My article has been moderated for duplicate content; what does that mean?
Duplicate content is not allowed on HubPages. Your article may also be moderated for duplicate content in cases where we determine there is substantial similarity to another work. This includes close paraphrasing, among other forms of misappropriation.
An article labeled as having duplicate content may have:
- Text that appears in whole or large part on another site. Even if you wrote the text or retain the copyright, you may not republish it on HubPages. When content is present on multiple sites, search engines devalue the content that has a later publication date. Thus, if you have already published content on another site and republish it on HubPages, your article and possibly the entire site will be penalized by search engines.
- Text that already appears in whole or large part on HubPages. Copying or paraphrasing another's article or one of your own, is not permitted on HubPages. Truly original content is always required.
- Cutting and pasting content, even from a variety of sites is prohibited. Articles need to be written in your own words, just like academic works.
- Substantial similarity to another work