Good Luck, Bad Luck
If you set your remote control for Lifetime TV and then get Lifetime TV, is that bad or good luck?
Or is it luck at all? After all, you set your remote to tune in with a wavelength energy coming down from the satellite! You were in control.
Quantum scientists say we are ALL surrounded by frequency wavelength energy, and "operate" much like a TV, except that we can tune in to just about any show we desire!
So, why do some people have such bad luck?
What If We Are Our Own Reality TV Show?
Then there really would't be any " good or bad luck" . Our experiences would be based on our vibration, or life force, and what type of station, or life, we tuned in to!
The higher our wavelength energy, or vibration, the better life would go!
(Of course much of our vibration is controlled unconsciously. But we can figure out how to manifest our conscious dreams, once we know how to raise our vibration.)
"Good luck" would just mean "high wavelength energy."
Because everything is wavelength energy, we can measure the frequency or vibration of emotions.
They play a big part in our resonant frequency, which is what determines our "luck"!
Here are just a few excerpts from a frequency spectrum analysis chart: Serenity of being (40) action (20) contented (2.8) hate (1.4) fear (1.0) apathy and feeling useless (.06), and of course all the way down to .0 for death.
And how do you know your resonant frequency? Look at your life. If you're feeling useless, for example, b> you experience may be dismal, because "feeling useless" is a low vibe.
Put another way, are you familiar with the law of attraction?
If so, do you realize that working with vibration is the key to learning how to manifest on a conscious level?
Scientists have discovered that we can raise our wavelength energy in many ways: the company we keep, the food we eat, energy therapy, watching our thoughts (feelings and emotions).
Good Thoughts
the best good luck charm!
Here's something else to think about. It may not be just your own thoughts that create a good or bad luck vibration. It could be the good thoughts or bad thoughts of others when they're directed at you. Ever heard of the evil eye? Sure, that's an old wives tale, but there is often reality at the core of old wives tales.
Let's look at the concept of the "evil eye". Have you ever felt someone staring at you? You turn and see the person looking your way, right? They were out of your field of vision but you "felt" it. You knew you were being stared at. Almost everybody has had this experience. How does it happen?
It happens because there is an electromagnetic signal, or em wave that comes from the eyes. We're electric, remember?
Up until technology was developed to measure it, western science said there was no energy of any kind coming out of the eyes. But there is. Now it can be measured.
This is brain wave activity, and it comes out through the eyes related to brain processes. There's a big nerve cable (the optic nerve) that is involved. It seems with conscious attention and focusing this emwave can be very strong.
This signal is a very low frequency, 0-60 hz, and doesn't drop off with distance at all. So it's absolutely possible, according to the results of scientific experiments, that an evil eye or negative thought could affect you vibrationally, i.e. give you "bad luck". It can be measured. I can even see it in biofeedback scans.
Just like radio waves from the remote control tune you in to a program on your television, "radio waves" via thoughts of others can lower your vibration and, as a result, tune you in to bad luck.
A thought or "evil eye" can go around the world. Think about this: If an astronaut on the moon can maintain radio transmission with the earth through radio signals, which are frequency, why couldn't thoughts--which are also frequency-- also go that far? Thoughts are just another em wave.
This is scientific, testable, and measurable.
Taking all this a step further, can there be bad energy in an inanimate object like a rock? Sure. Rocks have an an em wave, or vibration, and this can be picked up by a person. So does furniture and anything else you can think of on this planet. Did you know there are people who won't buy antique furniture because they aren't sure of its vibration? You might want to take a look at some of the objects you're living with!
So, back to good thoughts
If your luck is "bad" you might want to think about whether or not anyone is effecting your vibration by sending bad thoughts your way. And remember, since you're in a matrix of energy, where everything is connected, you ultimately hurt yourself when YOU send out unkind thoughts! Whatever you're vibrating with will eventually come back. Resentment, hate, jealousy, etc., are just like poison to the person who sends them out, because it lowers their own vibration!
So how can you protect yourself from the thoughts of others? Send out good thoughts, regardless of what is coming your way. Resonate with love and gratitude!
You Create Your Own Good Luck - it's a program that runs inside your DNA
Good luck is actually a physical mechanism in the body!
That's right. Good luck is a certain wavelength energy and it is a measureable, proven, mechanism.
And what exactly is "good luck"?
It's when your plans and dreams come true. It's when you learn what to remove that has been getting in your way.
And you can't do this with just a little positive thinking, or by trying to reframe your reality so that it appears everything always turns out "for the best".
Instead, you need to understand the components of "bad luck":
Here they are:
- Stress
We are talking about "internal stress" here. It's stress you aren't even aware of, because it's been stored in your body over a period of years, maybe even your whole life. It stalls your body when it attempts to raise its wavelength enegy.
- Energy
Everything is made of energy, and vibrates at a certain frequency.
It's physics.
The more stress in your body, the more negative, or low energy (which attracts bad luck) is within you.
- Cellular memory
Everything that has ever happened to you is stored in the cells of your body. Think of cells as little tape recordes, or even better, think of your DNA as a software program. That's really what it is.
You have not only everything in your life, good and bad, stored, but also the memories and experiences of your ancestors!
No matter how long ago something happened, and no matter whether or not you even know about it, you still carry the vibration until you take action steps to erase it.
Here Are a Few Things Low Vibration, Caused By Stress, Can Create
and yes, these things seem like "bad luck'!
Low energy
Low immunity
High Blood Pressure
Fear, anger, depression, confusion
Feeling empty inside
Shame and guilt
Destroyed relationships
I don't believe we were meant to go through all this. It is simply a matter of not understanding about vibration.
On my blog,, we learn about ways to raise vibration and create the life we were meant to live.
Also on the blog, there's an offer for a FREE virtual, or distance, energy therapy that may help to raise your vibration. There are no hidden or future costs- this is just something you can sign up for, and get a free ebook as well!