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You can reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Updated on April 4, 2014

Want to Avoid This?

You can avoid this!
You can avoid this! | Source

Diabetes Rate in U.S.

Staggering rate of Diabetes in the U.S.
Staggering rate of Diabetes in the U.S.

Type 2 Diabetes - What you don't know

Type 2 Diabetes in america has reached epidemic proportions. According to the national statistics database results from 2011. Diabetes affects 25.8 million or 8.3% of the U.S. population. That is 18.8 Million people diagnosed with a suspected 7.0 undiagnosed people living with a dangerous condition completely unaware. What is even more alarming is that approximately 35% of the population is considered pre-diabetic and at high risk for developing full type 2 diabetes. With these kinds of statistics chances are that you are a love one is suffering with this condition.

Conventional treatments typically focus on controlling or slowing the progress of the disease. Very few doctors fully explain the disease and overlook the extremely obvious changes that are at the root of this slowly debilitating condition. There is a elephant in the room that for some reason no one wants to acknowledge. Diabetes is a condition of nutrition. It starts when what we are eating becomes overwhelming our bodies natural ability to properly process foods. This starts a slow process of inefficiency that compounds over time eventually reaching a breaking point where the body enters a state of Diabetes. While you might slow it down with medication, unless we remove and correct the root cause you will eventually succumb to its taxing demands on the body.

To truly understand how to reverse Diabetes we must look at what causes the condition to exist in the body in the first place. To do this we must change the way we think about our bodies. Yes we are intelligent creatures, but we are also a complex chemistry lab where 10's or thousands of chemical signals and transaction occur every day. When we do things, knowingly or unknowingly to how these exchanges work then we create conditions ready for disease to take root in out bodies. In order to heal you must recognize that food, while an enjoyable pleasure, has a very specific pre-programmed reaction in the body. It is fuel and processes as fuel.

In the next section I will summarize how insulin works, what overwhelms it and how failure in the system starts. I will do my best to not get overly technical but stay at a level that is easy to process. If you are the technical type, there is plenty of research available for you to dive into.

Insulin - Good until it's bad

Insulin is a very important chemical produced by our bodies. For Simplicity sake it can be considered the key transport mechanism for Glucose (Blood Sugar) in our bodies. As we digest food it shuttles the resulting glucose for immediate use or if there is no immediate need for fuel it will help facilitate storing the energy in fat cell for times of Famine.

So lets look at some basic ground rules of how you body works. Your body has the ability to run on two separate fuel sources. The first source is glucose or essentially sugars. The other is ketones or essentially fats. It would be best if we had a very basic understanding of why we have two basic fuels systems.

Glucose: When we eat a meal, all carbohydrates (Grains, Sugars, Vegetables etc) are essentially converted during digestion into Glucose. Glucose can be used the by cells in our bodies for energy. In addition we have the ability to store a limited amount of Glycogen (Simply a form of glucose) in our muscle tissue for short term use. Once our fuel needs have been met and Glycogen stores are topped off then anything remaining is store in fat cells for future use. Our body is normally very efficient at storing and using the energy stored in these fat cells as energy. Every day we store and consume energy in millions of these cells like a battery.

Ketones: When our bodies do not have sufficient glucose and it has depleted it's glycogen stores it will start converting fat into fuel. To more easily understand the concept it is easier to think of it like a switch. As a species we were designed to be able to tap into dietary fat and deep fat stores for energy in lean times. Food was not quite as readily available and convenient as it is today and the food we consumed had a much lower sugar content. In many ways we often be in the state of using ketones as a primary fuel and switching over to glucose when it was available to replenish fat and glycogen stores.

The modern world: Today we battle our ancient genetics with an abundance or foods available today and how we are wired to respond to eating. Today what we assume as our normal diet is killing us. We are constantly in a state of glycolysis (Using Glucose) and our bodies never have the opportunity to enter Ketosis. We unknowingly overwhelm our endocrine system to the point where our bodies can no longer cope. Let's look at the series of events that leads up to this.

Today the American diet contains a large portion of sugar and grains (Oats, Corn, Rice and flours made from whole grains). We have oatmeal or a bagel for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and something breaded for dinner. We might event throw desert or some snacks in there. You body does what it is programmed to do, convert these to Glucose, and create insulin to deal with transporting it to where it is needed.

The problem is that our bodies can only deal with a limited amount of sugars before starting to become taxed. The AHA recommendation is to consume no more than 5% of calories from sugar (approx: 25 g or 5 tsp) For comparison sake 25 g is about 1/2 of a cup of fruit flavored yogurt or about 2/3 a bottle of coke a day. What seems to be underrepresented is that sugar is a carbohydrate and all carbohydrates are converted to the sugar glucose in the body. So if you have a fruit yogurt and a sandwich on two slices of wheat bread for lunch you body is going to convert 71 g of carbohydrates into sugar. You are already well over the limit and this is just from one meal! This starts to cause and overproduction of insulin to help clean up the mess. The excess insulin circulates around the body for long after the clean up process is done for 2-5 hours. Chances are we are going to start the process all over with another meal before it clears our system.

When insulin exists in the blood stream your body responds by entering fat saving/storing mode rather than using stored energy from fat cell mode. Over time because this energy is never released we start the path to slow steady accumulation of fat. We struggle to loose weight because we always have insulin present. Fat can not be accessed by the body when insulin is present. It is a viscous cycle. In some cases your body will choose to consume Muscle and Bone over fat, because the presence of insulin is sending mixed signals we are not wired to respond to deal with.

If this cycle continues on like this for long enough your body will start to become very ineffective or resistant to insulin. The receptors start to ignore the insulin signals and as a result the post meal clean up process takes longer. Your body, who does not LIKE this state counters this by, you guessed it, creating more insulin. This is the starting point for Diabetes. At this stage you are insulin resistant and pre-diabetic.Eventually a point of dysfunction is reached where insulin production slows or ceases to become effective and sugars float freely and destructively in the blood stream.

For the longest time the advise from doctors was to cut sugars and flours and increase natural fats in the diet. This change would would reverse the condition in many. Today cutting the sugars is rarely mentioned and often downplayed and patients are told to reduce fat intake and make sure they are getting plenty of healthy whole grains. If the body can no longer produce enough insulin then insulin injections are now required.

Think about that for a second, if insulin creation by the body results as a product of dealing with excess glucose from sugars and grains then why would we ask people to eat more of it? Why would we not make an attempt to lower the sugars in the blood stream to a level that current insulin product CAN handle and remove the root condition that is taxing the body?

Following the low fat high whole grain advice in my opinion will ensure you get diabetes, not prevent it or reverse it in anyway. The excuse for this ignorance is to blame bad genetics. Even if your genetics make you more susceptible to insulin resistance, you still share 99.999% with the rest of humanity. Either way you can still eat within you genetic limits and reverse or stop the progression. This option sound far more appealing then life-long injections and slow painful nerve and circulation damage anyways.

The Insulin Resistance Cycle

The Insulin Resistance Cycle is viscous
The Insulin Resistance Cycle is viscous | Source

Path to healing

Hopefully by now you are staring to see that our diet today not not aligned for optimal health as humans. We place a certain amount of blind trust in a medical systems that has lost sight of the simple connection that food is root issue behind this awful condition. We as a species have moved so far away from our intended natural diet that our pre-programmed chemical responses to food can no longer keep us healthy. In order to overcome we must change how we think about food, and strive to better understand how our bodies truly intend to use it. It is fuel, nothing more, nothing less.

Getting started on the path to healing will involve turning your back on the foods that got you here. That starts with Sugar and processed grains. You need to see them for what they are, Toxic. Continuing to eat them will only continue the slow progression to the more debilitating side of Diabetes. People have a hard time processing this and often the thought of giving up sugar and baked good seems too hard. There is an addictive quality to sugar and processed grains that sets such deep hooks that people can't imagine life without them. The truth is that in a week or two those cravings go away. The need to snack goes away.

Depending on how severe your Diabetes, you will want to proceed slowly and carefully. I would recommend simply tracking how many grams of Sugar and Carbohydrates you actually consume a day. Reduce Slowly and monitor your blood sugar, was the effect positive? How does this change my insulin dose requirements. You don't want to get that part wrong, and this will over time cause a need to reduce the dosage.

Start making a slow progression away from baked or boxed foods to more vegetables. Again keep an eye on your post meal blood sugars and insulin dosage needs. Start offsetting with healthy fats (Animal, Olive Oil, Coconut oils) and start avoiding Canola and Soy based oils.

The goal is to slowly work into a mild state of Ketosis (Not Ketoacidosis). Where your body is running more on fats as a primary fuel and not sugars. This is goinf to vary slightly for every individual, but is usually staying under 80g of carbohydrate and sugar a day for an extended period of time. This removes the taxation from your system and allows you body a chance to rest and recover, as well as accessing long term fat storage for fuel. The longer you can stay in this state, the more healing you allow you body to do.

Now there is no way I spell everything out in one online article. My intent was to give you something to think over, and some research points to investigate on your own. I hope that you have found enough contained here to start a quest for further information. A good next step would be to read "The Paleo Solution" by Robb Wolf. Robb does a fantastic job of explaining the insulin response and how and when things go wrong.

What were you told?

What reasons were you told caused your diabetes?

See results

This talk is about type 1, but good relative information

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