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What Is That Something Unique About You

Updated on December 31, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

You are Unique

What is Unique about you?

Imagine you and your sister were born on the same date but in different years. That is unique and special.

Is that unique?

You are not twins but have the same date of birth.

You wonder how your parents did that!

Uniqueness is something about you that nobody has. Your fingerprints and DNA aren’t the same as everybody else.

I know I am different and so are you!

Everyone has a unique something about them. Be it their style, in walking, sitting, standing, talking, sleeping or writing.

You smile differently, wave your hand differently, and start a conversation in your own way.

People are unique and have a unique something about them that not everyone notices daily.

Every day for you is unique and you are unique in your special way.

Your personality is not the same as other people’s personalities, being a good listener, or a bad listener, not able to understand the conversations as everybody else.

Sometimes you misunderstand a conversation and ignore the conversation. Some people are cruel while others show kindness and hide behind a façade.

Unique is when someone has a characteristic that nobody else has.

Can you name something unique about you?

I started writing my everyday journal.

It may not be unique to me, but to me, it is unique and special. In my journal, I write everything I feel each day, and it makes me feel my best to share my thoughts on paper.

I share sadness, excitement, and secrets that are for me to know and no one else. Random feelings I jot down and my daily events.

I write when I am frustrated, disappointed, or of memories. It is a great idea to know what is unique about us. What is unique about me may not be unique to you.

There are no two people who are the same in all aspects.

Even twins aren’t the same.

My outlook on life is unique.

The way I chose to live in a foreign country is unique to me. My work style is not the same as yours and is unique. I faced up to many challenges which allowed me to see myself as unique from other people.

I do not follow others and don’t do what others do in the workplace. The path I have chosen makes me unique and fearless.

Birthtime, the places you go to, the schools you have attended, the partners you have chosen, the friends you have in your life, and the foods you eat are all unique in your life.

The views you share are different to the views of your friend. In other words, your journey tells you there is that uniqueness in you through the choices you make in life.

Every path chosen puts you in that unique place.

For example:

You play a Chess game and the thirty-two pieces are moved along with possible moves. In life, there are pieces of your life that move in all directions and that is what makes you unique.

Take this, for example, you are at a job interview.

What is unique about you?

You need to pick out something about yourself that stands out in your behaviour.


You are a good salesperson.

These are your goals and your challenges, and you, the applicant deserve a chance in the job offer.

Unique means you are different.

  • Your performance as a salesperson is great for the store.
  • There aren’t many salespeople as good as you are.
  • Being yourself is unique and don't think being unique is good or bad.
  • Your unique self will suit others as it does yours.
  • Avoid trying to lie about it.
  • Your hereditary traits make you that unique person.
  • Some people can speak foreign languages and use vocabulary words quicker than others.
  • The different interests do make you that unique person from others.
  • The way I grasped the Croatian language and chose to begin my life in Croatia makes me unique.
  • I can sense when someone is friendly or not toward me.
  • I know if someone enjoys my presence in a group or if someone is faking their kindness toward me.

Uniqueness is from within.

  • I discover something new about myself in my daily experiences.
  • The people I want in my life are a few of whom I trust and love.

Everything about me is unique and I love it!

  • You don’t realize your uniqueness until older to understand what separates you from the rest of the world.
  • I always saw the world differently from others but never thought of my uniqueness until I moved to Croatia.

I am a fascinating character.

  • I analyze people’s conversations after my time spent talking to people.
  • I observe people’s behaviours and later in, the day discuss them.
  • I see people weird if they do not like the same foods as I do.
  • It is just what I think about people who are not the same as me.

Then I realize we are unique.

I believe that any skills I have made me different from others. My vast knowledge of the topics I write about makes me see myself as unique.

If you are passionate about what you do and a go-getter, an optimistic individual in your tough times, then you shouldn’t bother other people.

Your Personality traits deliver an advantage to you.

Your optimism is great and there is nothing holding you back from the next step to success.

Any skill you have that nobody else has made you that unique person and that you have something about you that stands out.

Your background is a part of all of your life. What you are striving for is not everybody else’s choice.

Overall, your life experiences stand out and that makes you who you are. You can be diagnosed with an illness and be the only one who has it.

That too would make you unique.

It sounds weird, but people do have such uniqueness. You can do something unique or just be that unique person.

However, you are seeing the unique you, remember it is not a bad or good thing about you. It is something that only you have and you stand out.

Unique views from my home


Be yourself to be unique

What is Unique about you?

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Be Unique and be yourself

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” - Coco Chanel

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Devika Primić


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