Tired Eyes : Simple Methods To Soothe Tired Eyes
Soothe tired eyes
Tired eyes are more common these days
It is very common to have tired eyes. The frequency of having tired eyes has also increased due to long hours staring at computer screen. When television made its debut many many years ago, "tired eyes" problem was a hot topic. Now comes the little screens in the latest cell phone gadgets, and you have the new wave of tired eyes syndrome. No one is spared with the current trend of staring at the small mobile phone screen for hours on end. Children and old people are not spared.
There are many causes of tired eyes. Normal tired eyes are not a cause for eye health concern, as it is just our body’s natural reminder that we are over-taxing our eyes. When we feel our eyes are tired, our body is reminding us that we have strained our eyes for too long, and it’s time to rest our eyes. If tired eyes are caused by our lack of sleep, then it is just plain common sense that we go to sleep immediately. Other than this, our eyes get tired mainly because we are straining our eyes for too long a period. Stop whatever you are doing and rest your eyes.
What I do when I have tired eyes
Assuming that your tired eyes are caused by long session of staring at the mobile phone screen, then there are several ways that you can alleviate the discomfort of tired eyes. This is what you should do when your eyes get tired, not necessarily doing all of them or in that order, except 1 and 2.
1. The first thing is to immediately stop doing whatever that is causing this eye tiredness.
2. Close eyes and relax for a while.
3. Then put a few drops of eye drops, close eyes and relax again.
4. After a few minutes, go out to the garden, relax and look out at far objects, especially the distant trees. You can put one finger about 6 inches in front of your eyes, focus on the finger, then direct your focus on distant object. Repeat this many times. This a form of eye exercise.
5. Have a good wash of your face with water.
Two easy methods to soothe tired eyes
There is yet another method that I use. It is actually taken from a very common qigong massage. May I call it the “warm palm method” or "heat therapy on the eyes". This is how you do it. Rub your palms together until heat is generated.The area to concentrate is the bottom part of the palm. Then close your eyes, and quickly place both palms on both eyes, until the heat is dissipated. You will feel a nice warm sensation on both your eyes. Repeat as many times as you like. As I said; it’s that easy. You can watch my video below, and in case you can't make out what I was saying, it's ok, just watch the video.
Another method to ease tired eyes is the “steam bath” treatment. Boil a few cups of water in a pot. Then place the pot on a table, and lower your head over the pot, just near enough to allow the rising steam to bathe your eyes. This is a very soothing treatment for tired eyes.
Have fun and be happy.
Me doing heat therapy on the eyes (If you don't understand what I was saying, it's ok, just watch the video)
Latest : Using the eye pad
I have found a more soothing method for tired eyes. I now use the eye pad. To know more please click the link below.
- How To Soothe Tired Eyes
Tired eyes? Here are two ways to soothe tired eyes. Eye wash and the latest favorite of mine, the eye pad, which provides a cold treatment to soothe my tired eyes.