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3 Powerful Tips to Learn to Let Go and Move Forward

Updated on January 26, 2019
Alyssa Nichol profile image

Alyssa has studied psychology, philosophy, religion, and the arts. She loves sharing her thoughts, ideas, and papers with the world.

The new year is upon us and there is an energy of change in the air. It's an exciting time. The future is filled with new possibilities and opportunities. In order to embrace changes and work toward our goals, we have to let go of all that is holding us back.

Letting go of the past allows us to move forward, but that is often easier said than done. The following three tips are simple, but incredibly powerful.


The first step to letting go is acceptance. Accept the situation as it is or as it was. Accept what happened and realize that there is nothing you can do to change it. It's in the past. No one gets a do-over. You can't go back, but you can learn from the past and apply those lessons in the future. There are many things in life you don't have control over, but you always have control over your perspective and your actions.

How to Let Go of Grudges


Letting go of the past doesn't happen over night. It requires a conscious effort in changing your mindset. Instead of focusing on the wrongdoings of the past, shift your focus to the present. The best way to start is by practicing gratitude. Be thankful for the good people in your life and all the things you have. Take a few moments in the morning to look at the sunrise. Savor that first cup of coffee. Enjoy your favorite music on the commute to work. Be thankful if you have a job, even if it isn't your dream career. Appreciate the people around you: your spouse, your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends. When negative thoughts start to creep in, pause for a second, and turn it around by finding the good. Sometimes it's a challenge and you might have to dig deep. Replacing those negative with appreciation goes a long way in improving your mood and your mindset. When you spend your energy being thankful for all that you have, you feel good and you won't want to spend time worrying about anything you don't have.

Look at the big picture: life is short and tomorrow is not guaranteed. The average lifespan of a human being is 79 years. Tragedy can strike at any moment. Turn on the news and you'll hear countless stories of people who lost their lives. When you start to look at the world and your own life from this perspective, realization hits. Why be angry? Why hold on to old grudges and grievances? What purpose is it really serving? How is it helping you? Why not let that stuff go and move forward with your life, enjoying each day with the people you love?

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life | Weekly Wisdom Episode 13


I'm a huge fan of yoga for many reasons. Not only does yoga offer many physical health benefits, but it also helps improve your mindset and your mood. Yoga is all about connecting the mind with the body, and as you build your practice, you learn to focus on your breath and allow that to guide your movements. Yoga also teaches you acceptance and how to let go. The lessons you learn on the mat carry with you into your daily life.

You don't need fancy equipment or a gym membership to experience the benefits. YouTube has a variety of yoga videos available, all for free. You can practice in the comfort of your own home in your pajamas. All you really need is a towel or blanket and a willingness to try something new. I recommend Yoga With Adriene. She has a library of yoga videos on her channel for every level. She guides you through each pose, free of judgement, and encourages you to find what feels good in your body. Give it a try.

TRUE - Day 19 - THOUGHT | Yoga With Adriene

© 2019 Alyssa


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