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Why Wheatgrass is Good for You

Updated on December 5, 2015

What is Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is a young grass produced by the plant from the wheat family called Triticum Aestivum. The seeds of the wheat grain sprout to give life to the new plant and, just like any vegetable sprouts, they are considered to be very beneficial for human health.

The wheatgrass leaves are very hard to digest. That is why it's better to juice it and consume it as a liquid.

The alternative health experts all agree that wheatgrass stands out among all other superfoods for its unique spectrum of powerful nutrients. The doctors say that wheatgrass may be good for you, but they also say that it's not a miracle cure and there are no medical studies to support the claim that it is beneficial. Of course, you can only wonder why these doctors have not performed any medical studies because wheatgrass became a popular superfood back in 1930s. You would think there is plenty of time for any kind of medical studies to be performed... but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Pines International research lab
Pines International research lab | Source

History of Wheatgrass

It appears that wheatgrass has become popular over 5000 years ago when it was used to treat the variety of diseases and promote longevity. Sometime around 1923 Hungarian philosopher Edmund Bordeaux Szekely has discovered an ancient manuscript called "The Essene Gospel of Peace". This manuscript was located and translated by Szekely at Vatican, and the translated parts of it were published later over few decades. Szekely claims to have discovered the ancient secrets behind healthy living and proper nutrition for improved health. Later on, he even formed a new society called Biogenic Society which promoted the new way of healthy living. The manuscript was originally written by Essenes people who lived close to the Dead Sea and claimed to have discovered the secret behind achieving great health and longevity. They also wrote in their manuscript that the teachings came directly from Christ who taught them: "All grasses are good for man and wheatgrass is perfect food for man".

The first experiments with wheatgrass in United States took place in 1930s when agricultural chemist Dr. Charles Schnabel started adding wheatgrass to the animal feeds. To his surprise, the cattle has shown increased weight gain and milk production after grazing on a wheatgrass field. The milk fat content has also increased as much as 30%. Other experiments took place during those years when wheatgrass was also fed to chickens. As the result, the egg production was doubled. This was an amazing and very promising result, but Dr. Schnabel didn't stop there. He decided to test the wheatgrass on humans and subjected his lovely family to the experiment at home. He fed his 6 children, his wife, and himself with wheatgrass powder during the depression years. He has dried the wheatgrass collected in the closest field and then turned it into a powder.

Dr. Schnabel was able to collect and document an amazing data based on his family experiment. He was adding dried wheatgrass powder to his children's milk daily and has seen a substantial improvement in their health. In fact, they were picture health perfect! They had no colds or any other health issues whatsoever, they had a lot of energy, and the rate of growth was very steady.

Later on, Dr. Schnabel has developed a low-temperature slow drying process for dehydrating the wheatgrass, which led to the first commercial production of wheatgrass powder. This is how wheatgrass has become available to the consumers along with the information why this superfood is good for consumption. Dr. Schnabel has also pioneered lots of other researches of the benefits of different cereal grasses for humans and animals. He was the first scientist to conduct such an in-depth research and experimentation on the wheatgrass. Today, we owe him a great deal of respect for all the knowledge of nutritional value of wheatgrass and other cereal grasses he was able to share with us.

Benefits of Wheatgrass

The benefits of wheatgrass are numerous indeed. Many people were able to improve their health condition and cure stubborn disease after they started consuming the wheatgrass. This may be due to the fact that wheatgrass contains all of the minerals essential to our health as well as protein, amino acids, and lots of vitamins. As we know, everything green has a high content of chlorophyll which is considered to be the most potent natural immune system booster. The molecular structure of chlorophyll resembles the one of human hemoglobin and this places wheatgrass number one on the list of powerful blood purifiers.

Chlorophyll, so much abundantly present in wheatgrass, is also a powerful antioxidant agent. It is able to repair and renew the cells. This makes wheatgrass one of the best foods for longevity due to the high anti-aging properties of this wonder plant.

Chlorophyll also has antibacterial properties and helps to kill the bad bacteria and promote the growth of the good one. That is why wheatgrass is widely used as an antibacterial remedy. For example, to get rid of germs and bacteria in your mouth, rinse it once a day with one teaspoon of wheatgrass powder per 2oz. of water. Wheatgrass rinse is used as an alternative to coconut oil pulling which can be unpleasant for some people. This rinse can be also great for preventing tooth decay and treating toothache. Wheatgrass can be also used to treat wound and skin infections, chronic sinus infections, strep infections, and help with any kinds of inflammations in the body. It's been helpful for many people with chronic joint inflammations which didn't respond to the traditional drug treatment.

One more thing that makes wheatgrass a superfood is a rich mineral content found in this plant. Researchers confirm that wheatgrass absorbs over 90 minerals from the 115 available in the soil. Those minerals have great nutritional value and are essential for good health. Vitamins such as A, B, C and E are also very highly concentrated in wheatgrass which makes it suitable as a vitamin pill replacement.

Wheatgrass is widely consumed by lots of athletes for its unique ability to deliver more oxygen into the blood stream. This also increases overall energy and performance levels. That is why wheatgrass shorts are consumed as a quick energy boosting solution. Wheatgrass is also able to increase and stimulate the function of all internal organs including heart, lungs, liver, and digestive system.

The most highly praised benefit of wheatgrass is extreme detoxifying properties so widely used by many wheatgrass fans to cleanse their bodies. Wheatgrass removes all toxins, poisons, drug traces, heavy metals, and much more when consumed daily. It's also used by many as a weight loss remedy because it supplies the body with so much energy that it takes away the need to snack between the meals. If you consume few ounces of wheatgrass juice about 20 minutes before your meal, it will decrease your appetite. This is great news for those who struggle with weight loss and can't measure their portions properly sometimes.

Ways to Consume Wheatgrass

The best way to consume wheatgrass is to juice the young wheatgrass and drink the juice right away. Freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice is much more potent verses the one you can make out of powder. I have heard someone say that consuming powdered wheatgrass only brings you 2% of benefits in comparison with the freshly made wheatgrass juice. But I don't find this statement to be correct because I have been consuming the powdered juice for a year now and experienced a great improvement in my health condition.

Wheatgrass can be grown in the trays right at home and this can be great news for garden and alternative health enthusiasts. You can grow you own wheatgrass in as little as a week and enjoy all of the full benefits of this superfood.

Many others like me, though, prefer the convenience of adding a teaspoon of wheatgrass powder to a glass of juice or a smoothie a couple times a day. This helps sustain good health, great energy level, maintain weight and much more. The powered wheatgrass juice is widely sold online and in the health stores. Sometimes it's mixed with other similar cereal or algae powders for greater benefits. There are also wheatgrass tablets and capsules available for those who prefer to get over with it quickly.

Have you ever tried wheatgrass?

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