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Turmeric: Application and Dosage of the Miracle Root

Updated on November 30, 2019
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Jay is a fitness and health educator, who loves to share tips how to stay fit, healthy and full of energy.

Turmeric: Application and Dosage of the Miracle Root

As with all drugs, be they natural or chemical, the right dosage and application is enormously important. This is also the case with turmeric. The healing effect of the yellow root has been known for a long time. It is a fact that the miracle root turmeric is particularly well tolerated in comparison to synthetically produced drugs. With the right dosage there are also less side effects than with chemical agents. In order to develop its full effect, a few things should be taken into account when taking turmeric.

The active substances contained in turmeric are unfortunately not very good at being absorbed in the stomach. This means that it is difficult for the human body to absorb. There are several reasons for this. To improve absorption, it is advisable to take turmeric together with other foods. Otherwise, the active substances are simply excreted again. Therefore, pay attention to the following application tips. In this way you can ensure the healing effect of the tuber on your body.

Take turmeric together with black pepper

Black pepper contains about 6% piperine. This substance ensures that curcumin can be absorbed 20 times better by the human body than without the addition of piperine. One milligram of piperine should be taken per 100 mg of curcuma. This corresponds to a small pinch of pepper and is therefore very easy to integrate into everyday life. Season your next meal with turmeric and a little black pepper. People with a sensitive stomach may be sensitive to these two substances. If this is known to you or you have a tendency to heartburn, then you should slowly touch the two spices. If there are any side effects, stop taking turmeric and pepper.

Turmeric needs fats to work

The curcumin contained in turmeric is not soluble in water. Instead, curcurmin is fat-soluble. So if you want to include turmeric in your food, remember to use some vegetable oils such as olive oil or coconut oil when cooking. Combine fats with black pepper and the yellow tuber and you will feel the full effect. It also makes dishes really tasty. Don't be sparing when seasoning dishes. So you can ensure a good effect.

How to take turmeric

In addition to its use as a spice for cooking, there are several other ways of taking turmeric. Turmeric powder is mostly used for cooking. This gives a spicy taste and a nice yellow colour to the dish. You can also buy a fresh turmeric root and use it for cooking or in salads. The essential oils, which are still present in the fresh root, give dishes an extra stimulating taste. The third way to take turmeric is to take it in capsule form. This makes it much easier to take and is particularly suitable for people who do not like the taste of turmeric. When buying the capsules, make sure that it is a quality product and a pure product. Avoid buying such turmeric capsules abroad, as they are often contaminated with heavy metals and pesticides. In addition, it cannot be proven that what is written on the package is really inside.

Daily intake of turmeric

There are no exact guidelines as to how much turmeric an adult should take. However, studies give rough guidelines in which you can see for yourself which dose works best for you. It is recommended to take the following amounts of turmeric over a long period of time:

  • Fresh turmeric root: 1.5g to 3g per day
  • Turmeric extract (e.g. in capsule form): 1.2g to 1.8g per day
  • Turmeric powder: up to 13g per day

In the case of acute illnesses and short application of 3-5 days, up to 10 g of turmeric may be taken per day. This can provide relief in the event of a cold, for example. In both cases, however, the intake should be divided into three portions throughout the day. If there is pregnancy, a tendency to bleeding or gallstones, a doctor should be consulted before taking turmeric.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

© 2019 Jay Blue


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