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Be Positive: How to Acquire a Positive Attitude?
Do you believe that our attitudes are our most important assets? Think of the people that you admire the most. Chances are along with their talents and skills are their attitudes that draw you to them.
When we hire preschool teachers, we are on the look-out for those with positive attitudes – openness, willingness to be trained; yearning to grow tops our list. My partner confesses, “The skills can be learned but the attitude and passion is entirely another thing.” I agree wholeheartedly. We both remember several teachers who had the potential to be great but their attitudes pulled them down.
So how do you have a positive attitude and stay positive?
Stop Blaming and Start Being Accountable
Listen. Can you hear these words uttered? A grouchy mother says, “I got out of the wrong side of the bed today. That’s why I am irritable!” A cross employee laments, “I never get opportunities because I was born poor.” When a son feels dejected because his brothers or sisters are achieving more, “I know this is happening to me because I am a middle child.” Some even blame God or the government.
If you want to have a positive attitude, stop blaming and start being accountable for your actions. Positive people know that they are responsible for their life especially their attitudes.
Say it aloud, “I choose to have a positive attitude! I am responsible to have a great attitude and maintain it!”
Learn to Handle Your Feelings Positively
We have often heard of these famous words. “Life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it.” There is nothing wrong with feelings. Feelings tell us where we are at a given moment. But how we handle our feelings and how we respond is what matters the most.
I know of two mothers who were in the same boat. They were having financial problems and debts were piling up. Both were feeling the burden of their situation. One was often ill-tempered while the other became easily despondent. After they attended a financial coaching seminar two responses came out. The other one complained, “No matter how we plan, I know this will not work.” While the other one chose to use what she had learned and put it into practice. A year after, the latter had gain a new attitude towards finances. She had learned to budget and slowly paid off their debts. The former continued with the same attitude and belief that life was difficult and still walked around feeling dejected.
“I may not be able to control what happens to me but I can sure control how I will respond to it. I can be bitter or better. I choose to be better!”
Think Differently. Be Inspired with this Video
I Can, Therefore, I Will.
If you want to change your attitude, start thinking, believing and breathing in these words every day. I can. I will. Paul Meier said, “Attitudes are nothing more than habits of thought, and habits can be acquired.”
Create new habits of thought by being aware of the words you say to yourself or others. Is it “I can’t or I can?” and “I won’t or I will?” Do you read books that give you new positive ideas and inspire you to be a better person? Are you surrounded with positive people or do you hang out with people who love to complain? Do you have a grateful heart? Do you count your blessings and be thankful for each one of them?
Read books. Surround yourself with positive people. Count your blessings. These little things when done every day will change your attitude. I have watched myself transform and I am amazed at how different I was years ago; and how I have replaced my negative attitudes with positive ones. I even like myself more now!
Say it aloud and say it often, "I am creating new habits of thoughts and actions. I can and I will!"
Yes it does happen. A positive attitude can replace a negative one. I know if you decide you can, you will! Blessings in your journey.
BY: Michelle Simtoco