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Is Your Glass Half Empty, or Half Full?

Updated on November 25, 2019

If you're feeling sorry for yourself, that will change after this video

What does your glass look like?

Things are not always going to go the way that you want them to and success will not happen every single time you try. Taking the risk does not guarantee accomplishment and some times we fail. There are going to be times when someone will break your heart. You may break a few too. You will fall down and it may take a few tries to stand back up, but when you do you’ll be a stronger person for it. You will be let down, more than once but don’t let that take your smile away. You can blame others for your pain or you can simply let them go and move on with your life. If someone or something no longer makes you smile, it may be time to go your separate ways. Life is too short to remain unhappy. So laugh more, love with your entire heart and keep moving forward. Don’t mourn over yesterday or what should have been. A person can never get over a broken heart if they aren't willing to let go of all of the pieces.

Life is getting in the way

With the stress of school, work or life in general, we will all come to a point in our lives’ when life just seems to be getting in the way. It might be a homework assignment we put off until the last minute because we found everything else in our power to do other than sit down and knock it out like; cleaning our room, bathroom, kitchen, maybe fitting in a show or two. You might be going to work after a huge argument with your significant other, and you cannot concentrate on anything else, let alone actually working while this is weighing on your mind. Maybe your parents are getting a divorce and you found out the week of finals (believe me, I’ve been there) which resulted in me staring at my Anatomy final for an hour and a half not being able to distinguish the difference between a clavicle and a heart valve, turning it in blank to an extremely confused professor, and changing the route of my future from that moment on.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself

Being thrown a curve ball out of nowhere often times creates a huge set back. Taking it out on those we love the most is often what we do best. Keeping faith is always harder when the going gets tough, and losing it is much easier to deal with. When we are faced with an awful situation, it is nature to fight or flight. This crucial decision, if not handled carefully can make a situation go from bad, to worse regardless of our intentions.

Instead of sulking in your own misery, realize that life will go on. It is important to remember that we are only human. Bad things happen to us. We make mistakes. We learn from them. We move on.

Attitude is KEY

The way you look at your life does matter. Whether your glass is half full or half empty, you alone are the one who determines what your attitude about any given situation is going to be. The next time you feel the inkling of a whine coming on, slap yourself in the face (figuratively), get back on the horse and cherish that lovely glass of yours…at least you have one!

Life is a beautiful disaster, enjoy every minute of it!

© 2012 BriannaGalapir


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