Weight Loss: I'm a Happy Fatty Now.
Watch Your Weight.
Is your weight a problem? Are you unhappy with your life? Then you need to start counting the calories. I am overweight and my sedentary lifestyle does not help. My daughter bought me a Calorie Counter Watch recently and so I started to use it and make changes where I could. I am now retired so it is a case of walking a little further than I have been used to. Climbing the stairs a little more often than hitherto and going out more to the shops to gain some walking exercise at least.
The Calorie Counter Watch.
This is a revelation to me, yes I know they are in common use now, yes I had heard of them but not taken any notice of the benefits they offered. To me they were something for younger people watches they used in the Gym to measure their heart rate when exercising. I knew from that they could work out the calorie loss to assist in weight loss, when required for their chosen sport. Of course I now appreciate that they can also help when someone wants to increase their weight for whatever reason.
In my case I wear the watch and it encourages me to try a little harder to exert myself when doing gentle exercise at home. I also park the car a little further away from my destination on a regular basis. I did neither of these things until recently. It is true to say that a few days ago I was talking to my neighbour at the gate. He had his dog with him and they were just starting a walk. Yes I went with him and we were out for almost an hour which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Calorie Counting.
My wife and daughter have now got me on a calorie controlled diet, this of course is the essence of losing weight. I have lost 16lbs over the last 7 weeks and I am so pleased with that. I read in one of the magazine's that a person of 150lbs will burn off around 100 calories per mile when running this seems very good to me. I think it is probably more difficult to lose weight when one is trying to do it on a day by day basis. This is where the Watch helps me it makes me do that little bit more when I am able to. It certainly helps me so I am sure it can help anyone reading this post.
Make The Effort.
Make the effort as I have done, feel as though you have achieved something as I have done. Make yourself a happier person as I am now. Yes I know it's hard to make the changes, I know there's always something more important that requires your attention. Let me tell you this, there is nothing more important than you health. Vast wealth, or anything you may wish for is worthless without good health and the ability to enjoy it. So make the effort, be inspired, I really have done the things outlined here and I have benefited from them. I feel better and fitter than I have done for years. At the age of 71 I want to say that I feel 21, that of course would be going to far but that's what I want to say!
An Extra Bonus.
My wife said that if I lost weight she would stop smoking and she has! I am so pleased with the way thing are changing. She has taken to walking with me now, this is such a change for us both. We even talk more than we used to it's worked wonders for us. Could you try the same with someone you know? it might help. One more thing we have a very happy daughter she has seen such a difference over this couple of months. A mum that's stopped smoking and a slimmer dad. It certainly is smiles all round in our house.
© 2015 Graham Lee