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Turmeric and Its Healing Properties

Updated on November 30, 2019
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Jay is a fitness and health educator, who loves to share tips how to stay fit, healthy and full of energy.

Turmeric and its healing properties

One often hears a lot about turmeric and its health effects. But what is the truth about the legendary root? In Ayurvedic medicine turmeric has long been called the spice of life. The Asian spice is said to have numerous healing properties. In Germany, the tuber is mainly known as a spice. Turmeric is one of the main components of curry powder and gives the spice mixture its typical yellow colour. Food manufacturers use the substance in a variety of ways, for example to colour mustard or margarine. The Wunderknolle has much more to offer than just the colouring agent. Turmeric has many positive effects on the human body.

Turmeric helps with chronic pain

In Ayurvedic medicine turmeric has long been used as a painkiller and to treat various inflammatory diseases. Turmeric contains mainly cucurmin, as well as essential oils and proteins. This combination of active ingredients provides relief from inflammation or pain. In order to feel a change in your pain, you should supplement each meal with a teaspoon of turmeric. If you don't want to season every meal with turmeric, you can also buy the yellow tuber in capsule form.

Turmeric can prevent cancer

Every year about 250,000 people die of cancer in Germany. After cardiovascular diseases, cancer is thus the second most frequent cause of death in Germany. Turmeric is able to prevent cancer because the main active substance cucurmin can prevent the formation of metastases. But even if the cancer is already treated, it is advisable to eat turmeric regularly because cucurmin increases the intensity of radiation therapy.

Turmeric lowers cholesterol levels

Too high a cholesterol level is one of the most common widespread diseases. There are already many medications for this disease, but they are usually more chemical and have a variety of side effects. Curcuma can help here. The Indian spice turmeric is natural and offers an alternative for these drugs. It helps to lower the cholesterol level in the long run and to reduce the susceptibility to secondary diseases. Turmeric has an even stronger effect when mixed with other substances such as black pepper. To lower cholesterol you should try to maximize the effect as much as possible.

Turmeric ensures healthy and white teeth

Although turmeric is yellow, it gives beautiful white teeth. Our teeth and gums are exposed to many things every day that do not all have a positive effect on dental health. Food remains serve bacteria in the mouth as food, which attack and discolour the teeth. Even food leftovers that have not been completely removed while brushing can cause inflammation and lead to swelling and pain. This is where turmeric comes in, as it has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It improves the oral flora and promotes blood circulation throughout the gums.

Turmeric helps to lose weight

Turmeric has many properties that support weight loss and stimulate the metabolism. The effect already starts in the stomach. Turmeric stimulates the production of gastric juice. This ensures a fast digestion, an effective metabolism and prevents a feeling of fullness, as well as cravings. In addition Cucurmin provides for the formation of bile. This promotes the detoxification of the liver and stimulates the digestion of fat. All you have to do is add a teaspoon of turmeric to your daily meals.

Turmeric for diabetes

Turmeric has a positive effect on sugar transport and can therefore regulate blood sugar levels. One study found that people who regularly consume turmeric were 50% less likely to develop diabetes. So if you want to reduce your diabetes risk, it makes sense to take two to three teaspoons of turmeric a day. Besides, turmeric strengthens the immune system. This will help you to get sick less often and to overcome flu or colds much faster.

Turmeric can prevent Alzheimer's disease

Curcumin contained in turmeric is able to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Scientists have found that the rate of Alzheimer's disease is much lower in countries that consume a lot of turmeric. For example: In the USA, four times more people suffer from Alzheimer's than in India. But how does the yellow root prevent Alzheimer's disease? There are several factors that interact. The most important factor: turmeric reduces deposits in the brain, protects nerve cells and binds harmful metals.


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