Guilt:Cope with Guilt or it will destroy you!Learn how to manage it here.
Guilt is the most destructive human emotion. It is found only in man. It is basically anger against yourself for perceiving yourself as a bad person for having done something bad. All of us suffer from guilt to various degrees. When guilt is essential to control our wild and primitive urges for the survival of the society and species- It is healthy guilt. But, when guilt starts destroying us from inside, then it is very harmful neurotic guilt. Guilt develops through Parents, teachers, priests and society.
For example: "If you talk back you are a bad person".
" You have brought shame on our honour".
Sex and religion are the most widely prevelant guilt makers.
Influence of guilt: Guilty person feels inferior, underconfident and insecure. Therefore, either he develops some stress- related disease
he becomes a workaholic tries to be perfectionist
How to handle guilt positively? :
- Accept your imperfections and your human "Grey" nature.
- Understand that actions can be good or bad. We are always good.
- Express your guilt to someone, because hidden and supressed guilt is the most destructive guilt.
- Unburden your "crime" on your best friend and then advise him how really insignificant that blunder is.
- It's very important to accept mistakes and take corrective actions. But it's not right to just keep on feeling guilty for that mistake and not do anything concrete.
- Feeling guilty does not mean that we are "caring human beings". Striving for improvement is correct but feeling guilty for imperfections is wrong.
It's good to learn from your mistakes of the past but don't put youself into a cage of guilt. GUILT < - - - - - - - - - - - > LOW SELF- ESTEEM
Feeling guilty makes the situation even worse and more worse.
- Regret is O. K. But take a corrective action and then don't feel guilty.
- Dont look for "approval" from others. Make your own realistic standards of behaviour.
- God made you imperfect and , therefore forgives you for making imperfect decisions. If he can forgive you, then why can't you forgive yourself for your imperfections.
- Therefore, make your own realistic moral codes. Stick to them. Only you are the judge of your own actions. Don't judge yourself by the standards set by others.