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What is Your Greatest Motivation in Life?
Have you ever stop long enough to ask yourself these questions, “What is your greatest motivation in life? What drives you to wake up in the morning and do what you need to do? Do you know your purpose, your intention?” Stephen Covey says it powerfully with this statement, “The key to motivation is having a motive – having a why.”
Kinds of Motivation
There are many kinds of motivation but it can be categorized into two. The extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. Extrinsic motivations come from the desire or yearning for recognition or reward. Remember as a child, your teacher will reward you with a star stamped on your hand for good behavior or having done well in school. Or Daddy will buy your favorite food or toy if you get a good grade in your exam. And then there’s the desire to have the gold medal or the recognition for being the best in sports, spelling, music or drama, arts and so on.
On the other hand, intrinsic motivations come from a sense of purpose. Some engage in a work they love for the purpose of sharing one’s talent or skills while others work for the purpose of providing for their families or loved ones. There are also souls who do what they do to serve a higher being or help their fellowmen.
Extrinsic motivations are wonderful motivations but I believe intrinsic motivations are more powerful. Why? Because intrinsic motivations come from deep within you and is not dependent on outside forces to motivate you.
"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly." - Stephen Covey
Discover your burning why!
Lay preacher and my life mentor, Bo Sanchez, always encourages people to have a burning, powerful, explosive and enormous WHY! Creating a beautiful life for yourself is not only about method (how you will go about it) but will depend largely on your motive (your emotional why.)
Why do you want to quit smoking?
Why do you want to write that book?
Why do you want to have millions in your bank account?
Why do you want to teach kids?
Why do you want to serve God?
Why do you want to nurse those who are ill?
Why do you want to help animals?
Why do you want to do the things you want to do?
If you have been on the internet, you would have probably have come across Nick Vujicic. But in case you haven't, Nick is special. He is special because despite his condition (this guy doesn't have arms or legs), he declares with a smile and twinkling eyes, "I love living life. I am happy." Imagine that! A guy with no arms, no legs and yet he can wake up in the morning with a sense of purpose and enjoy life the way he does. He is definitely one person whom we can learn from and someone to inspire us if we feel unmotivated.
Nick Vujicic's Powerful and Motivational Story
Perhaps I was drawn to this question because I remembered a time in my life when getting up in the mornings was so difficult. I often felt tired, depressed and hopeless. Life didn’t have much meaning at all. And then I found myself working in a preschool. I witnessed how kids blossom in the space of encouragement, love and joy. In that space, I too got healed and along the way found meaning in life. Through my work, I learned to set goals, develop good habits, became more positive and stopped being a victim of circumstances.
Later on, I discovered that my greatest motivation in life is to create a space of love. In this space I get to share ripples of healing and joy so the people I connect with will find their own healing. And discover their inner goodness and beauty and their power to create beautiful lives.
May you know your greatest motivation. Shine your light my friend.
BY: Michelle D. Simtoco