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Why Peace And Happiness Is Important?

Updated on June 5, 2020

Peace and happiness is the state of mind where there is calmness and the mind is in complete sync with the body. The performance of our mind is at the optimal level and it is full of positive thoughts and opinions.

If you are tired of living life in turmoil and are seeking peace and happiness of the mind, you have come to the perfect place. In this exciting article, we will learn a little about the concept of inner, how to achieve peace and happiness and the myriad of benefits of maintaining peace of mind.

Concept of Inner Peace and Happiness:

Peace and happiness of the mind is commonly associated with yogis, saints and monks in caves meditating their whole day. But the truth is, peace and happiness of mind can be enjoyed even in normal regular life along with our work and family. State of peace and happiness generally means the absence of anxieties and stress making it quiet and full of calmness. Peace and happiness of the mind is an internal state of being and is usually not disturbed or impacted by external circumstances and situations. When you acquire this skill of the mind, and yes, it is a learnable skill; you remain in control no matter what the situation. Peace and happiness of the mind is keeping a check on our negative emotions and feelings and controlling our thought to prevent always thinking the worst.

Which is More Important — Peace or Happiness?

Given that peace and happiness are concepts that are used simultaneously, there is a question that pops into everyone’s mind that which is more important in life? The answer to this question is much more complicated than you can imagine. The connection between them is also not clear. Does happiness lead to peace? Does peace lead to happiness? Even scholars are not sure.

The best way to explain the relationship between peace and happiness is a symbiotic one. They are both linked to positivity and experiencing this positivity can be incremental to one’s peace and happiness. So, It is entirely possible that they are not mutually exclusive.

How to Achieve Peace & Happiness?

There are 3 very simple ways to enhance the peace and happiness of the mind:

1. Nature

The first word that comes into mind hearing the word nature is peace and happiness. Interaction of humans with nature can bring calmness and relaxation. These interactions can be short term or long term. In short term, you can go on walks in the parks and keep in mind to leave your phone at home. Just soak up the goodness of nature with green trees and warm sunlight. The long-term interaction involves taking frequent nature retreats. This involves going to national parks and other retreat centers to focus on the peace and happiness of the mind and body.

2. Meditation

There is no denying that meditation is the best and the most widely used ways to attain inner peace and happiness. You focus all your thoughts, good or bad and try to contemplate on them. If they are good thoughts, you can try to think upon them to induce happy feeling in the heart. But if they are bad thoughts that have the potential to channel negative thoughts into you, it is necessary to get rid of them. Meditation is all about sorting through the day’s thoughts. So It is important to control thoughts to ensure of the mind. Just a few minutes everyday can make a huge impact on your life.

3. Grateful

We must be grateful for everything we have in life. Instead of always whining and fretting what you don’t have, once in a while, try to show gratitude for things you do have. Gratitude is usually practiced by accepting the situations and your current state of being. So If you can change something, have the courage to change it. But, if you can’t change something, have the serenity to accept that it can not be changed. Always have the wisdom to know the difference between the former and the latter. Count your blessing by writing them down in a gratitude journal.

Benefits of Peace and Happiness of Mind:

1. A Positive Aura

A person full of peace and happiness always emits oodles of positivity giving them a positive aura. There are enhanced levels of contentment and decision-making skills that leads to a change in he outlook towards life.

2. Health Booster

How wonderful your health will be when you are free of worries, stress and anxiety? That’s right. Awesome. Peace and happiness of mind is beneficial for spiritual, physiological and psychological health of a person. I don’t need to tell you that with great condition of the mind, body and soul, you will thrive at living life.

3. Better Family Life

Family is the most important thing in the world. They are the source of pure love and no obligations. With a positive life filled, the relations we have with our family will drastically improve. There will be a deeper connection and a sense of security in your heart. You are spreading positive and happiness to a world that needs it very much.

4. Letting go of the Past

When the mind is at peace, we have ease letting go of the past. So You can get rid of old things that cling you to the past and open yourself up for new experience that life has to offer. Living in the present is important because you are not truly living if you are stuck in the past. You must keep your eyes locked on your tomorrow while enjoying your today because there isn’t anything you can possibly do about yesterday.

5. Happy Aging

It is hard to accept that every passing year, so you are aging into an old soul and losing energy to do things. But when there is peace and happiness of the mind, we learn to embrace our wrinkles and the beautiful grey locks. Every stage of our life offer something and we must enjoy every moment of that stage because it is not coming back. Peaceful and happy thoughts make you cherish this gift of life.

6. Better Understanding

When you have peace of mind, you have the power to unclutter your cluttered life. you can see clearly and you stop living in the problem and start living in the solution. Inner peace and happiness boosts your focus, confidence and your analytical skills. So This helps you to take better decisions regarding your life and plan the next course of action.

The Takeaway:

The main objective of enhancing your inner peace and happiness is to stop your mind from jumping and tossing around from one negative to another making you crazy. A few of the above life changes can help you live a little better. Few minutes of meditation, a walk in the park and owning a gratitude journal.

So, what are your thoughts on peace and happiness? So Do you have any recommendations on how to attain a peaceful mind?

Do let us know in the comment section about your thoughts regarding this article.


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