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Have a successful ordinary day or How to prepare for success

Updated on June 15, 2014

Isn't it a great feeling when we go to work on an ordinary morning and feel fantastic! We feel as if we are here and now, and we feel secure about ourselves! Like a celebrity walking towards the stage, ready to make a difference in the world and get noticed and celebrated. I have mornings like that now and then and the feeling is awesome! And even if I don't get celebrated like Lady Gaga on that peticular day I feel good inside knowing that I maybe did something good for others. I also have mornings when I feel that I shouldn't have gone up at all but I try hard to decrease the amount of those days. Most of what it takes to feel marvelous comes from inside us and depends on how we feel about our selves. It depends on things like self-esteem and self- confidence. It also depends on whether or not we feel secure and if we have control over our life and over our present situation. But apart from that, it also depends on how we start our day! There are small things we can do and some things we can think about to increase the number of those wonderful mornings! I will give you some easy tips that I practice myself and that hopefully will help you to be your best and look your best, depending on what you want to say or do, during a day.

Make sure to get up in time!
Make sure to get up in time! | Source

Take your time!

This is very important to start with! It is almost impossible to feel pleased with ourselves if we must hurry in the morning because we woke up to late or if our planning is bad. I know it is very difficult to get enough time in the morning during the period in life when we have small children to take care of and help get ready for school. Some mornings when the children are small we can feel lucky if we are able to get to work in time at all! And maybe we will have to let our success wait during those years and instead be satisfied with the feeling of helping our children to a fantastic day instead. Our time will come later when the children get older and some of us also had all time in the world before the children where born. But even if we have busy mornings with children, the morning routine can almost always get a bit better with a bit of planning. If we prioritise to have more time in the morning there is no other way than better planning.

Maybe it isn't needed to have the success feeling everyday either, it is all up to us. But considering the difference it does, I personally think that we should try and get a least one such day every week. The feeling of success will influence us for days and will also make us feel better with ourselves. So, apart from the immediately benefits, it is also a great way to boost our self- image!

Personally I prefer to get up a bit earlier in the morning just to get a chance to be alone. I think it is worth it even if I usually is very tired in the morning. It doesn't have to be a long time, 20 minutes or a half an hour will make all the difference. Some of us need time to get us together, to feel that we are one person, that we are there in both body and soul.

I must also have time for a shower in the morning. Preferable in a subdued light. Sometimes I light a candle in the bathroom instead of using the lamps and let my mind wake up slowly. After that I drink my coffee while I listen to the radio before anyone else wake up and talk to me. Otherwise I feel disturbed and it is difficult to get that wow feeling I am after.

So whatever you do during your time, make sure you are alone if you want it that way and do the things that are important for you. You will notice the difference inside you if you do the things you like and need. Remember that we are all worth it and it is important.

Choose the right clothes!
Choose the right clothes! | Source

How to choose clothes

Mostly we know the day before what we are going to do the day after. Since we have limited time in the morning it is much better to choose clothing in the evening before instead. The reason why we should put some effort in the clothes is not because the clothing are important only for ourselves but also for people around us.

Here are a few tips to consider:

The best way to be accepted is to adapt to the clothing code among them you want to influence.

If you want to get noticed and get listen to within a group that you know; choose clothes that match that group!

If you want to get noticed among new people and want to ”win them over” to your side: choose clothes that match the group you want do influence.

Most of us also tend to feel and look more self confident if we wear something that we like and something that we think look good.

What do you want to say?

You should try and choose clothing depending on what you are going to do during the day and depending on what you want to say. Also think about how you want people to see you. As we all know, different clothing and styles do matter both to us, because we want to wear clothes that match our personality and feels comfortable, but our clothes will also influence people around us. We send out a message whether we want it or not. By making a conscious choice we have the ability to influence the message we send out and also how people around will interpret us.

You will be judged by others by your clothing so how to dress depends on what you want.

If you don't mind what message you send out and if you don't have to get people to listen to you or notice you, you can dress in anything you like. But if it is important that people listen to what you say and you want to be noticed and taken seriously you should put a bit of thought into what you wear.


When it comes to colour, you first need to ask yourself how you want people to react on you that day. If you want to be noticed you should choose red, green, blue or yellow. These colours are used in important situations when a quick action is wanted or when there is need for alert for something, like stop signs, emergency exits, warning-signs or traffic signs. These colours are also a well known symbol for fire, control, first aid, warning and so on. So by using these colours you make sure that people will notice you!

Red is a colour that is best used in smaller details. To wear to much red can make you look like a stop sign and also make people notice your clothes more than what you say. So therefore you should use red with some consideration.

Use yellow if you want your surrounding to see you as something vital and lively, like the sun. Even if we don´t consciously think that way, we connect bright yellow colour with something good, with happiness and energy and so on and our reaction will also be more interested and alert.

Green is a more calm colour that make us relaxed and secure. Green is also a symbol for nature and gives a view of someone who is considerate and careful.

Blue colour is very calm and the association with the ocean give us a feeling of calm and endless energy, cool and harmony. Most of us feel relaxed in a blue room so if you dress in too much blue color make sure your message is exciting and not boring! Otherwise you run the risk that people around you will feel sleepy!

Black is a colour that signals danger, power and something forbidden but also sadness and grief. You can read more about the colour black here. If you want people to notice you, but at the same time not associate you with neither danger, sadness or grief you should wear some other colours as well when you dress in black, as a contrast.

Colours that make you more invisible!

If you don´t want to be seen or if you want to be one among others you should choose a colour like grey or brown. Brown associates with dust and something natural and reasonable. Grey can also be interpreted as something important without being outstanding. That is the reason why grey is such a perfect colour to mix with others and depending on which other colour you choose you will get associated with what the other colour stands for but with more maturity and control.

White is a colour that can make you look a bit bigger than you are and it will also make people more alert. But it is also a colour that signals innocents and light.

The colours mentioned above are often the base colour in a wardrobe. Other colours are a mix of the mentioned colours and can signal different things depending on how they are mixed and who is wearing them. Examples on such mixed colours are: purple, lime, turquoise, orange and so on.

It is almost impossible to tell exactly how colours influences people because it differs depending on where on earth we live and what we associate with a particular colour. But one thing is certain: colours do matter and if we think about it and if we are aware of the importance of colours we will stand a better chance to get dressed for success!

A little self-motivation

We are so good at thinking negatively about ourselves. We usually see the things that we think is wrong when we look at us in a mirror. The negative thoughts comes easily and we need no exercise in negative thinking. So you have to consciously do the opposite instead and overpower the negative thoughts. Praise yourself loud in front of a mirror and repeat it as many times that is needed. We can control our thoughts and talking in a positive way to yourself will make a difference in how you feel when you leave your home.

Another way to think of it is like this:

We expect the celebrities and the top athletics to perform the best, every time they enter the scene or enter a competition area. And they do, because they have been practicing and done preparations for days and months. They know that they must perform and be the best version of themselves on that special day.

Most of us don't have an audience like they do, but imagine what would happen if we at least gave it a try and tried to be the best version of ourselves now and then. So, instead of going to work sleepy and dressed in whatever you could find, try and make some of the mornings much different with a little effort.

Be the best version of you

Now, you are ready! You are now the best version of you! Now you will go to work with a feeling that nothing is impossible and also with a feeling that you are a success! And you will also be your best! Since we will act the way we feel we will probably be successful too. And since we feel good we will be kind and spread joy around us. Imagine the difference in the world if everyone felt good about themselves a little more.

The video with the Swedish group Roxette - "Dressed for success" will help you get the right feeling in the morning!


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