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To Barack Obama: Thank You For Giving Me a Bit of Hope

Updated on March 23, 2010
March 23, 2010 - President Barack Obama Signs Revolutionary New Health Care Bill!
March 23, 2010 - President Barack Obama Signs Revolutionary New Health Care Bill!

Today, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, an historic piece of legislation that will expand health insurance coverage to include millions of Americans, and stop some of the worst health insurance industry practices.

To Barack Obama:

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am very ill and unable to work. I have gone without medical, dental, and vision care for the past 6 years. Thanks to you, hopefully now, I will be able to get Medicaid and be able to see a doctor, and also get my medications. If Senators Mitch McConnell & Bunning are not allowed to outlaw the new Bill in my state of Kentucky, that is. They are certainly doing their best to make sure Kentuckians will continue to go without health care.

To those who don't know: Barely ANY job offers health benefits in the state of Kentucky, Medicaid coverage is severely limited, and there are no free health care clinics, only ones that assess for WIC and give mammograms, and do nothing else.

Can you please work on faster and more efficient processing of Disability Claims in the Social Security Administration? I have been waiting for 2 1/2 years this go around, and been told it may be another whole year of waiting with no income and no medical care before I get an ALJ hearing. I can't survive much longer - I have already lost my home and am homeless and doing without medical care and all my medications.

All who are bad-mouthing Mr. Obama: Why are you so against human beings receiving medical care? What is wrong with you, anyway? You had no problem giving crooked bankers trillions, and trillions more to kill innocent people in the Middle East. You are a shame to humanity and need to grow some compassion. America will advance despite your idiocy.

Yes, maybe there are some things about this Bill that are not right - I don't like the part about penalizing people for not buying Health Insurance, either, and it probably IS unconstitutional. But the only reason it is there, is because the health insurance lobbyists, and the Republican recipients of BIG BRIBES PUT it there!

The bill provides for sliding-scale subsidized health care plans for those who earn from $14,000 to $36,000, and you will be able to get AFFORDABLE health insurance. And those earning less than $14,000 will get Medicaid that has been denied to single people with no children and under the age of 65 forever. Why would you NOT avail yourself of health insurance under these greatly improved conditions? You would have to be stupid not to.

To those who are already able to pay high health insurance premiums: this does not affect you in the slightest so what are you complaining about?

Finally, finally! There will be health care for America's poor and sick.

God Bless You, Mr. Barack Obama. I had almost lost hope. But now I have a little. Thanks to you, hopefully I will not be forced to DIE because of a lack of medical care and my essential medications that I need to live.

Thanks for giving me my life back. I apologize for not trusting you.

To the rest of you: You are all spitting into the wind, and get over it!

How the new Health Care Bill will affect you.


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