There are many thing to be content with.
Experience contentment
There are many thing to be content with
Even if you have enough money, power, health, wealth, friends, house, good children and a good spouse and all that a man can get, still you can be sorrowful. There is an easy way to be not content with. Anyone and everyone can practice this. It doesn't matter whether you are young or old, Educated or uneducated, rich or poor, spiritual or material, you all can use it. You may be wondering, what is that.
If you want to feel pity about yourself and enter into the state of not content with and sorrowful, just look at those who are above you. Look at those people who are successful, accomplished than you. Looking at them, you can be sorrowful and say, look that guy, he has everything, and I do not have that much. You can feel pity about yourself.
Many of us knowingly or unknowingly practicing this principle and we are not happy the way we should. Let us look ourselves, examine ourselves. We are having many things which we need in our day to day life. We have enough food to live, we have enough clothes to wear, we have enough money to live. We have a nice house to live in. And our income is more than enough to sustain. Still, we are looking at the people above us and feel pity about ourselves. Looking at the things we do not have, we feel pity about ourselves.
Commercial advertisements on TV, Newspaper and Internet are doing the damage. They show us the Big and Beautiful houses, Expensive cars, glowing skin, shining teeth, flowing hair, Happiest family, healthy and happy children etc. Looking at those ads we feel, we are less privileged, we are nothing in front of others. Those advertisements are creating a craving for new things and products. They make a lot of money out of the craving of men and women who desire to look and feel good. Advertisers are spending thousands of dollars for a 30 or 60-second advertisement to make us feel we are less privileged. Beware of it.
If you look at the people below you and find out what they do not have, you would be grateful for what you have. Look at people who do not have food or shelter. Look at people who do not have enough clothes to protect them from the sun or cold. Look at the people who do not have good health and compare yourself with them. Yes God has given us many things in our life.
Let me ask you one question, Please count on the thing you have now than 10 years back. Hope you got a new car, or a new house, or other material things like a refrigerator, or a mobile phone, or TV set or computer etc. Just count what you have received which you did not have 10 or 15 years back. I'll wait.... Just count that.
Yes, you have received many things. You may be entered into a fulfilling relationship. Or you broke that bad relation and got out. There are many things to be grateful and happy.
It is the human tendency to look at people above in health, wealth, fame, power and feel bad about themselves. Now let us look at our life with a new perspective. Count on what we have and be happy about it. It is the only way to live a happy life. Give thanks to the Almighty for all that blessings.
God will bless you with abundance. That is what all the self-help gurus and motivational speakers talking about. Understanding and practicing that will give you happiness and content in your life.
May God Bless you.