understand that the old-fashioned values worked better for many individuals. Everything is about acceptance. Though, it is very hard to raise a child in this century.
Most parents tend to have issues and looking back on the old-fashioned lifestyles there were issues too, in a different way.
You can't raise your child as you were raised back in the day.
Now see it from their eyes and know how to change a little. You shouldn't expect everything to be the same as it once was in your day. Grow and change and take in what your child tells you.
Valuable lessons are learned through your experiences. The old-fashioned lifestyle is a way in this modern lifestyle and is not for every parent or other individual.
Children raised in modern lifestyles don't have respect for their parents. In my life, I enjoy being a modern parent and seeing the different aspects of life as my son sees them.
I understand what he needs to do and why he needs to do that. The old-fashioned parent will find it hard to understand the modern lifestyles of their child or children.
Old-schooled and confused about life is how most old-fashioned parents are and that can't be changed. You know it doesn't cost a dime to live by values and lessons.
As a parent, it must be difficult to cope with a teen, or with a younger child. The advances are too much to handle.
The old-fashioned life is amazing if you are born into that generation. Anyone born into that culture and lifestyle will find life different to those who came afterwards.
The old-fashioned lifestyle I came to has changed a lot for me, and I still find it an issue to cope with at times.
People think and do differently and I won't do that. It is not that I refuse to live that old-fashioned lifestyle I don't want to be what I am not.
Falling into the old-fashioned life will change me and I won't be happy with that lifestyle. There are certain activities I enjoy gardening.
What is old-fashioned?
Do you think old-fashioned is when one decides to be the stay-home mom and take care of the kids and the home?
The one who cooks, cleans, and bakes daily and provides meals from scratch.
Conversations with the old-fashioned can be confusing, especially when the other person never wants to hear about how you spend your day.
When they do hear about how you spend your day, they look at it as not their way.
I have these issues with old-fashioned people.
I walk daily to keep fit.
I realized that others don't walk to keep.
Their lifestyles are different to mine.
Since I prefer to live that they feel I shouldn't or that it is not how a woman should live her life.
Their opinions don't coincide with mine and I don't expect their opinions to coincide with mine. To live as they do well, that won't happen.
I do what I enjoy not what others think I should do for myself.
My modern lifestyle is different to the old-fashioned lifestyle, and that makes me unique.
It is not normal for a woman to keep fit and live a positive lifestyle in the old-fashioned lifestyle.
Which do you prefer?
Sure, it is nice to have such modern lifestyles, but you can't rid of the old-fashioned aspects of your life.
Some people prefer the old-fashioned way of life.
Think about it, life is not just about cleaning up after the other person and keeping the house clean.
There is more to life than that, isn't it?
What you do is more about what balances out and works for you.
You all have values and grew up with valuable lessons.
What you do to make your lives simple is up to you.
Whether, old-fashion or modern both are important, but not for everyone.
I enjoy the company of my family and don't always focus on modern technology.
It doesn't mean you have to give up your old-fashioned life if you want to live a modern way of life.
You can make amends.
People struggle with everyday issues, be it modern or old-fashioned, and you are still faced with these challenges.
You can live a bit of both lifestyle to manage your lifestyles.
No partner will have one trait so show your personality in your own way.
Everything has changed over the years. You can try to grow with change or be stubborn and ignore modern lifestyles.
No partner will solve your issues and everything you do needs commitment and your full focus.
The Old-fashioned Vs the Modern Life is interesting and not for everyone
You will find that imperfect individual just don't change their imperfections.
Changing people is not a good plan or idea.
Work through your issues in the way you think is best for you.
Often, I hear about how people prefer the old ways and fail to pay attention to the new ways of life.
I live in a small community and among old-fashioned people.
They don't want to know what a modern way of life is.
I don't mind their lifestyles and I can't change the way they live and wouldn't like it if they tried to change my lifestyle.
We are the opposite of each other.
Everything I enjoy they didn't know of and don't consider as part of their culture.
My life is different, and they need to accept that or let go of it.
They think everything they do is right, and I think the opposite of that.
Women make preserves and often talk about how they enjoy doing it.
I tried and can't get into that way of life.
Our many differences don’t stop us from communicating with each other.
Do you think you are the perfect person because you are old-fashioned?
Old-fashion lifestyle and modern lifestyles
Do you prefer the Old-fashioned or the Modern way of life?
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2016 Devika Primić