The Raw Facts
Humans are the only mammal species that continue drinking milk after being weened.
Is continuing to drink milk past infancy unhealthy for us?
You will never see me gulp down a glass of pasteurized milk. Why? Because this milk, or what we like to think of as milk, is nothing but dead white liquid.
Raw milk is the one for me and my family; raw milk is the best. I'm fortunate because the farm I get my raw milk from has Jersey Cows (and I live in New Jersey), which are known for their abundant cream and delicious flavor.
The farm adheres to strict sanitary guidelines, as they must, so there is no need for pasteurization. The cattle graze in green pastures and eat grasses that are their natural food and best for ruminant animals (animals that chew cud).
These cows are not given growth hormones or antibiotics and are treated humanely. Their milk is rich with vitamins, amino acids, minerals and enzymes. This milk is not homogenized so there is a thick layer of cream on top, mmmmmm…Lucky cows, lucky me :o)
Dirty Milk
In essence, pasteurization is used to clean "dirty" milk. Pasteurization gives us a false sense of security. Pasteurization creates leeway for malnourished, abused cows to exist in unhealthy, unsanitary conditions because, hey, later we'll simply boil all of the bad germs to death.
In the early 1900's "swill," the by-products that grains distilleries threw out after making alcohol, were fed to cattle named "Distillery Cows," Malnourishment and disease were rampant among these cows. A natural consequence was tainted and toxic milk which made people ill.
What did the distillery farmers do?
Did they clean up their act or give the cattle the food they really needed to be healthy?
No. Instead, pasteurization of milk was introduced.
Prisoners of Pasteurization
Abraham Jacobi, MD, President of the American Medical Association at the time describing distillery dairies: "Part of New York was supplied by cows fed on brewer's swill in Long Island stables, which no cow had an opportunity to leave at any time after having been imprisoned there. There she was kept in foul air, standing or resting in her own manure, with no other food, sickening until her tail rotted off and her skin broke out in gangrenous ulcers, and she died. Such was a goodly part of the milk that reached our households. It was more or less white or bluish, more or less impure - or rather, dirty- half a day old. When it was used for the baby it was rarely strained or boiled, often mixed with water which was more or less impure...Food stuffs would deteriorate rapidly and intensely. Ice could be obtained by only the better situated families...I always advised boiling the milk for infants as soon as it arrived." - The Untold Story of Milk
You can read all about this and other important information in the book, "The Untold Story of Milk"
Milk is Heated at extremely high temperatures during pasteurization which not only kills bad bacteria but completely denatures the nutrition of raw milk.
Sadly, this amazing superfood is turned into nothing but dead white liquid. Synthetic vitamins like D2, a vitamin linked to liver disease, is added to this dead white liquid and is then called "healthy" milk.
If you drink pasteurized and homogenized milk (the way is the number one allergic food in the country), here are a list of problems that may arise: diarrhea, cramps, bloating, gas, gastrointestinal bleeding, iron-deficiency, skin rashes allergies, colic in infants, osteoporosis, tooth decay, arthritis, growth problems in children, heart disease, cancer, atherosclerosis, acne, recurrent ear infections in children, type 1 diabetes [I doubt this], rheumatoid arthritis, infertility, leukemia and autism.
Mind Games
Did you ever notice the expiration date on a carton of organic milk? The expiration date can be as much as two months. In actuality, ultra pasteurized milk can last unopened and unrefrigerated up to six months.
Organic milk doesn't have antibiotics or hormones, this is true, but ultra pasteurized milk is heated at even higher temperatures [tell us the actual temperatures]. Regular pasteurization destroys most of the nutrients but ultra pasteurization brings the nutrients down to zero, zilch, nada. This milk is dead, dead, dead.
Ultra pasteurization allows milk to be shipped much farther and reach people all over the country. Profits, profits, profits.
When people buy organic they expect high standards of quality and freshness. Milk that doesn't need to be refrigerated for six months should be a big red flag for people who buy organic milk, or any milk for that matter. That's why you will find ultra pasteurized milk in the refrigerator section. It's what we call a mind game. If the seller left it on the regular grocery store shelves, you'd be suspicious.
What's better, organic milk or conventional milk?
I love the Healthy Home Economist's answer to this: "That's a toughie.Kind of like choosing to die by lethal injection or by firing squad. Neither choice is optimal as there is no clear winner."
Heart Failure?
Who would think a simple process like blending the milk and cream together through homogenization may potentially cause something as deadly as heart failure?
In order to blend cream and milk together, distributors use high pressure pumps to pump raw milk through very small tubes. This action is done with such force that it breaks the fat globules into tiny fragmented pieces. Xanthinie oxidase( XO), an enzyme which is normally attached to fat globules in cows milk, is altered by this fierce pumping action. The normally large particles of XO are broken down so tiny that it facilitates absorption into the bloodstream, instead of harmlessly being subjected to the G.I. tract where XO would normally go.
According to the research of Dr. Kurt Oster, absorption of XO into the bloodstream promotes hardening of the arteries, which may cause angina, heart attacks, cognitive heart failure and strokes.
Candy and Garbage Cow Chow
Candy and Garbage - Cow Chow
You would think due to the skyrocketing prices of GMO corn and soy, due to the draught, that farmers would do the right thing and start giving their cattle grasses, or at least hay. Instead, they are giving their cattle food that makes GMO corn and soy seem like health food.
Farmers are now feeding their cows expired candy and cookie products like gummy worms, fruit loops and other sugar laden, high fructose corn syrup products, like marshmallows and cookies, in place of grains.
The crazy thing is, instead of people being appalled, many commend this as an "ingenious idea." Is anyone thinking of the cattle and the effect their milk will have on us and our families health?
As if candy and cookies aren't bad enough, 'swill' is being reintroduced. Swill is being mixed with the expired candy and fed to cattle. Candy and garbage? Not cool.
Why don't farmers do the logical thing, the right and decent thing and give their cattle grass?
Grass doesn't yield the abnormally high quantities of milk farmers are looking for. Profit is the primary factor here, not what's in the best interest of the cattle and the quality of their milk.
Raw Milk Builds Strong Bodies
The Maasai People, a nomadic tribe located in Kenya and northern Tanzaia, one of the toughest and most feared tribes, drink raw milk as their primary source of nutrition.
In the book, The Untold Story of Milk, naturopathic physician Ron Schmid reveals numerous stories of people who lived in perfect health on raw milk exclusively for up to 50 years.
" I have lived on a strictly milk diet for the past forty-two years, not as a matter of choice, but from the fact that I am unable to take solid food of any kind, even a crumb of bread. At the age of two years I took a dose of concentrated lye, which caused a stricture of the food pipe and since then have lived on a milk diet.
"I believe I have gotten along better than the man who eats. I am five feet, six inches tall, weigh one hundred and forty pounds, and am married and have four strong, healthy children. I take one quart at each mealtime and none between meals. My health is good, in fact I have never been ill in bed in forty-two years."
Raw Milk A Living Food
Raw milk is packed full of vital nutrients such as A,C,D,E,K.B1,B2, B6. Pantothenic acid, Biotin, Folic acid and B12, that strengthens the immune system, reduces food allergies and fights cancers. Raw milk contains many minerals like Potassium, Chloride, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iodine, Selenium, Cobalt and Chromium; helps prevent osteoporosis, improves bone density and lowers your risk of kidney stones.
If you are lactose intolerant and can not eat or drink dairy it most likely will clear up if you drink raw milk. Raw milk contains valuable enzymes which are important for proper digestion, such as, Amylase, Catalase, Lactase, Lactoperoxidase, Lipase, Phosphatase, which aids absorption of calcium in your bones.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)Reduces Body Fat
Raw milk contains, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), an essential fatty acid, which enhances your metabolism and builds muscle mass. A randomized, double-blind studyincluding 60 overweight or obese volunteers found that CLA reduces fat and preserves muscle tissue.
CLA is naturally present in mothers milk but as we get older we we can only get CLA in our diets: raw milk, grass fed meats and poultry. CLA also lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, prevents and treats diabetes, boosts your immune system and fights cancer.
Raw milk doesn't spoil, it sours and turns into nutritious clabbered milk, (buttermilk) which you can bake with, make yogurt, keifer (good bacteria), and cheese with. I make home made cereal with my clabbered milk. Raw milk is a living food with living enzymes and beneficial bacteria.
Unlike raw milk, shortly after conventional milk is opened, it spoils and turns rancid. This is because conventional pasteurized milk is dead. Lactic acid bacilli, (probiotic and friendly bacteria) are destroyed during pasteurization along with so many other benefits of raw milk.
Where To Buy Raw Milk
Unfortunately, sale of raw milk directly to consumers is banned in several states. Some people get around this by purchasing a small ownership of a cow. Once you are part owner of the cow it is legal for the farmer to sell you the raw milk.
Why is raw milk illegal? That is another very controversial subject and one that I have a lot to say about.
But that's another story, for another time.
If you go to you can find the states that sell raw milk.
You can purchase Miracle Whey here: All of the benefits of raw milk
Miracle way has all the benifits of raw milk
In the meantime, if you cannot get raw milk or are still afraid to try it for some reason, I have a great alternative. You can get all of the benefits of raw milk with Dr. Mercola's whey protein. This whey protein has all the benefits of raw milk. Made from grass-fed cows that have never been subjected to growth hormones, antibiotics or any other chemicals.
Low temperature drying and filtration methods ensure proper balance of fatty acids. Vitamins and minerals stay intact. A perfect alternative as close to the real thing as you can get and it's legal.
The Untold Story of Milk: Great information
Have any questions? Read this book, The Untold Story of Milk.
Now go drink your raw milk, it's good for you :o)
Ms. Immortal