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Home Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Updated on August 5, 2017

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder that affects the small intestine. The cause of IBS is not clearly understood, though there are certain risk factors that can trigger an episode of irritable bowel disease. This article provides information about the symptoms of IBS and the treatment options including dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications and home remedies that help manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome successfully.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: What is IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a fairly common disorder that is known to afflict the colon. IBS results in abdominal cramps and colicky pains, abdominal distention and bloating along with diarrhea alternating with constipation. On the other hand, IBS does not cause any lasting impairment of the colon. Furthermore, you can effectively manage the symptoms by making certain alterations in your diet.

Normally, the wall of the colon is lined with muscles that contract and relax as they propel the food into the rectum. In an individual who is diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, the contractions are stronger and of a longer duration than normal. Thus, the food is pushed through the colon speedily, causing the various symptoms associated with the condition.

Occasionally, in some people, the food passes very slowly, and the stools become hard and rather difficult to evacuate.

Causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The exact etiology for the development of Irritable Bowel Disease is not clearly known, however there are certain risk factors that have been identified. Some of these risk factors include:

  • Foods: Certain foods like chocolate, milk, carbonated beverages, and alcohol have often been found to worse the symptoms of IBS. Occasionally gluten intolerance may also manifest with similar set of symptoms, which is caused due to intolerance to gluten found in wheat.
  • Stress: Stress either emotional, mental or physical is considered to be a major contributor to development of IBS. Emotional upheavals, stress and anxiety, and alterations in the everyday routine, set off IBS. Stress aggravates the symptoms of IBS however, it does not cause IBS.
  • Hormones: Hormonal changes can also trigger the symptoms of IBS, however these are not the causative factors. Women complain of an aggravation of the symptoms during the regular monthly period.

Irritable Bowel Disease Symptoms

The symptoms associated with irritable bowel disease are primarily attributed to rapid movement of the food through the colon and poor digestion. Some of the common symptoms associated include:

  • Cramps in the abdomen, which are often aggravated after a meal.
  • Abdominal distension, excessive gas formation and bloating is often observed, primarily due to poor digestion.
  • Diarrhea alternating with constipation is another unique symptom associated with this condition.
  • Mucus in the stools is also observed occasionally.

In addition to the above mentioned symptoms, other features of Irritable bowel disease include generalized weakness, rapid weight loss, and exhaution. Irritable bowel syndrome is often associated with a host of other nutritional deficiencies as well.

Ensure that You Include Lots of Fibre Rich Foods in to Your Daily Diet

Irritable Bowel Disease Treatment: Home Remedies and Herbs for IBS

A combination of dietary changes, life style modifications and the use of natural herbs and home remedies can provide substantial relief for the symptoms of irritable bowel disease.

  • Fiber is the most important food prescription to manage IBS effectively. Include loads of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and legumes in your daily diet. You may also choose a dietary fiber supplement, but, confer with your nutritionist first. Also, step by step increase the amount of fiber in your diet; do not add in too much at once.
  • Stay away from carbonated drinks, alcohol, milk, and chocolate. These are often considered to be trigger factors for an attack of IBS.
  • Adding pro-biotics to your diet will relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome substantially. You may take a pro-biotic supplement or make sure that you include at least one bowl of yogurt in your daily menu. Probiotics improve the digestive ability of the intestine and alleviate symptoms like nutritional deficiencies, abdominal bloating and distension.

Some suggested Lifestyle Modifications include:

  • Consume small, frequent meals.
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids. Remaining well hydrated is very important especially to avoid dehydration which is often observed in case of severe diarrhea.
  • Yoga, Pilates, meditation and massage offer considerable health benefits. These reduce stress considerably and help significantly in the battle against IBS.

Alternative Therapies, Herbs and Home Remedies for IBS include:

  • Acupuncture has been effectual in a large number of IBS patients. The therapy helps relax muscle spasms and boosts the working of the colon.
  • Ginger is an excellent remedies for IBS. It is an effective carminative and GI tract stimulant. Boil 1 inch of grated ginger in a bowl of water. Consume this decoction every morning. It eases flatulence, treats abdominal pains and normalizes the bowel movement.
  • Mint tea is also considered to be a very useful in the management of the symptoms associated with irritable bowel disease.

Ginger Tea is Recommended Daily to Help Deal with the Symptoms of IBS

Yogurt is a Powerful Pro-biotic and It Helps Soothe an Inflamed GI lining

Acupuncture has been Used Extensively and with Results to Manage the Symptoms of IBS


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