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How To Gain A Blast Of Happiness

Updated on April 26, 2020
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John D. Williams has written everything from articles to short stories, and even songs, going as far back as childhood. Writing is therapy.

Take A Deep Breath And Relax


What Do You Say?

Do you allow yourself time to escape and relax on a daily basis?

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Even kids take a second or two.
Even kids take a second or two.

Do We Have Time

That is a question many, many people ask themselves on a daily basis. Whether you are at work, at home, or at play, most of us try to think for the future. Though, simply put, we usually end up planning right now in the present.

Now, for a guy like me I have some free time at least every day of the week. How much depends on work, honey-do lists, parenting, and other factors. If work-life motivates you, then great, or if something else altogether. Do not allow yourselves to get bogged down, even if times are tough. However, most of us have a minute to spare, and what we do with that time can impact our lives every single day.

So, should we do?

Finding The Time

Well, if you only have a minute or two, try making that your personal happy time. It can make a bad day slightly more fulfulling. Take a breather. Allow a small break to clear your head and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, and deeply at that. You will slow down your heart rate while giving the mind a little time to relax and unwind. Doing this is not only a healthy trait to exercise for your mental capacity, but physically as well.

For those of you with a bit more time to spare, try physical exercise or just get up and move. We obviously know the benefits of exercising, don't we? Exercise cuts many physical risks, such as heart disease and cancers, yet is also good for clearing your mind just as with deep breathing. You will also breathe deeply while exercising too, so double the AWESOME factor! Just getting up and moving around will allow you to focus less on the stresses you currently have, and on whatever task or exercise you may be doing. That, at the very least is good for many to get away from the minutes of every day triggers that cause most of us anxiety, and the general feeling of being on edge.

While getting up to exercise or just get the blood flowing is gread for those with 15 to 20 minutes to spare, how about those people that can take an hour or so out of their hectic lifestyle? Ah-ha, how about you take a nap? Yes, a nap! If life's little curveballs keep you from hitting home runs on a particular day, take a load off and dose into dream land for an hour or so. Hopefully, the shortened dreams you experience will take you to a better place than the day has. The sound of a flowing stream and sights of birds in flight may not be far off. If not, you still receive a slight recharge of that all important internal battery.

Taking The Time

We are doing fine so far my friends, so grab a snack and let us continue. There are many folks who can spare a little more of their day to feed in a little personal time, or time well spent. If you have a few hours and/or possibly more to give, plus you have mowed the lawn, folded clothes, and already hit up the list on the fridge, then why not go fishing or head to a movie? Go enjoy nature for a bit, or head out and spend a buck or two on something you may have been wanting, maybe needing. Whether the buy is for yourself or somebody important to you, the feeling can be a positive one. This is a short blast of "FEEL GOOD" time!

Life is always appealing when you can get in touch with nature, a good film, or the power of purchasing. Not saying you need to be a crazed consumer, but a nice purchase every now and then makes an individual happy, while in many cases making others feel that joy as well. A good movie on the other hand will affect your emotions, and allow you to think outwardly just by experiencing life through moving pictures. With fishing, or a good hike in the woods, that will be very relaxing just as lounging on a blue-skied beach on a warm day can be.

Ok, now we are up to half a day, maybe more. Sleep can wait if fun and relaxation is at hand. Today we go to a ball game, tavern, arcade, play some mini-golf, hit the bowling lanes, the beach, and whatever else you and if inclined, yours, can fit into the flip side of a day. This being the section of a particular day when you have the most time to spare. Unless you are planning on a very long night, this part of the day is where you can squeeze in numerous things to unwind. Maybe you left work early this day or it is a Saturday afternoon. You have oodles of time, despite the minute hand constantly ticking. This, the day you will remember tomorrow and into the week is finally here. Enjoy! Let loose! If you have a full weekend for example, and some money, do all of these fun acts during back to back days. Do so with little worry about the EVER HATED AND UNANIMOUSLY DESPISED MONDAY! Have fun with the family, with friends, with yourself, whatever may be at play. Just relax and be happy.

If money is a problem, you can still enjoy your day away. Possibly even a weekend of pleasure. Beaches are usually free, camping is cheap, and having pals or girlfriends over to the homestead is always good conversation, while being full of memories. Get acquainted with your old guitar or enjoy a mini "STAYCATION," where you do nothing, nothing at all but sit in a recliner allowing those strained muscles and heavy mind to settle.

Oh, if travelling on a real vacation, then by all means try everything stated. Heck, fly on a plane if you have yet to do so, or take a boat trip. Color a book of cartoon characters, or write a spontaneous HUB. Why not a soothing massage? Heck, bungee jump if that is a desire. Make the most of that lingering time is what I am getting at, be it Fun In The Sun or Zen In The Den!

Do not however, give into father time until that time has come. Fill up your day and nights with adventure, mystery, excitement, and of course RELAXATION.

Respecting that Time

Personal time, as with family time is very important. When I speak of these little adventures, again, feel free to take your better half along or maybe your child. Escapism can be had by all. To me, my family is my happinesss, and besides the obvious "ME" time we all need to solitarily endure, many of these outings can involve the family. Assuming they have the time to do so, which if they pay attention here, they shall.

You also need not be a Yoga guru or practicing Buddhist to gain a bit of relaxation or joy. Just your mind and some time, my friends!

Remember this please, that I come to these perspectives channeling simple ideas, knowing how hard we good people work to make sure our lives are functioning on a healthy level, economically and socially. Personal responsibility my fellow humans, and yet with all motivational jargon put aside for a minute, I do understand time can obviously be hard to come by during any given day. Especially in today's world. I just believe the human body and mind needs a break, and no matter how quickly the 24 hour cycle seems to go by we can all take a sidestep throughout the day and bring us to a better place. Understand, we all have a minute or two my fellow and stressed out friends. Whether getting only 3 minutes, or 3 hours, just be sure to take it all in.

We can look forward to the future while fondly remembering the past, yet live in the now. Do not take anything on this EARTH for granted. Enjoy the big picture, along with the little ones. Just a simple reminder though, you only have one shot at the skin you are in. So, in essence, make the most out of life and its alloted time.

You have all heard this slogan before, "The World Is Your Oyster." Now go ahead and crack it open!



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