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Experiencing Self Actualization Through Sahaja Yoga

Updated on December 27, 2015

What is Sahaja Yoga?

Sahaja Yoga is based on the Sanskrit term “sahaja”, which literally means born with you or in other words, something that is innate within each individual. This internal qualities are manifested without effort, an idea where the concept of Sahaja Yoga is based on. Therefore, this particular yoga technique is characterized by its spontaneity and the ease at which the system is accomplished.

It believes in the innate qualities possessed by an individual, which is awakened within an individual through the use of a Divine force. Take the analogy of a seed's growth into a full-blown plant. Humans have no capacity to intervene with this process; instead, you can only do something to improve on the process to provide bigger and better quality yields.

Having that knowledge therefore enables you to gain a more concrete understanding on one's growth of consciousness.

Sahaja Yoga meditation - philosophy and teachings

First Step: Self Actualization

Unlike other yoga philosophies that utilize physical and external means to go back into the internal aspects of self to attain the benefits of yoga, Sahaja Yoga begins at the core – which is the self actualization of an individual. Unless you are able to awaken that internal awareness, you can delve deeper into the practice of Sahaja Yoga.

Hence, most Sahaja Yoga experts believe this to be the main reason why people trying to find fulfillment often fail in their endeavor. They suggest that all men/women must begin their search for truth and joy within themselves. Oftentimes, they focus too much on what is outside more than what lies within them, hence totality and complete level of internal satisfaction is never achieved.

The Concept of Inner Journey

According to Sahaja Yoga teachings, the body, mind, emotions, and intellect are non-existent. Instead, humans are all made up of spirit. That spiritual aspect is the most important within human beings. This spiritual truth in every individual must work together with a Divine Love as the key to success in this particular yoga technique. This particular Divine power cannot be felt on human level, but instead requires a deeper sense of reflection.

That increased awareness of the internal spirit is what every practitioner of Sahaja Yoga should be aiming for. Hence, this is where the concept of the knowledge of roots comes in.

Steps Toward Self Actualization

In almost every religious teachings, there is always that concept of an inner, silent power that is only possible when you have reached the state of self actualization. But how you can get there? This is the biggest dilemma facing most individuals new to Sahaja Yoga.

Self actualization is also often referred to by the term “thoughtless awareness”. This basically introduces a new dimension in your capacity to bring about awareness of not just the physical, but also the internal self. You can achieve this deeper level of human consciousness by a variety of techniques taught in Sahaja Yoga. This is where other concepts such as Kundalini and Vibrations come into the picture.

Meditation and Chakras

There are a total of 7 chakras in your body: (1) Muladhara, (2) Swadisthana, (3) Nabhi, (4) Anahata, (5) Vishuddhi, (6) Agnya, and (7) Sahastrara. These chakras represent various sensory and nerve organs within the body, which has its own corresponding attachment to the outside world. These are closely tied up to the different aspects of the human body including the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual being.

Each of these chakras possess different qualities that are innate within each individual. There are different methods of allowing each chakra to manifest itself externally. One of the ways to awaken your chakras is through meditation, oftentimes through a deep meditative approach. Your ability to awaken the Kundalini is also very vital in nourishing the chakras.

Sahaja Yoga- Self realization

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - The center of innocence

Kundalini in Sahaja Yoga

Kundalini Awakening is a major component in Sahaja Yoga. It represents the awakening of a spiritual energy that reside within each individual, waiting to be awakened for it to manifest itself. As with opening your chakras, this will also require proper meditation.

While it is a step in itself towards accomplishing your practice of Sahaja Yoga, it also offers a wide array of benefits. When a person reaches the point of Kundalini awakening, s/he is able to reach a certain level of happiness and accomplishment that reverberates outside the individual but also in multitudes, which is quite ironic given that it happens internally.

To attain Kundalini awakening, the yoga participant is often required to perform various techniques such as visualization, breath control, meditations, poses, and chants. In addition to your meditation, a person is required to execute hand and finger gestures that will awaken those inner senses. In some cases, Sahaja Yoga can be done by merely sitting still, blocking out any form of noise and movements for some period of time.

Vibrations and Self Actualization

Chaitanya or Vibrations is another crucial element in attaining Self actualization through Sahaja Yoga. However, the concept of vibration comes more as an effect of the Kundalini awakening more than anything else. This comes in the form of an energy flow that awakens all other internal senses, paving the way for a complete self actualization.

Gaining a substantial amount of control in your spiritual body is a powerful thing to have in Sahaja Yoga, as emphasized by its creator Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. You now become your own spiritual guide towards fulfilling your own spiritual prophecies and goals.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation... Short meditation with instructions

What makes Sahaja Yoga Different?

The focus on the internal self is the biggest difference that Sahaja Yoga has over other yoga techniques. Here are more distinctive properties of Sahaja Yoga from the rest of the yoga philosophies currently available:

  • Most yoga techniques would look at self actualization as the ultimate goal, something of which all other yoga exercises and practices lead up to. With Sahaja Yoga, however, self actualization comes as the first step towards deeper spiritual experience.
  • Instead of being a step by step process that takes participants through stages of gradual development, Sahaja Yoga is a continued and happening experience. The awakening of your internal self is something that must be actively done for the level of awareness to keep growing.

Yoga Books on Amazon


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