Today Is Not Just Another Day
Never Exactly The Same
Grateful For This Day
Today is truly a unique day, often viewed in an ordinary way. Though filled with wonder, grateful are those who know this day will never again occur exactly as it is right now and thus, treasure the moment that is.
Vivid colors and gentle hues, sounds of solitary images stream through my heart, matching the tempo of my pulse. Today is like no other day. I am moved and filled to overflow desiring nothing more than to give away the excess which cannot be contained. Unimaginable bliss is to release to the collective family that which originated from the source of all being, that which I was fortunate to encounter, even for an instant.
When I view the day from the perspective of it's unique quality I reach for it's newness; I reach for it's vitality...and it delivers! The energy of unconditional love ceases to flow only when I separate myself from you, when I fail to know that we are connected by the day that is - and that we breathe the same beauty and the same time and the same wisdom. We are, after all, the same heart. Denying it never changes that.
Today is a unique day among all the days that seem the same. If you look to your left, if you look to your right, or up, or down, and with the eyes of your heart wide open, you will never truly see the same image twice. Some minute aspect will change. It must be so and so must we.
With each new breath the possibility of creation ensues, moment by moment, image by image, wave by wave, today transitions into tomorrow, which is, by itself, another today unique and worthy of it's own incredible characteristics. Living is the realization that we bask in the warmth of change, we ensue, we participate in light, we dance in the presence of the variety of the universe.
The best part is - we can choose to bring it forth, not of our singularity but in conjunction with every other soul interacting rhythmically in a collective presence, infinite in it's grandeur, and waiting patiently for us to acknowledge our role in its existence.
Today is no ordinary day. It is extraordinary and in that, deserves only one response, our gratitude for including us in it!
Peace be with you my friends, peace be with you and may you enjoy this moment you have chosen to create!