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Why Does My Life Suck?

Updated on July 14, 2013

Too Many People Think That Their Lives Suck

I recently bought a new puppy, and he stinks. I have given him numerous baths, and that will help for a few days, but then he goes back to stinking. He seems very happy and healthy other than the smell, so I made a non-emergency appointment with the vet. In the meantime, I decided to search Google for possible reasons why my puppy would stink.

When I got to Google, I started typing "why does my..." and Google automatically gave me the most popular choices. The most popular choice to follow "why does my" on Google is "why does my life suck". This is so sad. Why do so many people think that their lives suck?

I don't know the answer to that, but I do think I can help. I do know of many reasons which would make someone think that their life sucks. On the plus side, most of these things are fixable. So if you think your life sucks, read on, and hopefully you will find some advice that will make it better. Some of the advice may be seen as offensive and brutal, but I'm just being honest about the world we live in.

Why Does Your Life Suck?

There are many reasons why you might think your life sucks. Maybe you don't have a lot of friends. Maybe you don't have a significant other. Maybe you don't have a job or have a very low paying menial job. Any of these things, and many others, could cause you to have negative feelings about your life. But don't despair, there are many possible reasons for you to be stuck in your rut, and most of them have solutions.

Physical Appearance

I know this is a touchy subject. People should not be judged on the way they look. However, we need to face reality, and the reality is that people are judged on the way they look. According to Business Insider, studies have shown again and again that attractive people get hired faster and make more money than less attractive people. Physical appearance is also the first thing that people see when looking for a partner. You may be a great person with a great personality, but if you look like a slob nobody will ever even get the chance to see that.

The plus side of this is that there are things that you can do to increase your attractiveness. The most important thing is to look put together. Even if you have some flaws, if you look clean and neat those flaws can be overlooked. Make sure that you wash your hair on a regular basis. Wear clothing that is clean, professional looking, and that fits you properly. This simple thing will not only increase your attractiveness, but it will increase your confidence as well.

Some flaws are a little more noticeable and can reduce your overall attractiveness depending on the severity. However, these flaws can be overcome as well. If you are overweight, you can go on a diet or start working out. If you have bad teeth, you can go to a dentist. If you have bad skin, go to a dermatologist. Other genetic "flaws", such as a big nose, a big forehead, a mole, or whatever, aren't really flaws. None of that is a big deal, and you are probably the only one who really notices. If that is the case, stop worrying about it and embrace your difference.

Career Status

Many people are unhappy with the career they have (or lack there of). If you think that your life sucks because you are unemployed or under employed, you have to remember that your entire self worth is not based on your employment status. I do understand the importance of a career though, and luckily there are many things that you can do to improve yourself. If you want to switch industries, take a class or volunteer in the field that you are interested in to ensure it will be a good fit before taking the plunge. This will also give you some experience in the industry to put on your resume.

You may think that your life sucks because you are currently unemployed. Well unemployment is a temporary status. It doesn't define you. In addition, even in this difficult economy, there are jobs available. You may not be able to get your dream job, but any employment will help you feel better about yourself. If you need to, go back to school or go to a trade school to gain some skills that employers are looking for. There are numerous things that you can do to get yourself started again. However, you won't get there if you sit around and do nothing about it.


This is probably the most important thing that you need to consider if you think your life sucks. Negative thoughts really do tend to produce negative results. If you think that your life sucks, your life is going to continue to suck. I know it is difficult to do a complete turn around when everything seems to be going wrong, but start small. Try to recognize at least one positive thing in your life every day, and focus on that positive. Let yourself smile at the little things. It may not seem like much, but it really can make a huge difference.

The other thing about attitude is how you react to people. If you are rude to everyone that you encounter, they will be rude to you in return. However, if you are nice and respectful to others, they will usually be nice to you in return.


I've met a few people who think that their lives suck. The main theme among them, from my perspective, is that they refused to take responsibility for anything that has happened in their life. It is always someone else's fault. Their parents didn't care enough. They had a teacher that hated them. Their spouse doesn't understand them. Their boss doesn't listen to them. The list goes on and on, and there is always an excuse. At some point, you have to realize that you are the only one who is responsible for your happiness. Nobody owes you anything, so don't expect anything from anyone. If you can accept this, you will be able to take control of your own life, and it will no longer suck.

Does Your Life Suck?

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So Change it!

If your life sucks, you can change it. You are the only person who can. Take some time to reflect on what you thinking is causing you so many problems, and take the necessary steps to fix it. It can be done, but it won't happen if you continue to sit around and wallow in self pity. Take control of your life and it will get better.


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