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Tips For Office Workers With Deep Vein Thrombosis

Updated on November 25, 2012

Sedentary Lifestyle and Risk Factors

As we all know living a sedentary lifestyle is bad for the body but when you work in an office it can sometimes be difficult to get in enough activity to your day. Activity is important for the body because it keeps the circulation flowing nicely and prevents the blood from becoming sluggish and more likely to clot too much if there is damage to a blood vessel.

There are several risk factors for deep vein thrombosis so if you have more than one I would highly recommend implementing these tips and getting a check up with your health care provider:

  • Smoker: smoking reduces circulation which therefore makes blood flow sluggish
  • Obesity: carrying around a few extra pounds means that your body has to work harder and you're probably not as active anyway
  • Hospitalization, bed rest or immobility: all of these reduce blood flow and circulation
  • Birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy: higher estrogen levels make the blood sticky and therefore more likely to clot
  • Pre-existing medical conditions: certain medications and conditions slow down the heart rate and therefore the blood will have a tendency to become sluggish.
  • Family history of DVT or Pulmonary Embolisms: if someone else in your family has suffered from blood clots then you are likely to be at risk too.

Have you suffered from a deep vein thrombosis?

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What Is A Deep Vein Thrombosis?

A Deep Vein Thrombosis happens when damage to a blood vessel wall sends out a clotting response. If blood flow is sluggish or has a higher than normal tendency to clot (see video) then the blood clot can completely block with vein and cause pain, swelling, and changes in color and warmth to the skin. If you have any of these symptoms then get check out a medical professional to rule out a DVT. Most DVTs are not life threatening but will more often than not need a short course (sometimes lifetime treatment) of anticoagulants to thin the blood whilst the body dissolves the clot.

Please view the video below if you wish to know more.

How Blood Clots Form

Do you take regular breaks at work?

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Tips On Staying Healthy At The Office

Depending on how bad your DVT is, or has been, will obviously effect your mobility. For example, I have a 3 foot DVT on the left hand side of my body and it has done some serious damage to my leg so my rate of activity will be considerably lower than some one who had a small partial DVT that maybe damaged one valve in the vein.

Here are some tips that you should follow to lower your risk of making your DVT worse or getting another:

  • Keep hydrated: by drinking plenty of water you will keep your blood flowing smoothly through your veins so that it doesn't become sluggish and sticky.
  • Eat a healthy diet: by swapping out those chocolate bars for vegetables and fruit you will lose weight (another risk factor) and give your body the nutrients it needs to function and repair.
  • Take regular breaks: you should ideally be getting up to move around and stretch every hour. This keeps your muscles limber and prevents blood from pooling in the lower limbs.
  • Get some exercise during your lunch break: a quick stroll around the block will do the trick or some air squats in the bathroom. Getting your heart pumping will improve your circulation and cardiovascular fitness.
  • Elevate your legs: if you have a bad DVT like myself it is advisable to raise your legs on a foot stool as gravity will naturally help to return the blood back the heart and prevent blood pooling in the lower body.
  • Don't wear tight clothing: wear comfortable fitting clothes and shoes. Clothes that are tight or pinch restrict the blood flow and prevent proper movement of the muscles.
  • Take your medication on time: if you're on medication and you have to take it whilst at work then inform your line manager and you can arrange a dedicated time and space for you to take your medication in privacy (useful when you have to inject Clexane).
  • Wear compression socks: these help to improve circulation and help the legs get the blood back to the heart.

These are the main tips I would suggest for keeping healthy at the office and I practice them on a daily basis. If you have some others that you use or if you think I've left anything out then please leave a comment and I will update this hub as necessary.


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