Using Pinterest for Stress Management
Pinterest has become one of the leading sites for sharing recipes, crafts, holiday ideas, funny pictures and more. But many people don't realize the potential the site offers for stress management.
The site offers a way for people to become better organized, which can greatly reduce stress. Stress relief techniques are also being shared on Pinterest. And the site is a way to daydream and relax as well as a tool to become motivated and to connect with others.
So keep reading to find out how to put Pinterest to work in reducing stress in your life.
Using Pinterest to Find Stress Relief Techniques
One of the most basic ways that Pinterest can be used for stress management is to find stress relief techniques, tips, and ideas. Simple doing a Pinterest search for stress relief or management or a similar term will generate tons of pins with links and pictures about overcoming stress.
If you click on "Boards" after doing a search for stress relief or management, the site will show you boards you may be interested in following. Some of these boards were created by doctors and other professionals in the field of stress management that would be beneficial to follow on Pinterest.
Using Pinterest to Relax and Daydream
Browsing Pinterest can be relaxing. The site can also be used for daydreaming and letting your mind wander.
Daydreaming can be beneficial for reducing stress and has also been linked to improved memory in studies. Purposeful daydreaming can help with goal achievement and personal growth as well.
Here are some ways to daydream on Pinterest:
- Create a board for places you want to visit or just beautiful places.
- Make a bucket list of things you want to do or achieve in life.
- Pin humorous pictures that make you laugh. (Funny pictures would be doubly beneficial because laughter can cut down on stress.
- Find inspirational quotes that make you feel good.
- Search for the things you love and that make you happy and pin them.
Using Pinterest to Become More Organized
The source of stress for many people is too little organization. Rushing from place to place, taking care of the kids, juggling a job, putting together meals, cleaning the house, and all the things life is full of can be managed more effectively with organization.
Pinterest is a perfect tool for organization. Here are some ways the site can help you get organized:
- You can get your thoughts and ideas laid out in visual form with Pinboards.
- Create boards for categories of things in your life like gift ideas, cleaning tips, etc.
- Plus tips to save time, manage a budget, and clean more efficiently can be readily found on Pinterest.
Using Pinterest for Motivation
Pinterest can also be motivating. Seeing practical advice to achieve your goals and hearing stories of others who have achieved similar accomplishments can give you the push you need to move forward.
Use the site as motivation by doing these things:
- Pin tips and ideas to help you reach your goal.
- Find others who have already accomplished what you want to do.
- Look for inspirational quotes and pictures to get you moving forward.
- Create an accomplishment board to showcase your progress and the smaller goals you have finished.
Pinterest Suggestion
- Dr. Judy Belmont (judybelmont) on Pinterest
Dr. Belmont pins about self-help topics, inspirational quotes, personal development, and more that would be of interest to people working on reducing stress.
Using Pinterest to Connect to Others
Pinterest is a great place to connect with other people. Stronger connections can lead to reduced stress in general because it can make you feel more supported.
It can be a site to get a deeper sense of your loved ones' personalities and interests as well and to find people who share similar interests and hobbies as you.
You can meet new friends and find great websites to follow that make you feel good and help with your quality of life.