The Food Problem
Why is there a problem in the first place?
First of all I would like to remember my readers that all the opinions expressed on this hub are my own. They were all based on my experience, as a person since I was born, and as an active nutritionist during the last 10 years.
When people search for the help of a nutritionist, most of the times are just looking for "easy" and very fast ways to lose weight, as well as feeling and look better. Most people tend to look for expensive aesthetic treatments, very strict or inadequate diets, even some pills which are publicized as capable of doing miracles... all these strategies may help accelerate the healing process but none of those will solve each one`s Problem without a proper personal life changing plan first.
The aesthetic over health...
Of course everybody understands why people feel the need to look better. In our modern societies this is something with much importance both for professional and personal reasons. What people forget is why the problem exists in the first place.
The imposed requirement for economic profits from producers, automatically made it impossible for society to satisfy our real nutritional needs as it was impossible for us to eat larger quantities to allow those earnings in the end... that only happens when we feed ourselves with unsatisfying foods which make us feel the "need" for much bigger caloric quantities before the stomach tells us is already full.
At this point we already ate much larger quantity of those nutritionally disappointing hapless foods (but very caloric at the same time) than if we had ate high nutritional foods which would satisfy our real nutritional needs.
The Food Problem
Frequently we relate the food problem with hunger in certain parts of our world but that`s not the only food problem...
There`re other forms of malnutrition even in countries where we believe nothing`s missing... if people are fed mostly with unsatisfying foods sooner or later they`ll become malnourished, no matter how much quantities they can eat each day.
Birke Baehr - "What's Wrong With Our Food System"
Find out how our foods are produced...
- Healthy Living - Lose Weight and become Healthier at the same time
The safest and long-lasting solution is to hear your body and change some of your life and food habits... and as soon as you realize what your body really needs, you`ll change for good!
Food Inc - An unflattering look inside corporate controlled food industry
This film is intended to be a reflection rather than only information. It is meant to involve the viewer and to expect a level of pro-activeness within us all!
In the end...
What we choose to eat has to be our own decision. We can not rely on others to decide which foods satisfy us the best. We are what we eat! Right!?
From food, to careers, to relationship choices, we have been manipulated to chase the appearance and ignore the internal realities of our bodies. We continue to strengthen this system as we support its poisons.
More resources about The Food Problem
The World Food Problem
Report on the Twenty-First Session of the Sub-Committee on Nutrition, UNICEF, New York, 7-11 March 1994.
Food - The silent tsunami
Food prices are causing misery and strife around the world. Radical solutions are needed
The Food Problem & the Evolution of International Income Levels