How to Treat or Prevent Hair Loss
How Stinging Nettles Stop Hair Loss
Sting nettles are known as a weed that stings you. You can purchase stinging nettles to stop hair loss or you can pick sting nettles. Find out the benefits of sting nettles and how its used for men besides stopping baldness.
Stinging Nettles a Natural Remedy that Prevents or Stops Balding
Today baldness is frowned upon that is why so many are looking toward technology and medicine to fight baldness. Sense man kind someone or some company would claim to have a cure then they would profit. The fact is nobody had any cure but people continued to fall for it and those who developed some kind of formula profited. This is still a trend to this day in time. The funny thing is some of these people who sold this so called cure for balding was bald themselves. Think about it! Why would you buy a formula for baldness if the salesman is bald? Don’t you think the salesman would have used the product himself if it really worked?
Stinging Nettle
Urtica Dioica is the Scientific Name
Stinging Nettles is used externally to improve the appearance of the hair, and is said to be a remedy against oily hair and dandruff. The root of the stinging nettles is a natural remedy used for balding.
Saw Palmetto - Herbal DHT Blocker
The hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is linked to hair loss in both men and women although stinging nettles has not yet been proven to stop hair loss. Research shows that stinging nettle can prevent testosterone from converting to DHT, the hormone also responsible for male-pattern balding. It is believed that Nettle root extract contains chemicals which block 2 enzymes, 5a-reductase, which makes the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and aromatase enzyme, which makes estrogens. Studies showed that stinging nettle root extract was helpful in inhibiting these 2 enzymes which is the leading cause of hair loss.
More info. on Stinging Nettles
More on Hormones Dihydrotestosterone
This is probably the best known natural dht blocker. Studies have shown that saw palmetto is an effective anti-androgen. It acts in a similar way that propecia does. Firstly it lowers levels of DHT in the body by blocking 5 alpha-reductase. Secondly Saw Palmetto block receptor sites on cell membranes required for cells to absorb DHT.
Greene Deane Stinging Nettle Video
I Recommend All Greene Deane Videos
This is Greene Deane’s videos just in case you want to pick your own stinging nettles. As you know by now stinging nettles benefits are not limited to balding or baldness there are so many reasons to explore the possibilities of purchasing sting nettles or picking them wild and Greene Deane will show you in his video how to pick them without getting stung by these viscous plants.
You can learn a lot on his website not just about stinging nettles. If your experiencing hair loss its really more beneficial to pick these plants wild.