The Health Benefits of Vitamins and Minerals
Keeping Your Body Healthy
Our bodies never rest, our bodies are still functioning and running, even while we sleep. Which is why we should keep them strong, by filling them full of healthy vitamins and minerals, that are essential for keeping us alive.
You can get such a multitude of vitamins and minerals by eating a healthy diet, which includes whole foods like, grass-fed meats, fresh fruits, and veggies. When you get your vitamins and minerals from whole, natural foods, you usually don't have to take supplements.
However, If you are not able to meet your daily vitamin, and mineral recommendations, for whatever reason. Then you should consult your physician, to see if they think you should take a supplement, to help you reach your required vitamin, mineral intake.
Vitamin Must Haves For Weight-Loss
Eating a healthy diet, full of the right foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, can help promote weight-loss. Below are a few of the vitamins that have worked for me.
• Vitamin D- This Vitamin can be found in fish, liver, eggs, mushrooms, and Sunlight. This Vitamin is essential for a healthy organ function, which in return can help you lose weight.
• Vitamin B6- This Vitamin can be found in meats, bananas, vegetables, and tree nuts, and helps boost up your metabolism.
• Omega-3- Omega-3s, helps your body get rid of nasty built up toxins and helps aid with digestion.
Vitamin Must Haves For Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails
Having healthy skin, hair, and nails, starts from the way we nourish our bodies from the inside. Here a few of my favorite vitamins and minerals, for beautiful skin, hair, and nails.
• Vitamin E- You can find this Vitamin, in many fresh fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts, this Vitamin helps add moisture to your hair, skin and nails.
• Vitamin B7- This Vitamin is usually found in egg yolks, leafy greens, and peanuts, and is a necessary Vitamin, for healthy cell growth.
• Omega-3- Can be found in fish and nuts, Omega-3s are essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails.
You can also find these Vitamins in supplements, hair products, oils and lotions.
Remember, I am not a Doctor, always consult a physician before making drastic changes to your diet, or adding Vitamin supplements into your daily routine.
Do you take Vitamin Supplements?
I Am Not A Doctor!!!
Please consult a physician before taking any of these Vitamins, just because they have worked for me doesn't mean they will for you, and they might even be dangerous.
Some prescription drugs, don't mix well with Vitamins, and there are even some cases where a certain Vitamin, may harm you, depending on what kind of illness you may have.
Vitamins, Vitamins, Vitamins
• Vitamin B1
• Vitamin B2
• Vitamin B3
• Vitamin B5
• Vitamin B9
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin K
• Vitamin H
• Vitamin O
• Vitamin J
Vitamins are essential for normal cell growth, and for helping to keep our organs functioning properly.
| Deficiency
| Overdose
Vitamin A
| Night Blindness
| Hypervitaminosis A
Vitamin B3
| Pellagra
| Liver Damage
Vitamin B6
| Anemia
| Nerve Damage
Vitamin B12
| Megloblastic Anemia
| Acne-Like Rash
Vitamin C
| Scurvy
| Vitamin C Megadosage
Vitamin E
| Deficiency is rare- Steritily in males, and abortions in females.
| Increased Congestive heart Failure
Vitamins, like everything else should be taken correctly, and if you are consuming your vitamins in a supplement form, you should consult your physician first.
Always consult a physician if you are concerned whether your body is lacking or has too much of a certain Vitamin.