I think people need to question their doctors and get input from alternative medical sources.
People need to stand up for their own health! It's your life, not your doctor's
I think people need to question their doctors and get input from alternative medical sources.
Allopathic doctors are trained to treat symptoms, prescribe pharmaceuticals (drugs) and surgery. Alternative medical practitioners look at the patient as an entire entity, all systems affecting each other.
I would like to hear people's experiences with Alternative Medicine (good and bad) -- please include your experiences when you choose a side in the debate. I think we can all learn from each others' experiences.
If you want to put any links up about allopathic medicine (that includes anything about medication, clinical trials, etc.) PUT IT UP ON THE "I disagree, medical doctors know their 'stuff'" SECTION -- I will remove it if you put it on the "I agree, allopathic medicine doesn't hold all the answers" section. It does NOT belong there.
Alternative Medicine and Nutrition Books from Amazon
Tell me what YOU think....
I think people need to question their doctors and get input from alternative medical sources.