Where Does The Fat Go When You Lose Weight
Updated on January 23, 2014
The answer for this question lies within human biology.
There are two ways fat can escape the body:
1. Blood stream
2. Lymphatic system
1. Lets say you've decided to go on a weight loss program that works through the activation of your natural mechanism, utilizing fat reserves for energy.
Such programs would be:
a. Didra - Postpartum Weight Loss
b. Hcg weight loss
c. Exercise
Your hypothalamus will then command your fat reserves to release fat cells for energy. In this event, the fat cells will be transferred into the blood stream and broken down to nutrients and energy. Those nutrients will be delivered to every cell within your body and they will be utilized.
2. Another way fat cells can leave our body is when we break them. Imagine fat cells as bubbles full of liquid.
Here are examples of the procedures that collapses fat cells:
a. Mesotherapy
b. Cold laser (Zerona, i-Lipo)
In the event of such therapy, fat cells will collapse and liquid from the inside of the fat cell will leaks out into an intracellular space where the lymphatic system will drain it down. Together with all other waste, it goes to your colon or the surface of the skin and will get extracted out of the body.