The Top 5 Reasons You Aren't Rich
Are You "Programmed" For Wealth?
Science now confirms that we're energetic beings. According to NASA, we operate much like a software program.
What this means is that we're electrical in nature, frequency beings, with " operating systems".
In a very real sense our operating system is much like a television or computer.
For example, any program we see on TV is based on a frequency pattern we send out via a dial or remote control. Whatever frequency pattern we select "matches up" with frequencies being beamed down from a satellite "up there".
Countless shows are available, in frequency form, but you get the one that matches the frequencies your television's operating system sends out.
(You can't see any of this frequency in action, but you know it's going on, because you get your show.)
OUR show (reality) is pulled in the same way, and this is also beyond our conscious perception. WE are the remote controls. Instead of a satellite "up there" beaming down frequency we're working with an INFINITE matrix of informational frequency that puts a man-made satellite to shame..
But what sets OUR frequency pattern?
That's where it gets complicated.
We consciously select our TV shows, but unconsciously select our "personal reality show."
We do this through our own frequency system, which is often set FOR us instead of by us.
Like computers, we're downloaded..
At the moment of conception we're coded with data from our ancestors.From then on we're programmed by our environment.
That's what sets our voltage, or frequency pattern.
High voltage pulls in abundance, low pulls in lack.
Until we understand how all this works, we tend to look outside ourselves for answers, often enriching others in the process.
The authors of those wonderful books on prosperity
The leaders of those powerful self improvement webinars and seminars
The network marketing industry.
The internet marketing gurus.
None of this "works" on a long term basis unless we raise our personal frequency, or voltage.
Sure, there may be temporary financial improvements. We could follow some steps we learn from a marketing system, book, or guru, and pull in some major abundance. BUT, we'll actually "short circuit"- i.e. it will be too much for our electrical system to handle if our voltage isn't high enough to retain it.
We'll lose what we gained, maybe even end up worse off than we were before.
You Will Probably Continue To Fail Until You Grasp This Important Concept
So,before we get to the "top 5 reasons you're not rich", there's a point that needs to be :emphasized:
The unconscious mind is your operating system. It functions much like a computer.
Think, for a moment, about this. Once you input something in a computer, it's there forever, even if you hit the "delete" button. Maybe you or I couldn't find it, but experts can because they know where to look.
I'll bet they could even find Hillary Clinton's deleted emails.
AND, unlike your home computer, which you may work with a certain number of hours every day, YOU are being downloaded 24/7 by your environment. "Environment" means family, friends, co-workers, the media, and so on.
A whole bunch of negative programming about money and abundance is probably up in your stuff.
And, if that's not enough of a challenge,there's a deeply embedded program known as: RESISTANCE TO CHANGE
So yes, you can work on thoughts, habits, etc, and begin to see changes. Maybe the money starts rolling in. And then all of the sudden BAM
You have a crisis.
Maybe you get sick and can't work.
Everything at home starts breaking down.
Somebody sues you.
All this has actually been pulled in by your "resistance to change" program.
It kicked in because it doesn't think it can run your operating system with the major upgrades that are taking place.
The only way to clear this "resistance to change"program is to raise voltage.
Lower vibratory programs disappear when voltage goes up. It's like changing the station from Lifetime to Discovery.
I work with quantum software to accomplish this type of energetic shift.. It interfaces with the human energy system, clearing lower-vibratory energy.
As that happens, voltage goes up.
"Like treats like".
There are other approaches, too.. For example, EFT is powerful.
No matter what , though, IT'S ALL VOLTAGE.
That's where you have to start.
So Are You Ready To Get Out Of The Organized Rat Cage?
If your answer is "yes!" , then it's time to clear the programming that doesn't serve you.
Downloads that weren't consciously chosen..
Here are a few examples of messages that could have been "downloaded" in your psyche.
Typically this happens during early childhood. However, the impact can last a lifetime.:
You are defective and therefore not whole.
You are lacking in the essentials of what you need to get along in life.
You are dependent upon the people and institutions around you for all your needs.
What you see is all there is.
What you have been told is all there is to know.
You are born into a hostile universe.
Nothing lasts.
On a conscious level, you may not know this programming is there. But quantum software, muscle testing, or hypnosis can reveal its presence.
These beliefs, along with the related stress, will need to be cleared.
Tapping For Clearing Blocks To Prosperity!
If you don't have access to a quantum software program- and you probably don't, because many are not even aware such a thing exists - EFT is one of the easiest and most effective ways to change negative programming.
If you go to you can find tapping instructions on almost any subject.
Just follow along! Do it every day until you achieve your goal!
Remember, though, your "resistance to change" program will do everything in its power to prevent you from tapping daily.
You'll get too busy- or forget- etc.
We're such easy marks. :)
But if you've read "Genie In Your Genes" by Dawson Church you'll understand why any kind of tapping on the energy pathways is so powerful towards removing resistance to change programming
That's because EFT raises vibration/voltage. Since voltage is all we are anyway, when it goes up the lower vibratory programs will disappear.
1. You Feel Unworthy, Or Undeserving
So, here are 5 things that could be lowering your voltage.
First is not feeling, on an unconscious level, worthy or deserving.
This is the ultimate black hole.
According to quantum theory, EVERYTHING is in the matrix for us to choose from.
We ALL are entitled to wealth.
We just have to ask.
But many times we feel undeserving because of early child programming.
OR, maybe we weren't directly programmed to feel unworthy- instead we were coded to believe there are certain standards in life- maybe we didn't get an education or we don't look a certain way- and because of that we don't measure up, we cannot achieve prosperity.
So, instead, we worship those who seem to have met these standards. Our heros are celebrities, political figures, and various authorities.
But any kind of hero worship is the kiss of death if you're interested in developing your personal power.
2 You Don't Understand The Power Of Your Words
(stop whining and complaining!)
Once I was doing a SRC4U session with a client who's been extremely stressed. During our previous session I'd suggested she start walking every day. Proudly she announced that she was now walking every morning with a group of women.
"What do you talk about?" I asked
"How horrible our lives are!" she exclaimed
She had forgotten that, because we're frequency, and words are frequency, we are actually programming OURSELVES with our words.
Start observing what you say. I can just about guarantee that whatever you complain about will manifest in your life.
For example, I used to have an expression "what a pain in the neck". Over the years I developed arthritis in the neck.
I complained about being fat, even though I barely weighed 100 lb and, sure enough, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy..
And if you complain about being broke, guess what.
Taking it a step further, don't talk about your problems at all- you are only giving them energy.
Talk about what you DO want, or say nothing.
3. You Are Obsessed With Money
This is a tough one. After all, we have to resonate with wealth in order to achieve it.
But too much focus can actually LOWER your vibraton, It brings in fear. It brings in worry.
In fact another way to express an obsession with money can be "addiction to poverty"
And think for a moment about addiction.
We think addiction is the drunk under the bridge, but that isn't true.
And when it comes to success, we can get addicted to trying to get it right.
Which means we will NEVER get it right.
Because addiction is actually a place we go to disappear
When we're obsessed with money we don't have to think about other things, at least for a short time.
We don't have to think about all the ways we have diminished ourselves.
And addiction doesn't give you a skill to help. It becomes a self perpetuating cycle.- the primary and secondary addictions are to the unworthiness of us and the judgments on ourselves.
It is from those states we choose something else that is socially acceptable.Being busy making money is a very popular choice in this day and age.
But it can be self-defeating.
4. You Are Keeping The Wrong Company
We get out there saying "I want to be successful" and then expose ourselves to negative programming from our family, our friends, even the media.
Actually, ESPECIALLY the media. When I turned my TV off (I canceled it) is when I started making more money!
Also, did you know that you earn the same money as your 5 closest friends?
One way to change your core foundational beliefs, i.e. your programming, is to stop hanging out with your negative friends, turn off the TV, and listen to people like this guy!
5. You Are Afraid To Be A Giver
Say what you like about Oprah. But when it comes to "programming" Oprah Winfrey undoubtedly had some negative downloads. She overcame them, at least as far as money is concerned.
If you listen to this video you will see that she is a giver. Her focus is service.
Also, listen to her philosophy about success- "He Who Cares Least Wins"