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What Is Your Phobia?

Updated on September 9, 2020
Glendola George profile image

Marine Biologist, Professional Romance Novelist and Research Specialist

Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.

Do you believe this?

Today I just want to talk a little about common phobias and how they affect people who have them.
Take a look!


This is the fear of spiders. Research has shown that at least 30.5% of the USA population have this fear. People with this phobia tend to think a lot about the structure of the eight-legged insect. Some very small, and some even bigger than our hands. Whatever may be the reason for their fear, people would tend to object to going places where they may bump into one. Example, camping, hiking, or any other outdoor activities.

Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider


This is a fear of snakes. A lot of people are afraid of the long, winding creature making one wonder why is it even a phobia. Just like the first phobia listed, snakes tend to limit the trips people take to camps and many hiking activities.
Ophidiophobia is one of the most popular phobias and the most common among Herpetophobias (fear of reptiles).

Sharp Nose-Green Mamba
Sharp Nose-Green Mamba


This is the fear of thunder and lightning. From ever since some of us were small, I'm sure these two natural weather elements made us crawl under the covers or under our bed. They do tend to strike fear among individuals, and cause individuals to genuinely hate rainy weather and or storms that include the elements.
Some people with Astraphobia tend to grow out of this fear, but some are known for growing with it through adulthood.

Lightening blue-storm on the seascape
Lightening blue-storm on the seascape


This is the fear of holes. The mere sight of a hole is enough to send a trypophobe crazy. This may sound funny to you, but it's true! Should such a person look down in a well, or stand at the top of a mall and look down through the opening, their heart may give away. Some people are known for collapsing just by looking at holes.
Crazy right?

Sewage tube-hole at sunset
Sewage tube-hole at sunset


This is the fear of dogs. As a dog lover, I find this one a bit hard to understand. Though there are some dogs when you look at them they look really intimidating, but I believe dogs are man's best friend; the sweetest creatures ever.
That's my opinion, but in fact, people are terribly afraid of canines, and it can cause them to always look around and ask about them when they visit people at their homes, or maybe when people are walking their dogs down the street.

Cute 'dogo' on a bridge
Cute 'dogo' on a bridge


The fear of small spaces. Research has found that at least 5-7 percent of the world's population suffer from this phobia. This phobia is related to fear of suffocation or the fear of restriction. Very few sufferers seek treatment in this phobia and the majority of them go untreated.

Man in small space
Man in small space


Is a fear of germs. This fear is also akin to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). A person may suffer from both these disorders at the same time. Sufferers often become isolated in mysophobia.

Hand Sanitizer Application
Hand Sanitizer Application


Is the fear of flying. Almost 6.5 percent of the world's population has this fear. This phobia is closely linked with agoraphobia and claustrophobia (fear of small and restricted spaces). In extreme cases, this may affect a person's professional and personal life when air travel becomes inevitable.

Plane taking-off
Plane taking-off


The fear of heights. It is an irrational fear of heights or the fear of falling. Close to 10 percent people in the U.S. suffer from acrophobia. In severe cases, a victim may even suffer panic attacks.

Hiking down a tall cliff
Hiking down a tall cliff


This is a phobia which is quite common. Almost 2 percent Americans are victims of agoraphobia. It is a fear of open or crowded spaces. It creates a vicious cycle and the sufferer gets panic attacks when nearing any event that necessitates facing such circumstances.


Do you have fears?

What is your phobia?

See results

Don't see your fear?

No problem, leave a comment below sharing your fear, I'll love to hear it!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Glendola George


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