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Exercising With Dumbbells

Updated on April 6, 2013

Exercise with dumbbells to build muscle

Exercises with Dumbbells are the most flexible exercise workouts ever invented.

you can add muscle quicker than utilizing machines at your local gym, when doing exercises with dumbbells.

Dumbbells don't require as much space as most free weights and a good deal less room than workout machines. The cost savings over machines is also tremendous.

Acquire a Bench - acquire a set of Dumbbells and you are prepared to do exercises with Dumbbells for the workout of your lifetime ... and for your life.

Dumbbell Advantages part 1

Once many people determine that they'd like to begin working out, they'll automatically begin to get the running shoes on and go jogging. The only trouble is that they tend to give up after a couple of weeks. But for those of us that care to continue going then the buy of some dumbbells could represent the most beneficial purchase of the year.

Dumbbells come in many different shapes and weights. Just browsing through the selection of dumbbells available can make your head spin. But if you start off small then you are putting yourself onto the right track to regaining full body health.

One advantage of purchasing dumbbells is that you can exercise your whole body while working out. You get lots of variety and that means that when you change your position you are then working out other parts of your body. You can work out your whole body in one single work out session.

An added advantage when buying dumbbells is the cost. A lot people could spend 1000s of dollars purchasing different piece of exercise equipment just to work out with different areas of the body. Only with dumbbells you can spend just a few hundred dollars and still exercise all the muscles in your body.

Dumbbell Quote

If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all. ~Joey Adams

Dumbbell Disadvantages part 2

But of course with advantages come disadvantages. Exercises with Dumbbells do have their disadvantages and here they are.

One disadvantage is that you will need several sets of dumbbells for different exercises. We have already noted that there are a wide variety of dumbbells on the market, and if you are unsure about what ones to get, then you could buy the wrong ones. You are then wasting money when you should be working out.

Another disadvantage is the lack of movement. If you like to move about when you are exercising then you should not consider purchasing dumbbells. You can use them in short bursts, but to get the full effect of dumbbells you should use them for a good length of time during a work out.

Also when you are thinking of purchasing dumbbells you must remember that you can either get them as adjustable or solid dumbbells. This can be confusing to the first time buyer. While solid dumbbells will seem like a good idea at the time, you must remember that adjustable dumbbells will be better suited to the first time buyer. Not only can they let you go at a slow pace, but if you do sustain an injury, you can nurse you arm back into shape by using a very light amount when lifting the dumbbell.

Overall dumbbells are essential when you are thinking of buying any form of exercising equipment. Exercising can be fun if you are doing something that you enjoy. Exercises with Dumbbells allow you to go at your own pace therefore increasing the fun that you can have getting healthy. You must remember to never exceed what you can do, you will start off on a small amount, and although it may seem like a weak amount you will get stronger as you progress and use your dumbbells a lot more.

Andy Eaton is the owner of a site dedicated to helping people get into shape and at the same time helping them find their perfect Gym Equipment. Visit for quality gym equipment and information on choosing the right fitness plan.

Dumbbell Quote

Fitness - if it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body. ~Cher

Taking A Long Look At Dumbbells

Here is a selection of Dumbbells or anything else your heart might desire.

Exercises With Dumbbells

Beginning Exercises with Dumbbell Workout

Here is a full body dumbbell workout that is very versatile. You can do it once a week, twice a week or three times per week depending on your current fitness level.

I recommend that you do this workout 3 times per week for best results. If you are older or have not been working out for a period of time start with 1 set per exercise.

After the first 3 or 4 weeks you can add a second set per workout.

Is time to workout a problem? Working out one day per week and doing one set per exercise is better than not working out at all.

Any good workout has to fit your available time as well as your conditioning.

When you do this workout you only want to rest for 30 seconds between each set or exercise. In the beginning you may need to rest longer and that is alright. If you are breathing hard, rest until your breathing becomes normal before doing the next set or exercise, as needed.

10 to 12 repetitions is good for conditioning and for adding muscle mass. For this workout and for beginners I recommend you stay within the 10 to 12 repetition range. What this means is to use a weight that you can do 10 to 12 repetitions but 12 is it, your done, you can not do 1 or 2 more. If you can do more than 12 repetitions its time to add a small amount of weight.

Recommended Sets:

1 set for weeks 1 - 3

2 sets for weeks 4 - 6

3 sets for weeks 7 - 12

After 12 weeks it will be time to change your workout:

Dumbbell squats 10 - 12 repetitions

Stiff legged dumbbell dead lifts 10 - 12 repetitions

Standing dumbbell calf raises- 10 - 12 repetitions

Dumbbell bench press- 10 - 12 repetitions

Dumbbell military press- 10 - 12 repetitions

One-armed dumbbell rows- 10 - 12 repetitions

Dumbbell curls- 10 - 12 repetitions

Dumbbell Kickbacks- 10 - 12 repetitions

Click on the exercise to see how it is done.

20 minute strength training

Earlier I posted a good workout for beginning training with dumbbells.

If you are still new and want to do this 20 minute workout begin with 1 set for a couple weeks then move up to 2 sets for another couple weeks and then do the program as listed.

Before beginning any workout you should completely warm up you body. Then use a light weight for a few reps before lifting heavy.

This program can be done either 2 days per week (Monday - Thursday) or 3 times per week (Monday - Wed - Friday)

Note: warm-up time is not counted in the 20-minutes.

Alternate Dumbbell Curls 2 x 8-12

Incline Presses With Dumbbells 2 x 10-12

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows 2-3 x 8-10

Bench Presses With Dumbbells 3 x 8-10

Seated Dumbbell Presses 1-2 x 6-10

Lateral Dumbbell Raises 1-2 x 8-12

Dumbbell Quote

People say that losing weight is no walk in the park. When I hear that I think, yeah, that's the problem. ~Chris Adams

Dumbbell Workout Routine

Surprise Your Muscles Into New Growth”

Who needs a huge array of specialized equipment to gain size and strength. The public has been led to believe that they need a huge selection of equipment in order to get strong and build muscle.

You see it in all the time in popular fitness and muscle magazines - All these great looking models with their bodies oiled up standing next to rows of shinny equipment.

A lot of gyms today are going with the newer, specialized equipment and slowly getting rid of the squat racks and replacing them with inner leg abductor machines. Hard core gyms are now a dying breed with worn and haggard equipment slowly being replaced with new and shinier equipment. What a shame....

However, I would like to say that the simple approach to training works best. I'm a big believer in sticking with the basics because there is one simple truth to this system - It works.

Dumbbells and barbells are the staples of any strength trainer's routine and one that many successful bodybuilders swear by.

Now, if you only have access to dumbbells, don't feel like your missing out on something.

I'll tell you right now, you can get into the best shape of your life simply by using dumbbells. Dumbbells have a very special place in the world of strength training and athletics.

Dumbbell Workout Routines And Exercises Click

Dumbbells are probably the most versatile exercise equipment ever invented. They are perfect for anyone and are ideal for working out at home. Even with light weights, dumbbell workouts can tone your muscles and when combined with cardio, dumbbells can really boost your body's fat-burning capacity.

You'll need to get a set of dumbbells to get started. Stick with lighter weights so you don't run the risk of injuring yourself. We'll start off by going over some dumbbell conditioning exercises that can be done indoors year-round. Make sure you've got enough clear space around you (and above you too) to be able to safely perform the maneuvers without hitting anything.

# Single dumbbell squat: Grasp a dumbbell with both hands, holding it about 8 inches in front of your chest. With your feet about shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight and slowly bend at the knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor-hold for one or two seconds and then return to the starting position. Do 10-12 reps, rest for a moment then repeat;

# Side shoulder raise: Stand and hold the dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing inwards. With your elbows slightly bent, raise your arms out and up, bringing the dumbbells up to about ear height. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat. You can also do front raises-with your palms facing towards you, keep your arm more or less straight and bring the dumbbell up and out in front of you up to about ear height;

Continue Reading Dumbbell Conditioning

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