Tips to Maintain Physical Well-being during Menstruation
The monthly cycle of menstruation is most hated by women but at the same time, it is also the most important one when it comes to physical well being. So staying fit and healthy will eventually lead to a good physical well being in every month. It happens that many females get their menses for more than five days. So very often women do get annoyed and irritated and ignore their health. But infact these are the days when you need to care more for your physical and mental health.
Are you well aware of the measures for good physical health during menstruation?
1) Stretches
Stretching is one of the most effective ways to get rid of muscle cramps. The location of muscle cramps during menses differs in every woman. Hence, some women are comfortable lying on their back while some on their stomach. But you can still manage to stretch your waist and hip muscles to reduce the pain of muscle cramps. This gives you a healthy and pain-free menstrual cycle.
2) Food choices
Menstruation gets you a package of mood swings and food cravings as well. Now the biggest question is, how to know if you are eating right? On a lighter note, it is totally okay to eat what you like, once in a month. During menstruation, there is a chance that the amount of hemoglobin in blood might get reduced slightly. Hence, it is important to eat more of iron based foods like spinach, beetroot, fruits and green veggies. Keeping your body hydrated is necessary to reduce the amount of fatigue level.
3) Easy Exercises
One should not indulge in heavy gym workout if there is more blood flow and severe muscle cramps. But it is good to perform some of the very basic exercises which do not strain your body. Trunk rotations, bridging, easy yogasanas not only helps in relieving the muscle cramps but also gives a sense of movement to your body.
4) Short Walk
If taking time out for doing exercises is difficult, then it is always advised to have a short distance walk for a few minutes. Walking helps in improving the digestion and acts as a good physical activity. Do not exceed the duration of your walk too much as it may lead to fatigue. A short rejuvenating walk is also better than a tiresome one.
5) Physical Hygiene
Last but not the least, physical hygiene is the most important and is the need of hour during menstruation. Many ladies are not aware about the hygiene measures during the days of menstrual cycle. Clean sanitary pads or sanitary napkins, self cleaning and clean clothes are very important for a hygienic lifestyle during menstruation. The more you maintain physical hygiene, lesser is the chance of infections.
Care for yourself at least five days in a month!
Every lady has her own priorities in daily life. But it is important to take good physical care during menstruation so as to avoid any further complications with respect to health. Many women do not consider their health as priority and then land up into problems liked poly cystic ovarian disease, future complications in pregnancy, menopause issues and many more. It is important to avoid these complications and hence physical well being should have be prioritized.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Natasha Tungare