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How I Healed My Broken Hip Naturally

Updated on August 1, 2013

Ouch, A Broken Hip is a Painful Ordeal!

My life changed drastically in the summer of 2010 when a slight misstep caused an accident that resulted in a broken hip. Until it happened to me I thought only "old people" with osteoporosis broke hips.

Breaking a hip is a horrible painful ordeal that I wouldn't wish on anyone, but I did learn some life lessons from this experience, and I did heal myself naturally without metal pins or surgery of any kind.

If you are interested in finding out how, read on and I will tell you my story.

How I Broke My Hip

It All Started...

I am a dog walker, weather permitting I walk my two golden retrievers everyday. I figure that their daily walks are as much for fun as they are for exercise so I don't make them heel on these walks. That being said while I don't allow them to pull me, I do allow them to walk at the end of the leash in front of me.

That particular summer day we were walking along at a fast clip when I tripped over an uneven part of the sidewalk. Since my arms were straight out in front of me holding leashes, I flew up and forward then crashed down hard on my hip. Even though the pain was indescribable I found myself looking around to see if anyone had witnessed my clumsiness. After a few seconds though all thoughts of embarrassment gave way to the hope that someone had seen as I realized I was unable to get up.

The dogs were dancing around and doing their part to help but it just wasn't enough. After several attempts to get to my feet I had a horrible vision of myself cooking there on the sidewalk like a fried egg as it was an extremely hot day. Several more minutes went by in which no one drove or walked by or apparently even looked out their window, so I gathered up all my strength and slowly and painfully got to my feet, then started the torturous and extremely slow walk home. With a dog on either side of me trying to hold me up I would take a step and then have to stop and shift my weight off the injured leg. I am not sure how long this slow procession took but it was almost a half mile home and I never saw a single soul the whole time it took to hobble home.

Do You Believe It Is possible To Heal a Broken Hip Naturally?

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I Couldn't Believe it was Broken!

I was totally shocked

The part of this story most people find hard to believe is that it never occurred to me that I had broken anything. My hip and upper thigh turned completely black and I just thought I had a really bad bruise and I refused to go to a doctor over a bruise.

As time went on though I began to wonder why I wasn't getting better. One day I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that my pelvis was twisted sideways, I came to the conclusion that I must have really knocked my body out of balance and so I went to a chiropractor.

The first thing they wanted to do was x-rays which annoyed me as I am not a fan of any kind of traditional medicine and since I had now been hobbling around for three weeks I didn't believe anything could possibly be broken. Much to my surprise however the x-rays proved me wrong!

So now after three weeks of severe and painful limping I was told to not walk at all without crutches or a cane.

Your Hip Will Not Heal

Without Surgery!

You Need Surgery

Oh no I don't!

"Your hip cannot heal without surgery to install metal pins", this was the verdict of the doctors, my response was, "you wanna bet"! As I already stated I am not a fan of conventional medicine and the voodoo curses they cast on the people that come to them for help. I was determined NOT to believe the diagnosis and set about a plan for healing myself naturally.

Ironically right after getting this diagnosis a friend's aunt died of a broken hip and another friend's father had his hip replacement "recalled" shortly after his surgery, with stories like these it is no wonder I decided on an alternative healing path.

My Chosen Healing Methods

And How They Worked

Being an energy healer I had the tools I needed to heal myself. There are several problems with a broken hip, the actual broken bone being only one of them. Then there is the inflammation, poor circulation, nerve pain, and in my case frozen meridians that wouldn't allow energy to flow through my leg.

First I had an acupuncture session to "unfreeze" my gall bladder meridian; this is the meridian that runs right through the hip area. It also runs through the exact part of the head where I was having headaches so unfreezing the meridian got the energy flowing again and also cured the headaches.

Now I was able to treat myself with Reiki (a gentle healing energy that promotes rapid physical healing) although at first I couldn't do it for more than a few minutes at a time because the way I would have to twist myself in order to reach the area was painful.

My Tuning Forks came in very handy too! I used a special fork for inflammation in my drinking water to "tune" the water to the vibration that neutralizes inflammation. I used the Circulation Fork on my back and hip area and the Nerve Fork to relieve the nerve pain.

I did EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to work on the emotional aspects of my injury. You would be amazed how many emotions come into play with an injury like this, embarrassment, anger, frustration, helplessness...there is also the trauma of the accident and as time goes by the memory of the pain to be released...releasing the stuck emotions is imperative to the healing process.

I also took natural homeopathic supplements starting with Arnica for the bruising and muscle trauma and then adding Calc Phos and Symphytum for the knitting of the bones.

My Healing Techniques




Tuning Forks

Homeopathic Medicines

The Lessons

Learning to accept help

One of the big lessons I learned from all of this was how to accept help. Most of us go through life feeling that we have to be strong and take care of our self without any outside help, we think it is OK to give but not to receive, but I soon learned how little I could do without help.

Walking was difficult and painful and I wasn't allowed to lift even the lightest objects which meant I had no choice but to rely on the kindness of friends, neighbors, relatives, and sometimes strangers to help me with groceries, giant bags of dog food, dog walking, house cleaning, yard work, and even hauling my trash to the curb.

I traded my services whenever I could but it was definitely a lesson in humility!

Love and Blessings to everyone who sent me healing energy, brought me groceries, loaned me crutches, cleaned my house, mowed my yard,

and supported me in so many ways!

What Do You Think Of My Story?

What Method Would You Choose To Heal?

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