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What Your Favorite Color Reveals About You

Updated on March 26, 2013

Your Favorite Colors Reveal More Than You Think

Have you eve wondered why certain people, usually the shy ones, do not disclose certain if not most facts about their lives? Have you ever wondered how to get to know someone instantly? Well, truth be told, nobody can be known instantly, but learning about a person's favorite color o colors can and ultimately reveal more than you may expect.

Everybody has a favorite color or set of colors. It's a natural thing to do, have a favorite color, song, movie, book, etc. but what do these colors reveal about you personality? Lets go over that now.

I begin with my personal favorite color, RED. Red symbolizes vitality, health, and strength. Typically stating, red has been associated with any and all things negative, but this is ABSOLUTELY untrue. One can gather that having Red as their favorite color reveals that the person in question has immense strength, is highly health conscious, and feels things very deeply utilizing an 'all or nothing' personality. A sort of 'go-to' personality. One who gets things done. More traits that the Red personality has are impulsiveness, vigorous, aggressive, and genuinely outgoing. The Red personality is usually optimistic, yet quick to take sides. A person who needs variety in their life and cannot stand monotony. Some faults of the Red personality are sometimes unaware of their shortcomings, hence they are not introspective. A quiet Red personality is known to life giving qualities, feel the need for the warmth, and strength, usually disguising their feelings under a sober and unmovable straight face. Red Personalities love to be impetuous and live it up all they can.

PINK personalities tend to possess the more gentler qualities that of the Red personalities. This person is usually loving and affectionate without much driving passion. The Pink personalities tend to be more maternal, protecting, and a more sheltered life. The 'goody two shoes' of sort. Pink personalities are typically more friendly, calm, centered, and have a need to be loved, secure, and even have a more delicate appearing exterior.

ORANGE personalities are more flamboyant with a luxurious, fun-loving social round. Orange personalities are known to be drama queens and HAVE to be the center of attention, yet are somehow popular. The Orange people tend to be more fickle and vacillating but do ty to be agreeable. Orange is the color of youth, fearlessness, and curiosity.

WHITE personalities are simple to pinpoint. They tend to aim for purity and simplicity. Usually the minimalist personalities with a VERY structured lifestyle. Those drawn to the White are always holding onto a desire for perfection and impossible o grandiose ideals, typically the ones who seek the capture of their lost youth and freshness.

MAROON personalities are brought to maturity by harsh experiences in their past, so typically, more Maroon lovers are more mature. The people drawn to Maroon tend to be more likable and generous. A Maroon personality is simply, a former Red personality who has had a hard life filled with bad experiences but has pulled through much stronger, wiser, and has quite a story to tell. A Maroon personality is a mature Red.

GREEN, the color of harmonious peace, balance, and renewal. Green personalities are peaceful, liked by most, gentle, and sincere. Green people are frank, fairly sociable, but prefer peace at ANY cost. Green people can be exploited and taken advantage of easily by others, not really push-overs, but more of the 'too kind' type. The Green personality is more of a free spirit.

YELLOW personalities are wise, imaginative, and generally happy-go-lucky. Yellow personalities are thinkers who are adventurous, shrewd, and always searching for novelty and self-fulfillment. Yellows have a good head for business, possess a strong sense of humor, are precise thinkers, and have a clear sense of their own mental capacities.

PURPLE Lovers tend to be fastidious, witty, sensitive, and have a strong drive to be distinctive. A unique individual at heart. Purples tend to be aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood. People drawn to Purple tend to be tolerant, dignified, and unconventional, usually attracted to positions of authority and power.

BLUE personalities are soothing, soft, caring, and compassionate people who are patient, persevering, intellectual, refined, and self controlled. They are faithful, yet worriers by nature. They like to be admired and recognized for their steady character and wisdom. The Blue lover is the type that will remain calm in face of a crisis. Blue lovers tend to be cautious and suspicious of flamboyant behavior.

TEAL personalities are poised, discriminating, exacting, and attractive. Teal lovers are sensitive, intellectual, and self-contained, usually mistaken for being detached, but they are just not overly attached at the hip to their loved ones. They have excellent taste, are charming, courteous, and capable. Teals hold their own.

Lavender lovers will sometimes be known to live on a higher plane, and are always impeccably dressed. Lavenders are on a perpetual quest for culture and are sometimes socialites. They will do hard work but never get their hands dirty. They are witty, charming, and civilized people.

People who love BLACK, (my other favorite color) are dignified and impressive without being show-offs. They are reveal, giving off appearances of mystery while hiding their inner desires and worldly aims, suggesting inner longings and hidden depths. Blacks are ALWAYS giving off the 'duck above water' appearance. You just never know about them. The type of person who intrigues you to no end.

BROWN lovers have stamina, patience, solid, and substantial. They are conservative, dependable, steady, and conscientious. Browns are tactless, but love responsibility. If Brown is your color, look out for signs of inflexibility and obstinate traits.

and last, but never least,

GRAY personalities are cautious, compromising, and diligence. Grays search for composure and peace and often work hard without need for reward. Grays tend to be workaholics with good head for their jobs.

Every personality trait shows in your color of choice and the person deep within you is not always as deep as you may think. All truths, either admitted o not, will be exposed in your surrounding world. The true you is never too deeply buried.

Do you agree with your color/personality type?

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