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Where is your Happiness exactly Located?

Updated on March 26, 2020
Natasha Tungare profile image

Self help is the best help and what all can you do for yourself to grow through, what you go through and find your own happiness

A kid usually feels happy when he is gifted his favourite new toy. A school going child feels happy when he scores good grades in his exams. An adult feels the joy when he gets a new job. And a senior citizen feels happy when he has maintained great health and has been satisfied with his life. As you can see, every person from every age group tends to find his or her own happiness in some way.

Happiness cannot be touched, smelled, heard or seen. It can rather be felt and experienced because happiness is abstract. Smile and happiness are not similar. Smile and laugh are just ways of expressing your happiness and joy. A person who is smiling might not be happy from within. Whereas on the other hand, a person might be quiet and has neutral expressions but in reality, he might be dancing in his joyful heart. So which is the true expression of happiness? What are the things because of which people feel happy? So here are a few common things where people usually find their happiness.

1) Hobbies

There are multiple humans who love pursuing their hobbies because the hobbies make them feel happy and lively. And it is the actual truth that having a certain hobby apart from regular schedule helps your mind to be more peaceful. Also hobbies are one of the best stress busters. Different people tend to have different kind of hobbies. To list a few here,

1. Artwork like sketching, painting, coloring, embroidery, clay modelling and many more. Colour therapy is found to reduce stress and release hormones that make you feel happy. Art never fails bring a smile on people's faces.

2. Reading novels and fiction books, articles, magazines is one of the sources of happiness for avid readers. A bibliophile will never feel tired reading multiple books. Books have always been their paradise!

3. Photography is one of the trending hobbies these days and people have been loving it so much that they are willing to pursue photography as a profession.

4. Playing musical instrument or listening to music is the source of blissful happiness for lyric lovers.

There also exist some unique hobbies like collecting old coins, making some DIY (do it yourself) products, playing with a slime and much more. These also wonderfully work when it comes to make someone happy.

2) Socializing

Many a times people feel happy by meeting their friends, spending time with their families and communicating with others. Socializing always proves to be a boon for extroverts who like hanging out with people around them. Spending time with close people and those you feel comfortable always helps you get rid of sadness and negative feels. Unlike introverts who do not like much of socializing with many people, might just be comfortable by being with their one or two trustworthy friends.

3) Work

Nothing is better than loving what you do! I personally love treating patients and exploring more about my field of physiotherapy. When you truly love what you do, you naturally feel happy. There are many who do not really enjoy their 9 to 5 jobs and simply work because of necessity. But that is only going to make things worse and kill your happiness. So it is always better to feel happy in our jobs. And if you do not feel good and positive while doing your daily work, then you need to think about it!

Some creative people themselves try to turn their boring job into something happening! When something is imposed on us, it is our duty to explore our creativity to make it fun and joyful. And then that boring responsibility itself can give you happiness!

4) Healthy Well-Being

If you are not physically healthy, how can you be emotionally healthy? Physical health is equally important to make us feel good and stay happy. Having healthy dietary habits, enough amount of sleep, keeping your body fit and toned gives you an overall healthy well being. You will rarely see a smile on face of a sick person! And so our physical health is important to keep our emotions on the scale of positive. Having a healthy lifestyle automatically generates a healthy mood and keeps you happy. Your body language itself denotes your innate happiness and how healthy are you emotionally. I would like to tell you some of the common ways of having a healthy lifestyle.

1) Exercise daily. If you are not able to take time out of daily workout, at least make sure you go for a regular walk or jog.

2) Have an intake of fruits and leafy veggies in your diet.

3) Meditate more often for a sound mental health.

4) Sleep for around 6-8 hours.

5) Nature

Nature never fails to give someone immense amount of pleasure. The green and blue colours in nature are known to have calming effect which makes us feel good. You can definitely observe multiple things in just a short and simple nature trail. Whenever you feel sad, always remember that sitting in your window and merely observing the bare sky, tree branches, a bird making a nest underneath can teach you more about life. No one can ever feel sad by watching and learning from nature. You never know how beautifully can you convert your mood by loving nature.

Where do you find your happiness?

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So where do you feel happiness exactly lies?

There can be multiple sources of happiness and those can be different for different people. Some might feel happy because of the above mentioned things and some.might not. But did you think of some thing which is common? It is that everyone becomes truly happy when they themselves choose to. If I do not choose my own happiness, I shall feel low and depressed despite of every source of happiness. The source of happiness can always vary, but the feeling of being happy can never change if you choose your happiness as the priority!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Natasha Tungare


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