Have you ever walked a labyrinth in times of stress, sickness or grief? If so, d

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  1. Happyboomernurse profile image84
    Happyboomernurseposted 9 years ago

    Have you ever walked a labyrinth in times of stress, sickness or grief? If so, did it help you?

    Hospitals, churches, parks and other community organizations are building labyrinths that the general public may walk. Do you know of any labyrinths near you? Have you walked any for fun or as a way of dealing with stress? Please share your experience if you feel comfortable doing so.
    Did you know there is a World Wide Labyrinth Locator that lists many, though not all, labyrinths around the world? It can be accessed at: http://labyrinthlocator.com/.


  2. pattyfloren profile image73
    pattyflorenposted 9 years ago

    No, I haven't walked any labyrinths in our city but it sounds like something I would do if I had a chance.  I like to walk, I make it my exercise sometimes and keep up the pace and it helps lower my stress.  That is a good idea though.

    1. Happyboomernurse profile image84
      Happyboomernurseposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Patty,
      Thanks for leaving an answer. FYI: there is an outdoor labyrinth in Jubilee Farm, 6760 Old Jacksonville Rd., New Berlin, Illinois (3.8 mi. west of Veteran's Parkway in Springfield. See more info at:

  3. DzyMsLizzy profile image85
    DzyMsLizzyposted 9 years ago

    There is one of these at our local Kaiser.  I have seen it, but not entered it.
    I don't see the point.  You can see the whole thing, as well as all the surroundings and everyone walking by.  I don't see it as a meditative aid or stress reliever.

    To me, that would have to be a traditional labyrinth, made of bushes, where you cannot see the rest of the path or the surrounding area.

    Only then would you be isolated, alone with your thoughts, and able to focus on your meditation, or whatever other mindset you were trying to achieve.

    1. Happyboomernurse profile image84
      Happyboomernurseposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for leaving such a detailed comment. Some labyrinths are made of tall grasses or shrubs and some are surrounded by gardens. It sounds like you would need that kind of privacy. I usually look down at the path and just focus on my thoughts.

  4. LysaSomwell profile image58
    LysaSomwellposted 9 years ago

    Sorry. But I don't do that as a way of relieving from stress. It's like riding in a roller coaster. I once had entered a labyrinth when I was in college and it gave headaches. hehe. However, at some point it's a good brain exercise. Sitting alone in an open field or somewhere near to nature helps me relieve from stress.

    1. Happyboomernurse profile image84
      Happyboomernurseposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi LysaSomwell,
      The important thing is to know yourself, and the types of things that bring you peace in our stress filled world. I think it's great you sit in nature. Sitting alone, or walking in nature is one of my own favorite stress relievers.

  5. Marilyn Gentry profile image59
    Marilyn Gentryposted 9 years ago

    I've been to a labyrinth during a family day, that was fun I got lost twice and hard time to get back back to where the others are. However, If I am stressed my mind exercise is reading crime/legal novels or watching movies in the same genre. I didn't know why, but it works for me.

    1. Happyboomernurse profile image84
      Happyboomernurseposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Marilyn,
      Whatever helps reduce stress is a good thing and you are wise to do whatever works for you! Thanks for taking time to answer the question and leave a comment about your personal experience with labyrinths--sounds like you were in a maze.

  6. tsmog profile image84
    tsmogposted 9 years ago

    Interesting! I have not seen one as yet, although am interested. Sharing is I took a class with a title named 'Quest for Identity' at a community college. One of the class exercises in essence created a labyrinth of the mind.

    A campus courtyard about 50 yards or so square was used. Everyone could see it of course. Then each at one of the sides was given a point of destination for the other side. It was not a single class session taking several for all persons to complete. And, people were let go in two intervals. If I remember correctly it was eight in one session. So, yes there was the possibility of walking into a person. But, no talking between persons was allowed.

    Next, blindfolded you were let go to reach that destination, which was the opposite side There were objects in the way. There were trees in the courtyard, one of the four sides had a partial hedge, and there were picnic style tables too. People were set up as monitors to prevent walking straight into something or someone with verbal cues.

    In essence you walked until time ran out, you reached one of the edges, or an individual simply resigned from the task. The point is you created a mind map to start with. However, as you went you created a labyrinth in your mind. Sounds were important like the direction of distant voices, the road, and etc. Feeling a breeze. Facing into the sun's warmth. Coming across an object. And, importantly keeping track in your mind your progress with the direction taken, steps, and etc.

    No one made it to the point of destination. Most made it to an edge, however some made it back to the edge we began at. It was a very revealing exercise of reliance, trust, and patience.

    1. Happyboomernurse profile image84
      Happyboomernurseposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! Thanks for so vividly sharing your "Quest for Identity" community college experience that, in essence, created a labyrinth in your mind. Quite fascinating.


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