The Top 10 Foods To Build Muscle And Burn Fat
Example Meal (Chicken breast, brown rice, and brocolli
10 best foods for muscle building and fat loss
In order to stay in shape or get in shape, a good eating plan or regimen are necessary. When working out eating is one of the most important aspects of getting your body in the shape you desire. Working out is more then just the actions taken at the gym. Food is a necessary and important aspect of honing your body into the machine you want it to be. The gym will give you the results you desire at much quicker speed if you take the time to eat correctly. The wait time for your desired body will be halved. I will be breaking down the foods I feel are best to eat and the effects of these foods on the body.
Chicken Breast
One of the most common workout main dishes is chicken. It is extremely high in protein and low in fat. The breast it the best part make sure you eat the white meat. Cook with garlic and onion powder for flavor. Use garlic salt sparingly. This will leave you with a delicious meal, chicken is always good when prepared correctly.
Turkey is a super food containing more protein then chicken and consisting of even less fat. It has other healthy properties too. I wouldn't eat it and then plan to go out because the turkey has tryptophan which will make you sleepy. This super food will keep you in great shape.
Easy to prepare and good to eat. A great pre and post workout food. Full of protein and minimal fat, I recommend eating out of a bowl and mix with a slight amount of mayo if the taste is too strong.
One of the leanest of all the foods listed, it contains virtually no fat. High in protein and containing a great taste, salmon is one of the healthiest fish you can eat. I powerful post workout that will boost your bodies recovery.
Great snack with some healthy fats and a good level of protein. Almonds are a great snack and should be used to replace candies and pretzels. These nuts can increase your protein take and contain cravings.
It's not just for Popeye, it is important for everyone to partake in consumption of spinach. It contains vitamins necessary for the body to develop. Muscles can feed on spinach and an increase of its intake leads to higher levels of strength and awareness.
A top vegetable that actually helps the body recover from damages received during workouts. It is an ultimate food for weight lifters due to its nutrients and ability to promote muscle recovery, while increasing stamina.
Grapefruit is a super fruit, it is known as a fat burning food that will not only promote weight loss but essential help you immune system. check out This will give you all the info you need on grapefruit and its miracle like effects on the body.
Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice is a great carbohydrate and it helps the body recover and build muscle. The healthy carbohydrates do not turn to fat as most do. Other carbohydrates do not give vitamins and nutrients to the body so brown rice is extremely important.
Egg whites
Egg Whites
Pure Egg whites release the fat that comes from the yellow and keeps the cholesterol building out of the picture. At the same time the yellow has some essential vitamins, but for working out purposes it is necessary to take in as much protein as possible with as little fat as possible.
To sum it all up
All of these foods are necessary if you want to be healthy. Whether you want to stay in shape, lose weight, gain definition, or gain size you must eat these things if you want fast results. Now I'm not saying this is all you should or could eat. I'm saying that using this as a strong guideline is very important. It is truly helpful for individuals not only trying to stay in shape but those trying to get there. Remember it is important for you to eat well and exercise, but it is also important to have something you really like from time to time. Do not ever put yourself in a situation where you are miserable with what you feel like you need to eat. You must understand that moderation is important unless you are truly dedicated. Until you have trained your body to eat healthy consistently it'll be difficult to just switch. It's important to keep in mind that health is very important. Healthy eating is not simple. This will take time and dedication to get use to certain foods. On the bright side you will be able to come up with recipes that are healthy and tasty. It will just take some time to find what works. Now you must be realistic with yourself. Frying food kills its value and there will be other styles of cooking that will destroy the healthy properties of food. So remember come up with recipes to guide the food to be as good tasting and for you as possible.