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peptides and anti aging

Updated on February 21, 2016

Peptides – Anti-aging Agent

Peptides are a relatively new discovery as anti skin-aging ingredients. At present, it is gaining some favorable reputation among beauty care specialists, patients and in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the beauty industry.

Peptides are structures that are synthesized naturally and built from amino acids. The body creates peptides to help in the process of healing, fighting infections, and rebuilding tissues. (Cell duplication is dependent on them.)

They have been discovered that they can do many things according to the combinations of their amino acid components. These days, peptides are widely utilized in medicine, food, and other industries for the things they can do, including healing and even as non-sugar sweeteners.

How it works

In anti-aging, the peptides are said to help coax the skin in producing collagen, thereby delaying the aging process. The shortage (or worse, the absence) of collagen in the skin makes it dry and thin, and creates wrinkles while also making it possible for other agents of skin aging to flourish.

Under the harsh natural elements, plus the natural process of aging itself, the skin naturally dries up, becomes thin, and creates wrinkles. The very conditions of aging itself trigger the skin to produce peptides which in turn triggers the production of collagen.

Amino acids

In nature, peptides are amino acids with short chains. Amino acids are naturally long-chained proteins that form life’s basic structures in cells. Peptides are continually created when proteins are digested by the body for sustenance.

These peptides have different duties (and effects) in the body. Many work as hormones, neurotransmitters, and even act as natural pain relievers. In the news right now are those used in anti-aging.

Beauty creams

Many beauty products marketed as anti-aging creams have an array of peptides in them made from sea plants (sea fennel, sea beets, etc.) These peptides are mixed into anti-aging products. Users then apply them topically (on the affected body part or spot).

This tricks the affected skin to produce more collagen than what it naturally does. (People who are getting older have skins that produce less and less collagen.) Collagen in the skin makes it supple again, elastic and healthy. The naturally-formed wrinkles on the skin disappear because the skin is stretched again.


As of this writing, the use of peptides used in the treatment to fight against skin aging is not yet over. There is still much to learn on the most effective ways to help peptides be more potent. As it is, they are not a one-size-fits-all type of medication against skin aging.

To date, there are no peptide combinations as yet that are as effective as Botox or dermal fillers in reducing wrinkles. Most peptides work as agents that bind moisture and all have abilities to communicate with cells in helping them repair themselves.


As they are, there are now many different synthetic peptides discovered. They are used in different combinations. All are now available and used in various skin care procedures, with anti-aging among them.

To date, there are four types of peptides used by the beauty care industry and incorporated into various anti-aging creams and other preparations. They are the signal peptides, the neurotransmitter inhibitors, and the enzyme inhibitor peptides.

Neurotransmitter inhibitors

These are the types of peptides added to anti-aging products (beauty creams, etc.) where they help reduce wrinkles by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine. Examples of extreme neurotransmitter inhibitors include such poisons as Curare and the botulism toxin (Botox).

Less invasive inhibitors are developed with the idea that they can relax the muscles of the face to avoid contracting as much which, in turn, cause wrinkles to relax. The peptides used have been shown to reduce certain types of wrinkles by around 30%.

Signal peptides / Carrier peptides / Enzyme inhibitor peptides

The other three types of peptides have their own roles. The signal peptides stimulate skin to manufacture more collagen and elastin among other proteins. Carrier peptides help repair wounds and other processes of the skin’s enzymes. The enzyme inhibitor peptides reduce collagen breakdown and keep these around for skin use.

There are many peptides whose functions are yet unknown by science. However, there are claims that some are currently used in helping body enhancement programs from the body-building community.

In the anti-aging front, it is best to know that there is not one complete food or medicine to take and cure all of the body’s maladies. This line of thought is the same with aging and the effects of some types of peptides.


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