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Yoga Poses for College Students

Updated on September 25, 2019
adamlee909 profile image

I gain all this experience by going to yoga class. I wish to become a certified yoga trainer one day.


Doing yoga is really important for college students, why?

Because they have to be energetic and have a peaceful mind to fight with all the tasks they face the whole day.

That is why yoga will help them to achieve both things and yoga is not much time consuming as compare to other workouts.

It means they don’t have to put their too much time in yoga and if you do yoga just for a short period of time every day, you won't have to worry about your health.

So in this article, I will share some yoga poses for college students which will make their body and mind strong and peaceful.

Don’t worry whether you are a beginner or an intermediate I have mentioned poses for both levels.

One more thing by beginner I mean person who is doing yoga for at least 1-2 months and by an intermediate I mean person who is doing yoga for 8-10 months.

Remember to warm-up your body properly before doing these yoga poses and also read precautions which are mentioned with every yoga pose.

Top 5 beginner-level yoga poses for college students

In it, I will share the top 5 poses for students who are a beginner and doing yoga for 1-2 months.

1. Downward facing dog pose

On the first pose is downward facing dog when you perform this pose it gives a good stretch to your back, neck, shoulder, and legs.

This pose almost works on every muscle of your body, which makes it very important to do. It also calms your mind because when you perform it, it increases blood flow to your mind.

Step to perform this pose:-

  1. To start this yoga pose, you need to get down on your hands and feet like a dog.

  2. After that take your both hands forward a bit.

  3. Now tuck your toes and lift your butt up and back.

  4. If you can straighten your legs in that position then do it.

  5. Then press your fingers and palm in the ground or floor.

  6. Turn your both shoulders outwards and contract your thigh muscle.


People who have knee or ankle injury, back or wrist injury must not perform this pose.

2. Bridge pose

On this list, the second pose is bridge pose and in Sanskrit, we call It Setu Bandha Sarvangasana.

This pose is great for you because it gives a fine stretch to your lower back also your hamstrings, hips and middle back but specifically it works on your lower back and your lumbar bone.

This lumbar bone area starts paining when you sit a lot as a student during your classes.

Step to perform this pose:-

  1. Start by lying flat on your back.

  2. Now bend your knees and keep your feet and knees in a straight line.

  3. Put your arms beside your body and your palms facing downward.

  4. Slowly lift your back with the help of your thighs. Make sure your chin should touch your chest without moving your chin.

  5. Press your hands against the ground and try to lift your back a bit higher.

  6. Hold your body in this position for 40-50 seconds. Breathe normally.

  7. The release slowly and come back to normal position.


This pose must not be performed by people who have a neck injury, back injury or pain, knee, shoulder injury.

3. Tree pose

The next pose is tree pose which helps you to balance your body by balancing your mind.

What I actually mean is when you perform this pose and your mind is not stable you won’t be able to make this pose.

This pose teaches us how to stable your mind and how to be in the moment because as a student we think a lot of things every time and get worried about the future which decreases our performing level.

Step to perform this pose:-

  1. It starts from the standing position.

  2. Then makes a prayer pose with your hands.

  3. After that band your one leg and put it on your inner thigh ( below your knee), Straight your spine.

  4. Now hold it for 8-10 breathe then release it.


People who have high or low blood pressure, vertigo, knee or ankle pain, insomnia must not perform this pose.

4. Child pose

This pose is also known as Balasana in Sanskrit and it is consists of two Sanskrit words i.e. Bala means child and asana means pose.

There is a reason why we call this pose a child pose because when see it looks like a child doing some activity.

It gives you deep relaxation and strengthens the whole body. This pose also massages your abdominal muscles and organs, adrenal glands and kidney.

Step to perform this pose:-

  1. kneel down on the floor as such you are resting on your heels.

  2. Exhale and start bending forward slowly, place your torso between your thighs.

  3. Keep your forehead flat on the floor and your hands resting forward in a straight line of your knees.

  4. Feel the gravitational pull and feel the stretch on your tailbone.

  5. Breathe normally and hold your body in this position for 30 seconds and then release slowly.


This pose must not be performed by women who are pregnant, people who have knee or back or ankle injury, and who has diarrhea problem.

5. Corpse pose

So the final pose on the list of the beginner is corpse pose, this pose also includes meditation and it gives relaxation to all the muscles after a whole yoga session.

I would recommend you to feel this pose properly by using breath count, I mean count 5 when inhaling and count 6 when exhaling, hold for 2 seconds.

It provides your whole body to consume the advantage of the yoga practice, and relax your body and mind.

Step to perform this pose:-

  1. Lay down on your back, and now slightly separated your legs released to the side.

  2. After that flop your arms at the sides with the palms facing up, close your eye.

  3. Now put your whole focus on relaxing each part of your body.


This pose doesn't contain any serious precautions, you just need to make sure that you are doing this pose in a silent atmosphere to get more benefits.

Top 4 Intermediate level yoga poses for college student

Now, these top 5 poses are for people who are doing yoga for 8-12 months, I don’t recommend these poses for beginners. But even if you try these poses you may injure yourself.

1. Boat pose

This yoga pose is one of the most effective poses that will guarantee helps you to improve your core strength and stability. When holding this pose for a minute it helps you in engaging the abs muscles.

This is also one of my favorite yoga poses for core strength and body stability.

When done in a boat-like action, it helps you in toning your abdominal muscles. One more thing if it looks hard you can perform it by tucking your knees.

Steps to perform this pose:-

  1. In the beginning, you need to lie down on the floor or mat in the supine posture, your legs stretched out, toes facing toward the sky or ceiling, and your palms leaning on the side of your body facing the ground.

  2. Inhale strongly but when you exhale, lift your chest, legs, and head from the ground.

  3. Now pull out your hands so that they can make a parallel position with the legs.

  4. Your toes and fingers should be in the same line. Gaze towards the toes.

  5. When you keep this position, you should feel your abs muscles engaging, if they are not engaged you are doing something wrong.

  6. Inhaling regularly, now keep the posture for 25 to 45 seconds in the beginning, but as you progress you can increase the time.

  7. Breathe, and then exhaling strongly, now slowly rest and get back to the supine position.

  8. Repeat this asana five times.


People who have a lower back injury, hip-related problems, core related problems, diarrhea must not perform this pose and also women who are pregnant should avoid this pose.

2. Bow pose

Dhanurasana consists of two Sanskrit words i.e."Dhanur" means bow and asana meaning pose.

This pose will help you to get rid of your lower back pain which can be created by sitting too much in the classrooms.

This pose also helps you to increase your flexibility level.

Step to perform this pose:-

  1. Lie flat on your stomach and put arms beside your body. Keep your legs 2 feet apart from each other.

  2. Now fold your knees and hold your ankle joints.

  3. Inhale deeply and raise your chest and legs.

  4. Keep breathing normally and keep a gentle smile on your face.

  5. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then release it.


This pose should not be performed by people who have a high blood pressure problem, hernia, migraine, neck or back injury, abdominal ulcer.

3. Forward bend pose

This pose is known as Hastapadasana in Sanskrit and it is consists of three Sanskrit words i.e. hasta, pada, and asana. Here hasta means hand, pada means legs and asana means pose.

Doing forward bend pose can increase your spine flexibility level and it also helps you to store energy for your entire day tasks.

Step to perform this pose:-

  1. Stand straight with your feet together and your arms alongside your body.

  2. Breathe deeply and take your arms over your head.

  3. Now exhale slowly and start bending downward, try to place your arms next to your feet if you are not flexible enough then do it according to your body.

  4. Breathe normally and hold your body in this position for five to six seconds.

  5. After this come back to the normal position by inhaling.

These yoga asanas can give you a better result if first of all you yourself find the cause of your problem. Every time our inner strengths also help us to fight with mental conditions.


People who have back, neck, shoulder or knee injury should also avoid this asana.

4. Shoulder stand pose

This pose is my personal favorite because it works on many muscles at the same time such as your shoulders, abdominal area, elbows, neck, etc.

You can say it a compound exercise of yoga. This pose will increase your strength as well as it will also increase your mind power by flowing blood and oxygen to your brain more than normal.

Step to perform this pose:-

  1. Lie down on your back relaxing and slowly start focusing on the lower part of your body.

  2. Now slowly raise your legs upward at 45° and hold it for one second then slowly raise your legs at 90°.

  3. Raise your legs, abdomen, and chest to form a straight line.

  4. Place palms on your back to support the back and place your chin against the chest.

  5. Now focus on your breathing and count for 30 seconds.

  6. After 30 seconds remove your palms and slowly bring back your body to the normal position.

After doing this asana you should relax your muscles by doing the Shavasana for 10 seconds.


It should not be done by the patient of high blood pressure or can be done under supervision. You can avoid it if you are suffering from spine and neck problems and serious eye problems.


Do these yoga poses on a daily basis just for 30-45 minutes to consume maximum results of yoga, because when do yoga it helps your mind to become calm and do the work without any stress.

Because as students we have a lot of stress and the most stressful time is examination time so you can practice these yoga poses to give you 110% in exams.


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