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Diet During Weight Fitness Management

Updated on January 8, 2013

So You're Going To Listen To Your Doctor?

Many people enroll in a fitness program not for the reason to lose weight and not to do bodybuilding. Rather they enroll for the prime purpose to remain healthy and fit, to help with weight maintenance, just what the doctor ordered. This lens will discuss the aspects of diet that a normal person should pay attention to when embarking on a fitness program. We won't discuss a diet for people who are doing bodybuilding, nor people who need critically to lose a lot of weight. We are speaking about normal people have reached a certain age and clarity that to keep in shape they need to work out a bit in the gym, or in the ball field, or running on the sidewalk. But do they also have to watch what they eat?

What (Not) to Eat When Paticipating in a Fitness Program

The connection between proper nutrition and the efficiency of a workout program is indisputable. According to the results of a study quoted by Los Angeles Times, people who try to lose weight by working out and without changing their diet will experience mediocre results, at best.

Exercise is important to keep fit and maintain the current weight but in order to shape up your body, you will have to change some of your nutritional habits if you haven't done so already. There is no need to go to extremes but some very basic diet modifications will help you amplify the results of your fitness program.

Foods to Avoid

Eliminating certain foods from your diet will help you experience better fitness program results. Such a change will also make you feel healthier and more energetic.

If you are still into junk food, the time is right to eliminate such options from your menu altogether. Whenever in need of a snack, choose fruits, cereals, nuts and salads. Once you get used to them, you will find out that they are both tasty and healthy.

Avoid crash diets and starving yourself. Your body needs nutrients to function properly. You simply have to make the portions smaller rather than to eliminate them altogether. Having five small meals every day is a much better idea than gorging on two large meals.

Carbohydrates, as already mentioned, are important but you should get those from natural sources. Avoid foods and drinks that are rich in sugar. There is nothing nutritional and healthy about them.

Keeping yourself healthy and fit can be pleasant. Some minor changes will be required but you need to avoid radical dietary modifications. You can still enjoy your favorite culinary temptations, as long as you add the right nutrients and healthy options to the mix.

Eating before the Workout

You probably wonder whether you have to eat before doing your fitness workout. Many people do not eat before working out because they believe that providing the body with food will make it more difficult to lose weight. After all, its aim is to burn calories and the task will be more difficult to accomplish if you supply your body with added weight before exercising. But actually, eating an hour or two before a workout will provide your body with more energy, which will help you get better results. Having a snack before a workout is especially important if you are about to do an endurance training session.

A small snack or a medium-sized meal about an hour before a fitness session is a good idea, because the carbohydrates will provide you with instant energy for an efficient workout routine. Keeping yourself hydrated with enough water before the workout session and during it is just as important.

Eating after the Workout

Now that we have tackled the issue of eating before a workout routine, it is important to answer questions about eating after exercising.

To replace the fluids and nutrients lost during the workout session, you should try to have a meal within two hours after exercising. Carbohydrates and proteins are two good options for after-workout meals.

Look for natural sources of such nutrients. Brown rice, whole-grain bread, potatoes and other vegetables are all excellent sources of post-workout nutrients.

The Truth About Weight Management

Dietary Supplements When doing a Fitness Program

Keeping Fit
Keeping Fit

Choosing Dietary Supplements When Doing a Fitness Program

Dietary supplements contain various nutrients, vitamins, and micro-elements that can benefit your health and improve the results of a fitness program. Choosing the right dietary supplements is much more than picking some multivitamins from the nearby store.

Nutritional supplements will most commonly contain vitamins, herbs, minerals, protein, metabolites and botanicals. In order to be certain in their safety, you should choose supplements that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Choosing safe supplements is one part of the story. Do you, however, know how to choose the product that will enhance the results of your fitness program?

Pre-Workout Nutritional Supplements

Even if you are working out one or two times per week, you can adopt some beneficial practices that will help you experience better results. It is a myth that only professional athletes and bodybuilders need to take supplements as a part of their daily regimen.

Pre-workout supplements are the ones that you take before exercising. They are typically created to provide your body with energy or to speed up the burning of fat during the cardio part of your workout.

Caffeine, l-carnitine and creatine are the most typical ingredients of pre-workout supplements. These affect metabolism and the ability of your body to burn calories. Before choosing a supplement, think about your workout goals. Trying to build muscle mass will demand one type of supplement, trying to lose weight is going to have you taking another product.

Are Vitamins Important?

Many people wonder whether they should take vitamin supplements as a part of a workout routine. Vitamins are important for a number of bodily functions but are they going to contribute to the efficiency of your fitness program?

According to Germany’s University of Jena experts, some vitamins may actually interfere with the results of an exercise program. Local researchers found out that vitamins C and E should be avoided prior a workout session. These vitamins affect glucose metabolism, which deprives the body from the energy that it needs.

Such vitamins should be taken after a workout. They are powerful antioxidants and they slow down cell aging. Vitamin B complex supplements are essential for a good fitness program, as well, because they affect the body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates and lipids.

Consult a Professional

The benefits of taking dietary supplements when doing a fitness program are undoubted but every person has highly specific nutritional needs.

Talk to your physician before choosing supplements for your workout routine. People that suffer from specific medical conditions should avoid certain nutritional products. A physician will also be capable of determining the right dosage for individual needs.

Dietary supplements deliver great results, as long as they are chosen responsibly. Learn which products to take before a workout and which ones are best for a post-workout nutritional regimen. Talk to a fitness expert and to your doctor to figure out which supplements are right for you and how to avoid any possible side effects.

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