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Diet with the Bible - 2-3: I Hate to Exercise!

Updated on August 28, 2015

Exercise Consistently

Let me be perfectly honest with you right up front. I have the hardest time with this step. I just don't like to exercise. Perhaps you're one of those people that the endorphins start to flow and you feel great after exercise. That's never happened to me. However, I love to swim (well, OK, I don't swim, I move around in a pool) and I've discovered I like golf (I walk 9 holes about once a week all summer). I've also added some Wii Fit to my routine.

So, I recommend you follow the SparkPeople advice and find an exercise buddy, someone who won't let you miss your scheduled walk or workout. Even if you never learn to love exercise, it will be good for you and your body will thank you for it.

This week we'll introduce ourselves to the third healthy habit of Stage 2, Consistent Exercise, and explore what the Bible says about this discipline.

Walking: Good for a Healthy Lifestyle and Good for a Healthy Spirit

Stage 2 - Step 3 - Week One

Let me be perfectly honest with you. The goals you are going to try to reach this week are the most difficult for me. I struggle with exercise more than any other aspect of healthy living. If I could manage to walk every day, I know it would be good for me, it's just not something I enjoy.

There is one kind of walking that's easier for me, walking with Christ. And the closer I walk with Christ, the easier it is for me to have a healthier lifestyle. So this week as you begin your walking program (or other exercise regimen) let's look at how we can walk with Christ.

Read John 8:12 & 12:35 & 36

  1. Describe what it's like to "walk in darkness"? What are the similarities between "walking in darkness" in life and walking into a dark room in your house?
  2. When you think about your eating habits, what have you been "in the dark" about in the past that now you are in the light? What things do you feel like you are still in the dark about?
  3. How can "walking in the light" spiritually as well as in eating and exercise help you live healthier and more abundant?

    Read 1 John 1:7 & 2:6

  4. We are to "walk like Jesus walked." How do you think Jesus "walked" in his eating and exercise habits?
  5. How is the way Jesus "walked" spiritually different from your "walk"?
  6. What one thing can you do this week to put more light in your spirit? . . . In your eating/exercise?

Need some help with your exercise?

Here is one video to help you with your exercise goals. My daughter is a turbo kick instructor, but she started with Turbo Jam and Yoga Booty Ballet.

Turbo is one of my favorite exercises (if I have to exercise anyway!)

Add your favorites in the voting below!


Self-Discipline is NOT a Bad Word!

Stage 2 - Step 3 - Week Two

Self Discipline has gotten a bad wrap through the years. The truth of the matter is God wants us to be self-disciplined for our own good. Last week you hopefully began a new self-discipline of exercise. Self-Discipline is NOT a Bad Word!

Read 2 Timothy 1:7

  1. How do you think you get self discipline? How does this scripture say you achieve self-discipline?
  2. Have you ever felt powerless in your weight loss and striving toward healthy living? For those who answered, "yes," what does powerless feel like?
  3. How does this scripture tell us we can get power?

    Read Galatians 3:1-5

  4. What does it mean that we "begin with the Spirit?' Is there anything that you began with the Spirit that you have tried to do on your own?
  5. Are you trying to develop self-discipline on your own or is the Holy Spirit helping you?
  6. Why is it that we seem to want to get self-discipline all on our own?
  7. How do prayer, faith and change each play into our new life of self-discipline.
  8. Share with the group how often and how long you exercised this past week and then share how you plan to exercise in the future.

How We Did It: Weight Loss Choices that Will Work for YOU
How We Did It: Weight Loss Choices that Will Work for YOU
Check it out!!!! My Weight Loss Story is Featured in this book along with MANY others!! One will work for you!

© 2009 Lynne Modranski


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