Should I Get My Blood Pressure Checked?
Keep an Eye on Your Blood Pressure!
Blood Pressure Monitoring
High blood pressure or hypertension as it is otherwise known can make the possibility of strokes and heart attacks more likely over time. It is wise therefore to have regular check-ups as there may be no outward signs or symptoms that your blood pressure is elevated. It can often come as a shock to be told you have high blood pressure but the problem can so easily be remedied. Many people with raised blood pressure will not know there is any cause for concern and this is where the danger lies.
Here is a helpful blood pressure chart to help you understand the readings and the significance to your health
Maintain the Correct Weight for Your Height
Keeping an Eye on your Weight
If you've piled on the pounds over the years and neglected regular exercise then you may have high blood pressure purely because your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your circulatory system. See your health professional immediately and get them to check your blood pressure and your weight. Ask if there are any other checks you should be having for a person of your age group. Many checks can be real life savers if they pick up on health issues at an early stage.
You will know if you are overweight just by looking in the mirror but by using an online calculator you can tell whether you are just slightly overweight or dangerously obese.
Raised Cholesterol and Blood Sugar
You may also be offered a blood test to check for raised cholesterol and blood sugar at the same time. These checks can be life savers and can motivate you to make some lifestyle changes if there is any cause for concern. You may also be given some fact sheets about choosing healthier options for food and drink.
Being Sensible With Your Health
If you're diagnosed with high blood pressure you'll have to be strict with yourself and cut down on certain foods that you love, cut out smoking and reduce alcohol intake to a maximum of one drink per day but the health benefits will be well worth the effort and the sacrifice.
You may be offered medication to control your blood pressure but a sensible weight loss and exercise program can often reduce blood pressure all on its own. Half an hours' exercise per day is all that is needed but you will need to keep this up on a permanent basis or will lose the benefits. It may also help if you purchase your own blood pressure monitor. These are widely available from chemists such as Boots. They are also available online and are reasonably priced. Understanding readings is fairly straightforward. Owning your own monitor will save on frequent trips to the doctors.
You can’t turn back time, but getting older doesn’t necessarily mean you have to gain weight with the advancing years. You shouldn’t have to slow down or even stop certain activities that you’ve participated in regularly. People who maintain the same level of fitness as they grow older are more likely to avoid aches and pains that are associated with the onset of old age.
Pay attention to your nutritional needs. Cut out empty calories of sugar laden and floury snacks and swap for a healthy banana and some nuts. A sound diet rich in foods that strengthen your bones will enable you to be more active and will help reduce your blood pressure naturally. Use fresh and natural ingredients wherever possible. Don’t buy junk food. Treat your body as if it is a luxury car running on four- star fuel.
You can raise your fitness levels straight away just by implementing a few sensible strategies into your daily routine.
Everyone can walk a little more. Leave the car at home for short runs. Try to get on or off the bus a few stops further on and even after a few days you’ll benefit from the regular exercise. Your sleep patterns and digestion will be much improved too. You don’t have to do any strenuous exercise - just walking at a normal pace can strengthen the heart and circulation if done regularly. Swimming and cycling are also great activities which can be done at your own pace and you don’t need anyone else to go with.
An active body is conducive to an active mind and fresh air and exercise every day may be just the tonic you need.
Stress can also be a factor in high blood pressure so a daily walk of half an hour’s duration will help you deal with stress more efficiently. Use your time walking as quiet contemplation for the mind before your normal day begins or when it is over.
Even office workers can take a stroll in the park in their lunch break so it is not a valid excuse in saying you don’t have the time. If you don’t do something now, you will need to address the problems that inactivity will eventually cause if you’re in a sedentary job and you hardly ever walk anywhere. The time is now for a fitter you and it won’t be long before you notice a marked improvement in your general health. Your hair and complexion will also benefit from your new found fitness and you might even feel and look a good few years younger than you actually are.
Keep Fit and Exercise Every Day
Getting Enough Exercise
You will have to be strict with yourself and cut down on certain foods that you love, cut out smoking and reduce alcohol intake but the health benefits will be well worth the effort.
You may be offered medication to control your blood pressure but a sensible weight loss and exercise program can often reduce blood pressure all on its own.
You can’t turn back time, but getting older doesn’t necessarily mean you have to gain weight with the advancing years. You shouldn’t have to slow down or even stop certain activities that you’ve participated in regularly. People who maintain the same level of fitness as they grow older are more likely to avoid aches and pains that are associated with the onset of old age.
Pay attention to your nutritional needs. Cut out empty calories of sugar laden and floury snacks and swap for a healthy banana and some nuts. A sound diet rich in foods that strengthen your bones will enable you to be more active and will help reduce your blood pressure naturally. Use fresh and natural ingredients wherever possible. Don’t buy junk food. Treat your body as if it is a luxury car running on four star fuel.
You can raise your fitness levels straight away just by implementing a few sensible strategies into your daily routine.
Everyone can walk a little more. Leave the car at home for short runs. Try to get on or off the bus a few stops further on and even after a few days you’ll benefit from the regular exercise. Your sleep patterns and digestion will be much improved too. You don’t have to do any strenuous exercise - just walking at a normal pace can strengthen the heart and circulation if done regularly. Swimming and cycling are also great activities which can be done at your own pace and you don’t need anyone else to go with.
Blood Pressure Explained
Keep Your Mind Active Too
An active body is conducive to an active mind and fresh air and exercise every day may be just the tonic you need.
Stress can also be a factor in high blood pressure so a daily walk of half an hour’s duration will help you deal with stress more efficiently. Use your time walking as quiet contemplation for the mind before your normal day begins or when it is over.
Even office workers can take a stroll in the park in their lunch break so it is not a valid excuse in saying you don’t have the time. If you don’t do something now, you will need to address the problems that inactivity will eventually cause if you’re in a sedentary job and you hardly ever walk anywhere. The time is now for a fitter you and it won’t be long before you notice a marked improvement in your general health. Your hair and complexion will also benefit from your new found fitness and you might even feel and look a good few years younger than you actually are.
Another Useful Presentation
Are you confident enough to monitor your own blood pressure after reading this article?
© 2014 Stella Kaye