Ways To Reward Yourself Instead of Smoking
Reward Myself Without Smoking
These are just mine
FREE Video Lesson to stop smoking at NicotineSolutions.com
Please give me Ideas of how you reward yourself (without smoking) These are some ideas of rewards!!!
Grow your own flowers!
Pet your dog or cat or talk to them ..they do understand!
Planting and caring for a living thing is a wonderful growth experience!
Start your own garden with herbs, fruits and or vegetables.
Go to the zoo
Take a trip to the art museum
Take a walk in the park
Buy a new CD or DVD
Burn a scented candle
Get your hair done
Take a candlelit bubble bath
Go on a scenic bike ride
Take a walk in the countryside
Listen to relaxing music
Read a good book
Listen to a good book
Go to a movie
Rent an old favorite movie
Buy a new book and get lost in reading it!
Sign up for a course at a local college
Contribute time, treasure or talent to a local charity
Learn to use the computer, or become more proficient at it
Get a manicure
Get a pedicure
Paint a room in your home a vibrant new shade
Make curtains for a bright new look
Buy a new top
Buy a new pair of shoes
Go to the opera or symphony
Send yourself flowers...anonymously!
Adopt a pet
Study a 2nd language
Go to the library
Teach a child to read
Take up a new sport
Sew something
Take up woodworking
Learn a craft
Paint a picture
Go to the park with a sketchpad and sketch your world!
Volunteer for Big Brothers or Big Sisters
Volunteer for any good cause!
Bake cookies and deliver them to the local fire-house (be on the look out for hunks!)
Arrange a choral group to go sing at a local nursing home
Spend the day reading to the seniors at a nursing home
Do a random act of kindness
Soup kitchen duty
Go skydiving (yikes!)
Celebrate major Milestone reaching rewards:
A weekend at a bed and breakfast
A Spa Weekend
A full day of beauty and makeover
A new piece of jewelry
A new car
A 2nd Honeymoon
Build and equip a home gym
Put in a new pool
Begin your own business
Look for a new job
Pursue a new dream!
Splurge on a new coat
Take an exotic vacation
Visit an historic place
OR, how about a new “breakout” reward
Go skydiving (yikes again!)
Sing the national anthem at a sporting event
Try something you never thought you could do!
Join Myspace
Join Facebook
Make a hubpage ...Hubpages are kind of addictive once you do your first one!!